- This event has passed.
Taking Submissions: Songs
August 31, 2016
Deadline: August 31st, 2016
Payment: $50.00 and 2 paperback copies
We are currently accepting submissions for the 2017 Anthology.
Deadline extended! Submissions close at 11:59PM on AUG 31st!
2017 Anthology Theme: Songs
Have you ever listened to a song and wondered what the lyrics are really about? Perhaps you’ve imagined a story inspired by a song. We are looking for Speculative Fiction stories inspired by a song, in which:
- the lyrics and title of the song DO NOT appear in the story; and
- the story is NOT a literal translation of the song.
For example: If your inspiration song is “Tiptoe Through the Tulips,” do not use that title anywhere in the story and do not submit a story about a person tiptoeing through a flower garden. Our intent is to have a collection of stories that move beyond the obvious. Contributors will add an “author’s note” after their story that explains how the song inspired their story.
Story Length:
Your polished submission’s word count should be between 8,000 – 10,000 words.
- Published and unpublished authors are welcome.
- Middle grade or erotica stories will not be accepted.
- Submissions must be original, unpublished works. This means submissions may not have been previously published or accepted for publication elsewhere in any format including:
- self published or independently published
- published in other anthologies, magazines, e-zines, or websites
- Submissions must not be simultaneously submitted to other publications.
- Entrants may submit as many separate entries as they like, so long as they each meet the submission guidelines.
- Potential contributors must accept the Wicked Ink Books Anthology Publishing Agreement before their submissions will be eligible for publication.
- May 15, 2016: Submissions open.
- August 31, 2016: Submissions close at midnight.
- September 30, 2016: All selections will be finalized and all entrants will be notified via email.
- Spring 2017: Anthology Published.
Submissions Guidelines:
Submissions will be collected by a third party to ensure all personal information is removed from your submission. The submissions will be judged blindly, meaning your identity will not be shared with the judges until after selections are made. Please be sure to complete all three steps below:
STEP ONE: Prepare a Microsoft WORD file (.DOC). Name the file the title of your story. Format this file as per the formatting guidelines below. NOTE: Do not include your name anywhere on the manuscript, only in the online submission form.
STEP TWO: Complete the online Submission Information form here:
STEP THREE: Email your word file as an attachment to: [email protected]
Formatting Guidelines:
- Use a 12 point Times New Roman or Courier New font only.
- Double spaced.
- Margins should be 1” on top, bottom, right, and left.
- Include a header on each page showing only the story title/page number.
- DO NOT include your name anywhere in your manuscript.
- Your story should be no shorter than 8,000 words and no longer than 10,000 words in length.
- Include a brief 1-paragraph author’s note about the song you chose and how it inspired your story. (This is not counted as part of your word count.)
Rights and Compensation:
- Rights: Contributors grant Wicked Ink Books the exclusive right to publish the Work for a term of one year, beginning from the paperback release date. After which time, Wicked Ink Books has the ongoing right to publish the Work on a non-exclusive basis.
- Copyright: Contributor is the sole copyright owner of their Work. Wicked Ink Books is the sole copyright owner of the Anthology as a whole.
- Compensation: Contributors will receive US$50.00 upon contract execution and two (2) paperback copies of the anthology upon publication.
- Editing: Wicked Ink Books reserves the right to revise, edit, and rewrite, or to request that Contributor revise, edit and/or rewrite the Work, on deadlines and in accordance with style sheets, guidelines and comments by the Publisher.
- Publication, Distribution and Sale: Publisher will publish and distribute the Anthology at Publisher’s sole expense. Publisher plans to publish the Anthology in paperback and ebook formats.
Via: Wicked Ink Books.