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Taking Submissions: Caped
August 31, 2015
Deadline: August 31, 2015
Payment: $0.01 per word, rounded up to nearest $5.00 US
Local Hero Press is pleased to announce we are now accepting submissions for an anthology of original superhero fiction short stories, called Caped. Here is what we’re seeking:
- Original superhero fiction stories that get into more depth about being a superhero than basic secret origin tales or superhero-versus-supervillain. Who are these people who have strange and wonderful powers and choose to use them for great justice? What makes them tick? Your characters should be original creations. We cannot consider work utilizing licensed characters.
- Genre: Superhero
- Style: Open to all/most styles
- Subjects: Open to all/most subjects
- Length: Up to 5000 words
- Payment: $0.01 per word, rounded up to nearest $5.00 USD, paid via PayPal upon final acceptance of the contract by all parties.
- Type of submissions accepted: Electronic only, see below for precise requirements
- Reprints? No
- Multiple Submissions? No
- Simultaneous Submissions? Yes
- Submissions close: August 31, 2015. This may be extended if required.
- Response time: 4 weeks or sooner.
- Publication date: December 1, 2015 or later if submissions period is extended.
Potential Authors:
You are submitting your work to Local Hero Press for publication in ebook and print format. We request exclusive worldwide rights for a period of six months from date of publication, followed by non-exclusive worldwide rights for a period of five years that renews every year afterward automatically unless cancelled by you or Local Hero Press. We will make no major alterations to your work, although we reserve the right to make minor copy-editing changes, subject to your approval prior to publication. If we determine we want to publish your work, a conditional offer will be made and you will receive a contract.
Submission Requirements:
Failure to follow these requirements pretty much guarantees we will reject your work. Email your submission as an attached .doc, .rtf, or .odt (our preferred format) to [email protected]. Put in the subject line: CAPED Submission: (Story Title) by (Your Name). Give us a short summary of your story in the email body (no more than two or three sentences), and a short summary of who you are (previous publishing credits, etc.). Include your word count in the email.
Your manuscript should follow standard formatting protocol. We prefer Times New Roman and hate Papyrus. Please ensure your story is free from typos, spelling and grammatical errors. If you have questions, contact us at [email protected].
Good luck and we’re looking forward to seeing what you have for us!
Via: Local Hero Press.