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Taking Submissions: Space Opera Digest 2022: Have Ship, Will Travel
November 14, 2021
Deadline: November 14th, 2021
Payment: Royalties
Theme: Adventures among the stars
Edited by Tracy Cooper-Posey
Stories Rule Press (SRP) is now seeking submissions for Space Opera Digest 2021: Have Ship, Will Travel, the second anthology in this series. The anthology will be published on January 27, 2022.
Deadline: November 14, 2021
Length: 2,000 to 7,500 words
Payment: Revenue share
This is an anthology of short space opera stories.
Please note: We are severely limiting the number of military SF stories to be included in the anthology.
The theme is “adventures among the stars.” Please see the retail book description, below, for more on this.
The story should conform to space opera subgenre expectations, which generally provoke a sense of wonder. We are looking for a range of stories which explore the anthology theme from different angles.
The retail book description
This is the description that will appear on the back of the book, and on retail sites. (Please note: the actual number of stories to be included in the anthology is to be finalized during the reading period.)
========Retail Book Description============
Adventures among the stars need a ship to get you there.
Stories Rule Press presents Space Opera Digest 2022: Have Ship, Will Travel
Space Opera heroes and heroines explore the stars and discover cool new places in ships which range from beat-up rust-buckets to sleek technologically advance craft that are the envy of the galaxy. Space ships are quintessential for the adventures and challenges our favourite characters face.
Come and explore a dozen worlds of wonder and the ships our heroes fly with Stories Rule Press’ 2022 edition of Space Opera Digest.
Space Opera Digest 2022: Have Ship, Will Travel is the second volume in a quarterly collection of genre fiction anthologies presented by Stories Rule Press.
Space Opera Science Fiction Anthology
Stories Rule Press is a family-run micropress in Alberta, Canada, working as a cooperative to bring great story-tellers together and assist them with publication.
Editor Tracy Cooper-Posey is one of the original authors with Stories Rule Press. She writes across several fiction genres, including space opera under two different pen names, and grew up reading classic science fiction.
==========end of retail book description=============
Payment is by revenue share, via Draft2Digital. Authors will need to set up a Draft2Digital account if they don’t already have one. If your story is accepted, guidance will be provided in setting up your account, if you do not have one already.
We are asking for world first serial print rights, and ebook rights, with a six-month exclusive period. We are also asking for non-exclusive rights after the initial six-month period so the anthology can remain in print. After the first six months’ exclusive period, you are free to sell reprint rights or self-publish.
We are not accepting reprints. Your story must not have been published anywhere else, including websites and author newsletters.
Authors will be asked to sign a short contract with Stories Rule Press that outlines these rights and expectations. There are also legal and financial agreements required by Draft2Digital, when setting up an account there.
The success of revenue share projects lies in the authors’ cross-promotions to their readers and social networks. Authors will be provided marketing materials and suggestions for promotion.
The publisher will be promoting the anthology to SRP readers, via newsletters and social media.
Who Should Submit
We are looking for well-written stories from authors who have a track record in publishing science fiction—either via traditional markets or indie publishing—and can bring an active readership to the table. We will have one or two slots for less advanced authors, if their stories deserve the showcase.
Manuscript Format
Please use the William Shunn Modern Format for your manuscript. Details can be found here.
Manuscripts that do not follow these guidelines, which are difficult to read or would require an excess of time to format to the standard of the anthology, will be rejected.
How to Submit
Deadline for submissions is November 14, 2021.
We are accepting electronic submissions only. Please complete the form here, and upload your manuscript via the form.
Submissions sent after the close date which have not been previously discussed with SRP will not be considered or responded to.
We are not accepting simultaneous submissions or multiple submissions from the same author.
We will be reading all submissions and making offers by December 15, 2021 at the latest.
If you have any questions about the information in these guidelines, please contact the editor at Tracy at Stories Rule Press dot com. Do not use this email address to submit your manuscript—submit your story here.
Via: Stories Rule Press.