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Taking Submissions: Two-Page Terrors
March 31, 2020
Deadline: March 31st, 2020
Payment: $5
Theme: Serious horror and comedic/bizarre horror.
The online form at the bottom of this page is the sole method of submission and contracting for the upcoming Corpus Press publication Two-Page Terrors. Please read all information thoroughly. You will be signing a contract with Corpus Press by placing a submission.
Corpus Press is seeking original horror stories (no reprints) ranging in length from 400-550 words (approximate, see additional details regarding length below) for a 2020 publication titled Two-Page Terrors, which may evolve into an ongoing series. Submissions will be accepted until 11:59pm, March 31, 2020 (EST).
We are seeking stories of two types:
1) Serious horror
2) Comedic/bizarre horror
Please select which category your submission best falls under when completing the submission form below.
Individuals are permitted to make up to two submissions in total, but only one submission per category. Any additional submissions by a single individual will not be reviewed.
The story must fit onto no more than two full pages, regardless of overall word count, and not be shorter than a page and a half. Most stories ranging in length from 400-550 words will fit the length requirement easily, but significant dialogue will reduce the overall word count.
Story title and author name will be placed on a separate page, so do not factor those elements into the length.
To ensure your story meets length requirements prior to submission, we have provided this template for download:
LINK: Length Test Template – Two Page Terrors
Alternatively, you can test length by creating a document of your own using the following settings:
* 1-inch margins all around
* 14pt Palatino Linotype font
* Line spacing of 1.15
* Paragraph spacing: 0pt before, 10pt after
Please note: We are not seeking stories created with the sole intention of shocking or offending readers with explicit content. An element of horror must be present to be selected for publication in either category.
By submitting work via this form, Author agrees to be bound by the terms as stated below. Publisher is not bound by these terms unless notification of acceptance is sent to Author via email. These terms of submission will become the binding contract upon notification via email.
You (“Author”) are submitting a work for consideration as a short story (“the Work”) to be included in the anthology, Two-Page Terrors, by Corpus Press (“Publisher”).
In consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained, the parties agree as follows:
1. Grant
From time of execution of the Agreement through submission, Author grants to Publisher the sole and exclusive worldwide right to publish and sell the following English language editions:
* Printed Trade Paperback & Hardcover Edition;
* EBook Edition;
* Audiobook Edition (if produced)
Author reserves all rights in the Work not specifically granted to Publisher in this agreement.
Author agrees not to submit this work to any other publication for consideration until after notification of non-acceptance has been made (i.e., no simultaneous submissions). Submission gives Publisher full first right to accept Work provided, and submissions may not be rescinded once submitted.
2. Term of Agreement
The Agreement will begin on the date executed by both parties and will end on August 31, 2021.
3. Rights Upon Expiration of Agreement
Upon the expiration of this agreement, all rights revert to Author, with the exception of Publisher’s right to sell the work under the title Two-Page Terrors in eBook, paperback, hardcover and audiobook formats, and/or within future “Best of” or “Complete” Two Page Terrors anthologies produced by Corpus Press.
4. Payment
IF THE WORK IS ACCEPTED (VIA EMAIL NOTIFICATION), and in consideration of the Author’s grant of rights in Section 3 above, Author shall receive $5 USD per story accepted for publication. Payment shall be made via PayPal to the email address provided by Author on the form not later than thirty (30) days after initial publication, but may be made sooner at the discretion of the publisher.
5. Publication
Publisher agrees to publish and commence distribution of said Work within one (1) year of approval and acceptance of the Work. In the event the Publisher shall fail to publish and distribute the Work by said date, this agreement shall terminate forthwith, and all rights hereunder shall revert to the Author. However, this mandated publication date may be extended to any other date, and any number of such extensions may be made, upon mutual agreement between Publisher and Author.
6. Representations and Warranties
Author warrants and represents that this Work is original with Author, that Author is the sole author and proprietor of said Work with full power and right to enter into this agreement and to grant the rights hereby conveyed to the Publisher; that said Work contains no matter which is unlawful in its content, libelous, or infringes any right of privacy or copyright; that the Work contains no defamatory matter nor does it violate the rights of any third party; that the Work is not in the public domain; that Author has not heretofore and will not hereafter during the term of this agreement enter into any agreement or understanding which would conflict with the rights herein granted to Publisher. Author further warrants that the Work has never before been published, in part or in whole.
Author agrees to allow likeness and biography to be listed in the “Authors” section of the Corpus Press website and/or publisher social media pages at Publisher’s discretion.
Author agrees to help publicize the Work post-publication by promoting it on social media platforms (as applicable).
Author further agrees to indemnify Publisher for any claims concerning or arising out of a breach of any of Author’s representations or warranties or the content of the Work.
7. Changes in Text
Publisher reserves the right to make minor corrections of typographical or grammatical errors without Author’s consent. No other changes will be made without Author’s consent.
8. Signatures
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Author and Publisher have executed this agreement on the day and year of submission of Work, electronic signature accomplished by act of submission of Work.
Please direct all inquiries related to this publication to [email protected].
[The submission form is located in the link below.]
Via: Corpus Press.
- About the Author
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Stuart Conover is a father, husband, published author, blogger, geek, entrepreneur, horror fanatic, and runs a few websites including Horror Tree!