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August 1, 2013
Deadline: August 1st 2013
Payment: $20
Our second new anthology is a book that originally started as a quick turnaround passion project for Kevin Strange. Well, after sitting on it for the better part of the year, Strange has decided to turn it into a full fledged anthology set for release on November 1st 2013! A VERY STRANGEHOUSE CHRISTMAS is a dark, twisted, bizarre vision of Strange’s favorite holiday. Write a story about a savage viking Santa Clause, write about the murderous rampage of Frosty the Snow man or ghastly child eating elves from the north pole. Make it dark, make it scary, and by all means make it STRANGE!
-5,000 to 8,000 words.
-.doc format ONLY! That means ONLY!
-double spaced.
-emailed as attachement to StrangeHouseSubmissions (At) Gmail.com.
-In the body of the email, please put your contact information.
-The subject of the email should read: submission title-your name-story title-word count.
-NO TABS! Use your word processor’s paragraph settings to create paragraphs
-No simultaneous submissions. That doesn’t mean submit it to 3 or 4 places and tap your foot while you impatiently wait for our response and then send us a really apologetic email when your story gets picked up by another publisher. it means NO simultaneous submissions. Sometimes we work slow, sometimes it takes 30-60 days AFTER the deadline for us to choose ALL of the stories for our anthologies. Just because you haven’t heard back from us yet, doesn’t mean we haven’t already selected your story for the book. Telling us it got picked up by someone else first does not a happy publisher make. Are we clear on that one? Good.
Deadline is August 1st 2013. Payment is 20 dollars flat and one contributor copy of the anthology.
Good luck, gang! Give us your STRANGEST!
[via: StrangeHouse Books]
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Stuart Conover is a father, husband, published author, blogger, geek, entrepreneur, horror fanatic, and runs a few websites including Horror Tree!