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Taking Submissions Unnamed Corpus Press Halloween Anthology!
March 30, 2018
Deadline: March 30th, 2018
Payment: $.03 per word and 2 contributor’s copies
Corpus Press is now accepting submissions for a new Halloween-themed horror anthology. Submissions will be accepted according to our publishing needs, regardless of author publication history or status. Submissions should appeal to a wide audience (late teen to adult).
What we are looking for:
- Not previously published short stories of 4,500-8,500 words that have a central theme associated with Halloween and can be characterized within the broad realm of “horror” fiction.
- Successful submissions will be highly original, well written and cleanly edited.
- Stories can be frightening, thought-provoking, atmospheric, humorous or satirical (or any combination thereof), but MUST contain a complete tale.
What we are NOT looking for:
- Stories that have been hastily retrofitted with a coating of “Halloween” references to fit the submission guidelines. These are easily spotted and will be immediately rejected.
- Stories that contain excessively explicit language, sexuality and violence, or that have a main goal of shocking the audience with poor taste (language, sexuality and violence is acceptable, however, if it is essential to the story and is handled in a tasteful manner). This IS NOT an “extreme horror” or “Splatterpunk” anthology.
- Abstract mood pieces, vignettes, and highly experimental approaches to literature are discouraged.
- Stories featuring exaggerated dialects, colloquialisms or excessive references to pop culture or current fads are discouraged.
- We will not be accepting epistolary fiction for this anthology.
Document Requirements: Submissions must be in an editable format. No PDFs or scanned documents sent as image files will be accepted. Preference is for author name, email address and word count information to be placed at the end of the document to assist in blind review process.
Submission window: October 29, 2017 – March 30, 2018. No multiple submissions. Simultaneous submissions are okay, but please disclose this in your submission. Notifications of acceptance / rejection will be sent no later than May 31, 2018.
Pay Rate: $.03 per word. Two (2) free contributor copies (paperback) will be provided, with contributors having the option to buy additional quantities at cost post-publication. Payment on publication.
Anthology target length: 300-350 pages. Title TBD.
Terms: Corpus Press maintains exclusive paperback, hardcover and eBook publishing rights from date of publication until November 2019, at which time full republication rights revert back to the author. Author retains all audiobook rights. Publisher retains future publishing rights to maintain the submitted work in print as part of the published anthology. Final contract required to be signed upon acceptance which may contain additional terms and conditions.
(Please note: the terms of these submissions guidelines are for reference only, are subject to change without notice and do not constitute any legal agreement or offer to contract by Corpus Press or any of its operators. By submitting your work to Corpus Press for consideration, submitters agree not to hold Corpus Press or any of its operators liable for any damages, perceived or real, arising from their submission.)
Via: Corpus Press.
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Stuart Conover is a father, husband, published author, blogger, geek, entrepreneur, horror fanatic, and runs a few websites including Horror Tree!