Tagged: How To

Guest Post: How I write quiet horror

How I write quiet horror

By: Die Booth


As an author I’m absolutely delighted that the term ‘quiet horror’ is recently gaining a bit of traction in the writing world. I’ve struggled for years to come up with the right, understood, term for the stories I pen that manage to straddle the horror and ‘literary’ genres in a way that is sometimes a nightmare to market or even describe. So here are my tips on how to write quiet horror.


Guest Post: 8 ways I name my characters

8 ways I name my characters

By: Die Booth


If you’re anything like me, naming the characters in your stories can sometimes get a little challenging. I’ve been writing for a long time now and as the short stories and flash fictions rack up, things can get a little, well, repetitive. So here are a few tricks that I use to come up with an endless supply of individual character names.

