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Taking Submissions: The Number 50 Spring 2024 Window

July 1

Deadline: July 1st, 2024
Payment: 2 cents per word and a contributors copy
Theme: Poetry of any genre under 50 words in length
Note: Reprints welcome

Please send no more than five poems of no more than 50 words each. Many long poems are brilliant, but if they are more than 50 words (including title), send ’em elsewhere. We’re all about the number 50 here. Subject matter and theme are open to all possibiliies–except (and in a perfect world, this would not need to be said, but, alas . . .)–send nothing that advocates in favor of the ugly themes: racism, sexism, bigotry, hate speech of any sort, transphobia, antisemitism, Islamophobia, etc. No animal cruelty or gratuitous violence. If you have an anti-racist/anti-cruelty, etc., poem you want to submit, send it along. Please, no AI-generated material of any sort. Tasteful hints of erotica may be acceptable, but pornographic material is not for The Number Fifty. We’re not allergic to laughter and are happy to consider comic or humorous poems. If more poets and editors had a sense of humor, poetry might be more popular.

The only rights sought are one-time, non-exclusive rights to publish the poem on paper and online at The Number 50. Reprints are welcome as long as you own the rights. By submitting the poems, you assert that you own the rights to them. Simultaneous submissions are fine, but if you need to withdraw a submission, please do so promptly. Before publication, authors of accepted poems will be asked to affirm that they grant one-time rights for the poems to be published on paper in The Number 50 and on The Number 50 at thenumberfivezero.wordpress.com. Send submissions to thenumberfifty [at] aol.com. Standard submission package, please–no more than five poems, and brief cover letter with brief bio. Submitted poems must be copied into the body of the email–no attachments will be opened. One submission per reading period, please. Include postal-mail address to receive payment and paper contributor’s copy. Payment: two cents per word (minimum one US dollar per poem) plus contributor’s copy. Current deadline: 1 July 2024. We aim to respond within six weeks or less.

Via: The Number Five Zero.


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