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Taking Submissions: Weird Legends
September 1, 2013
Deadline: September 1st 2013
Payment: Contributor’s Copy
Note: YA Market
The Repository of Imagination invite submissions for the anthology
Any work not adhering to the following guidelines will be rejected.
Open for submissions from May 1st 2013
Closing date September 1st 2013
With the publication of ‘Alien Legends’ the Repository of Imagination, the YA imprint of Greyhart Press, set up a website to encourage young writers. At http://www.ataleforatale.com 11 to 15 year olds can send in their own myths and legends, have them published on the site and receive an unpublished story in return.
To further encourage the fantasy and science fiction writers of the future the Repository is putting together an anthology of short stories and poems entitled ‘Weird Legends’. These can be in any speculative genre as long as they are suitable for
ages 11 and up… no sex, violence or anything truly horrific as these will be rejected.
We have no objection to previously published work as long as the author holds the rights.
All submissions must be all your own work.
Word Count: Max 10,000 words for shorts stories or 3 pages of double spaced for poetry. The stories in the previous book varied from a few lines up to stories divided up into sections due to length. I would like to do the same with this book so word count is just a guideline but we reserve the right to break up longer stories into ‘sections’ and distribute them throughout the book so that younger readers can read small sections at a time.
Your submission should be a word doc. or rtf and in a clear 12pt font (Times New Roman or Ariel preferred), double spaced and with margins on both sides of the page. Your name and title should be at the top of each page and pages should be clearly numbered.
Submissions should be sent to [email protected] in doc, docx, or rtf format.
Please put ‘Submission’ and the title of your work in the subject line of your email. In the body of the email put your name, contact details, word count and name of work.
Unfortunately, at this time, we don’t have the funds to pay for your work but likewise we aren’t going to charge you anything to send it in. As authors ourselves we know the majority of writers are neither in a position to pay nor do they want to. Authors will receive a free copy of the finished anthology both in e format and/or paperback.
Rights: We’re asking for non-exclusive worldwide print and eBook rights. Reprints are acceptable but if we are the first to publish your story then you can only subsequently market your story as a reprint, which will limit the number of magazines and anthologies that will accept it. By ‘reprint’ we mean your story has been published elsewhere either by another publisher, by you self-publishing the story as an eBook, or by you posting your story online.
If we accept your work a contract will be sent for your approval and acceptance of the terms laid out.
If we feel that the work could be improved by some editing then all changes will be discussed and agreed on with the author prior to changes being made.
All published authors will be allowed a short biography where they can mention their latest book/blog/short story etc.
Any queries should be directed to me, Gill Shutt, at the submissions address.