Author: J. Scott Coatsworth

The Gauntlet Runner Blog Tour – Real AI

Real AI

J. Scott Coatsworth


With all the talk of Generative AI these days – ChatGPT, MidJourney and the like, I think we lose sight of what “real” artificial intelligence is.


Generative AI really isn’t intelligence at all, or at least not yet – some people think it could be a springboard for true intelligence at some point. But for now, it’s just an advanced version of the thing that powers your phone’s text predictor – that thing that shows the next word(s) it thinks you might be about to type based on what you’ve already typed so far.


Sneak Peak at Clarity’s Flash Fiction Goodness

Sneak Peak at Clarity’s Flash Fiction Goodness


This year marks our ninth annual flash fiction contest at and our eight annual anthology, Clarity.


I thought it would be fun to share a few of the more intriguing story intros to give you a taste of what you’re in for when you read this book!


So enjoy: