Taking Submissions: Short Story Substack November 2022 Window (Early Listing)
Submission Window: November 1st-30th, 2022 Payment: $100 for the chosen story + 50% of subscription revenue Theme: Any genre, short story Mission = Revive the art of the short story, support artists, and produce something wonderful. Payout = Base Pay of $100 for the chosen story + 50% of subscription revenue to be sent by Paypal, Zelle, or check. Wait, you mean if this substack gets thousands of subscribers, the winner would get thousands of dollars? Yes! The New Yorker pays roughly $7,500 per story and I sincerely hope to go way past that. What does the timeline look like? Submit stories by the end of the month, winner to be announced on the 15th. There is ONE story that wins and receives the full payout. Where do I send submissions? [email protected] What are the rules for submitting? 1. No Fees 2. Send in Microsoft Word or Google Doc form 3. Any genre 4. 6- 10,000 words. Yes, just 6 words, like Hemingway's famous 6-word story "For Sale: Baby shoes, never worn." 5. Reprints are ok so long as you still have the rights to distribute. 6. Acknowledge Distribution Rights on this Substack - You can still sell your story elsewhere but we need to be able to save and publish it here. The goal is to create a library for subscribers. 7. Only the winner will be published and rights will only transfer for the winning story. What do I get for subscribing? One beautiful story every month. The complete library. The joy of supporting artists and doing something interesting. What if I can’t pay right now? That’s ok! If you publish a blurb about this site on your website, blog, or social media, I will send you one full story of your choosing. Best of all, it is on the...
Taking Submissions: Tomorrow’s Hope
Deadline: December 1st, 2022 Payment: Royalties Theme: Near Future Hard Science Fiction. Mankind’s expansion into the universe sometimes comes at great costs. Riddled with hardships in our exploration of the unknown, our humanity shines through, even in the deepest of darkness. Join us in this anthology of exploration and hope. Genre: Near Future Hard Science Fiction. Word Count: 7,000-10,000 Due date: December 1, 2022 Edited by: Bart Kemper & William Joseph Roberts Opening by: Arlan Andrews Tech Essay: Les Johnson Anchor author: Malorie Cooper Payment: Stories selected for publication in the upcoming Anthology(ies), will receive a percentage of sales divided equally between the contributing authors. Email submissions to: threeravenspublishing @ gmail dot com with “Tomorrow’s Hope” in the subject line Please follow the Three Ravens submission guidelines that can be found here Via: Three Ravens Publishing.
Taking Submissions: The Other Stories #88: Tunnels
The Other StoriesDeadline: December 1st, 2022 Payment: 15GBP Theme: Tunnels If you think you’ve got what it takes to terrify, scar and haunt our audience of 150k+ monthly listeners, then we want your stories! If accepted, we’ll get our fantastic narration team to lend their voices, our editor will sprinkle some magic pixie dust on the track, and you could have your story heard by thousands of listeners each week. (Vol 88.) Tunnels; deadline 1st December 2022 SUBMIT YOUR STORIES USING THIS FORM If this form isn’t working, please email your submission to [email protected] as a last resort. Title your email with the following syntax: “SUBMISSION | STORY TITLE | THEME | WORDCOUNT” (e.g. SUBMISSION | THE MARTIAN | SPACE | 1,982) Submission Guidelines • Stories must be 2,000 (10% tolerance +/-) • Save stories in a Word document - Times New Roman font, size 12 • Include a 1-2 sentence log line for your story at the end of the document • Ensure that your name and an email address are somewhere on the document • Stories must fit an upcoming theme • By submitting your story to us, you are confirming that you are the original creator of the story • We will consider entrants whose work has been entered and published elsewhere, however please ensure you state where and when your story has been used elsewhere on the document • You will be allowed to place one call-to-action for your own work at the end of the episode. Be sure to include this at the end of your document, underneath the log line • Payment per accepted story is 15GBP • 2x entries per theme permitted When will I hear if my story has been accepted or not? We carefully review every single submission that comes through our door. If you’ve...
Taking Submissions: Tumbled Tales 1: Stories that Upend Genre Conventions
Deadline: December 1st, 2022 Payment: $25 Theme: Cross-Genre stories We’re looking for genre authors who cross boundaries. Authors whose stories twist the tropes to showcase in a cross-genre anthology of stories that entertain, but read fresh and new. Send us the story that you can’t classify: a story that can’t be pigeon-holed into a single subgenre, or that pushes against your genre’s boundaries. We want to showcase authors who write uncommon fiction. For example: Witches in space, Romances that flip gender roles, Alternate histories set in the near-future, Medical thrillers set in the distant past, Fairy tales that start after the ‘happily ever after,’ Something cool and exciting that we haven’t imagined! Do not submit previously published work, but you may submit a story you are also submitting to other publishers. As a courtesy, we ask that you promptly notify us if you need to withdraw your story from consideration. Key Details Publication: June 2023 Submission Deadline: December 1, 2022 (Rolling Acceptances) Payment: $25 per accepted story Length: 1,000 – 10,000 words Guidelines Email your story in Word format (double-spaced, 1-in. margins, 12pt. Times New Roman font, header with page numbers and story title) to: [email protected]. On your cover page, please identify the story title, author, contact email, word count, genre(s), and a brief (under 200 words) statement of why you think your story fits the anthology’s theme. If applicable, include a list of any published or forthcoming novels/stories related to your submission. This anthology will be marketed to readers looking to discover new authors, so preference will be given to emerging authors who have published (or will be publishing) related works. Via: Wandering Wave Press.
Taking Submissions: Contrary Winter 2022 Issue
Deadline: December 1st, 2022 Payment: $20 Theme: We ask our fiction writers to imagine their readers navigating a story with one finger poised over a mouse button. Can your story stay that finger to the end? The first problem is the “Contrary” above the content. Why is it called Contrary, you might ask, when some of its content isn’t? We have a contemplation to confront this contradiction: we insist that all of our content is contrary. And, we insist, so is all of yours. Doesn’t it seem possible that all content is contrary, that there is no for, there is only against? Why else does the word contrary, so openly against something, have no antonym? What opposes contrary? Nothing. That which opposes contrary, by opposing, becomes contrary. Besides, we tend to think contrarily, and we hope our magazine expresses contrarities that otherwise might go unexpressed: writings and images that confront entities, voids, and the edges of their own categories. As for that poetic nothing, the “Journal of Unpopular Discontent,” we conceal our dreams in the double negative, hoping to become a journal of popular content. (Spring 2003) “Turning words into art is unnatural. It begins with a contrary attitude. It says, I am unhappy with the way things are and desire to make things different. Rather than represent the world, I will make something wildly and savagely new. I will defy logic. I will invest in new perceptions. I will combine and recombine and fabricate and juggle until something that I have never experienced is experienced. The process is alchemical. The process is violent. It goes to the heart of creativity. It disrupts and shatters. It is splendid with provocation. It is an aggression against banality. It is sharp and loud like a janitor scraping frost from a window. The hectic bounce...
Interstellar Flight Magazine Will Be Open For Horror Novellas!
Submission Window: October 1st, 2022 - December 1st, 2022 Payment: Royalties, the possibility of an advance Theme: Horror Note: The amazingly talented Lee Murray is the guest editor for this call! Interstellar Flight Press is seeking submissions of Horror Novellas in the speculative genres. For this call, we are also open to translations. Books from this call will be slotted for 2023–2026 publication dates. This call will be open 10/1/22–12/1/22. Our guest editor for this call is Lee Murray. From Aotearoa- New Zealand, USA Today bestselling author, Lee Murray, is a writer, editor, poet, and screenwriter, and winner of the Bram Stoker, Shirley Jackson, Australian Shadows, and Sir Julius Vogel Awards. Her fiction titles include the Taine McKenna adventure trilogy, The Path of Ra (with Dan Rabarts), and debut collection Grotesque: Monster Stories. Lit Reactor’s Editor of the Year for 2021, Lee has edited 18 volumes of speculative fiction, including the acclaimed Black Cranes: Tales of Unquiet Women (with Geneve Flynn). She’s a Grimshaw-Sargeson and NZSA literary fellow, and a former HWA Mentor of the Year. Her first poetry collection, Tortured Willows, a collaboration with Angela Yuriko Smith, Christina Sng and Geneve Flynn, released in October 2021. Read more at https://www.leemurray.info/. We are looking for: Novellas 17,500–40,000. (This is a hard word count limit. We will accept manuscripts within 5,000 words of this, but note that authors may be asked to revise to within these word counts.) Horror genre including but not limited to: Science Fiction Horror, Fantasy Horror, Supernatural, Weird Horror, Mystery/thrillers with horror elements. Hybrids or difficult to categorize works are welcome. Give us your slashers, zombies, witches, vampires, monsters, demons, devils, horror comedies, psychological thrillers, body horror, crime noir, creature features, aliens, ghosts, haunted houses, creepy carnivals, serial killers, possessed children, shapeshifters, disasters, and viruses. Translations: We accept translations from authors or translators working on behalf of...
Taking Submissions: Empire of Beasts
Deadline: December 1st, 2022 Payment: $40 Theme: Stories about entirely new societies and cultures populated by anthropomorphized creatures The prompt: Lost Boys is looking for 8-10 stories about entirely new societies and cultures populated by anthropomorphized creatures. This is your time to be utterly creative! What do you think, say, a society of cats would look like if they could walk and talk as humans do? What would their religion be? What would their world look like? What societal standards would they have? What would their homes be made of? Their favorite foods? You don’t have to use cats, you are free to use any creature you wish! Parameters: Every genre qualifies. No rape, gore, incest, or child abuse. Must be at least 3k but no more than 9k. Submissions must be in Times New Roman, 12pt. No headers, please. List your story’s title and your author name at the top of the document, along with your email address - you don’t have to include your postal address! Submissions open on September 1st, 2022 and will close on December 1st, 2022. We encourage gender fluidity, gender-bending, LGBTQIA+ retellings, and whatever else feels appropriate to YOU for the story you want to tell. Submissions can be sent to [email protected] with the subject line: “Empire of Beasts Submission” Submissions may be sent in the body of the email or via attachment. The choice is yours. PLEASE, pay attention to the guidelines, as any submission not adhering to them will be automatically disqualified. Accepted authors will receive $40 (30 days after publication date) and one free digital copy of the completed anthology. Via: Lost Boys Press.
Taking Submissions: Book Worms #1
Deadline: December 1st, 2022 Payment: 8 cents per word Theme: All forms of horror Book Worms is a new mail order only zine launching in 2023 (6 issues planned). Deadline is December 1, 2022 Seeking original short fiction 500 – 3000 words. Payment is .08 per word. No reprints, exclusive rights for one year from publication. Simultaneous submissions okay. English language only. No multiple submissions. Open to all HORROR sub-genres. No romance or erotica. Create something new and cool! Be brave! Only properly formatted stories will be considered. Submit your story as an email attachment labeled like this LASTNAME_STORYTITLE along with a brief cover letter using the subject line Book Worms Submission to [email protected] I’m also looking for original artwork, so if you’re interested, send me a brief email along with a link to your portfolio or samples. Payment varies. *Tip: Be really old school and mail your submission to: La Regina Studio/Grundy Commons/925 Canal Street/Bristol, PA 19007 Via: R. Saint Claire.
Taking Submissions: We’re Infested!
Deadline: December 1st, 2022 Payment: Royalties Theme: Vermin "We're Infested!" Vermin, birds, bugs, and everything in between or adjacent. Maybe there's one too many, maybe there's an army too many, but these aren't stories about finding them in the wild. It's about them coming to you, scratching at your door, disrupting your peace, and obliterating your comfort zone. Death by a thousand bites. Or just one big one. The deadline is December 1st. Payment is royalties upon a negotiable contract. 1k to 6k words. No reprints. Simultaneous submissions are acceptable if they alert me of an acceptance ASAP. They can send submissions to this email address: [email protected] Please submit in Times New Roman, 12 pt font, in the form of a Microsoft Word document. Coming from Raven Tale Publishing.
Taking Submissions: Cosmic Roots And Eldritch Shores December 2022 (Early Listing)
Submission Window: December 1st-2nd, 2022 Payment: 8 cents per word for original, 2 cents for reprints, For artwork: $10 for the non-exclusive right to use each image, for as long as the site is online. If we publish a print collection we will pay a pro-rata share for each image used. Theme: Well written original work in science fiction, fantasy, myth, legend, fairy tales, and eldritch, in written, podcast, video, and/or graphic story form, and from around the world. Note: Reprints welcome Submissions Schedule We have a new submissions schedule as of June 1, 2020: The first and second day of every month, 12 am of the 1st to 12 am of the 3rd, E.S.T. Only one submission per person. For reading impaired individuals, our submissions manager and ‘forget password’ have a captcha compatible with screen readers. We pay 8¢ per word for new fiction, 2¢ per word for fiction reprints, 2 – 6¢ per word for new fact-based work, 1- 4¢ per word for reprinted fact articles. For new poetry, we pay $1 a line, reprints would be 50¢ a line, up to 40 lines. We’ll look at longer poems but that would be a hard sell, and words over 40 lines would be paid at 6¢ per word. We began The Kepler Award to recognize and encourage writers of excellent science fiction and fantasy stories that creatively extrapolate on known science in constructive and exciting ways. You can learn about The Kepler Award here. You can read a copy of our standard contract here. It can be varied as needed to include the rights of translators, voice actors, etc. Writers Guidelines We accept new work as well as reprints, prose and poetry, anywhere from 1000 word flash fiction on up, but all else being equal, shorter pieces...