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Taking Submissions: PUNK goes HORROR
August 31, 2024
Submission Window: August 1st – 25th for all authors with an extended window of August 26th – 31st for authors from from marginalized communities
Payment: 5 cents per word and a contributor’s copy
Theme: A punk/emo/rock song for inspiration, and which creatively channels that song’s ‘energy’ into a horror short story
A Mixtape of Musically Inspired Goth-Rock-Horror Bangers
Published by Truborn Press
Edited by William Sterling
This is an open submission call for a fiction anthology.
Open call submission window opens August 1, 2024-August 25th, 2024.
Extended submission window exclusively for writers from marginalized communities August 26th, 2024-August 31st, 2024.
The anthology will be a mix of solicited stories and stories selected from the open call submission period.
What are we looking for?
Short fiction, between 2000 to 4000 words (firm limit), which uses a punk/emo/rock song for inspiration, and which creatively channels that song’s ‘energy’ into a horror short story.
What kind of stories are we looking for?
This is going to be a horror-centric anthology. Punk (and Rock in general) can evoke skulls, ghosts, death, human monsters, love, loss, and rage all amongst burning wastelands galore, and we think that the right stories for this collection will find fun ways to reflect that aesthetic. Please understand that the term “Punk Rock” is being used loosely, just like it was in the POP goes PUNK album series (August Burns Red is “Punk?” Okay, then). We’re excited to see stories from all across the rock spectrum. Pop Rock is fine. Metal is fine. Emo, Hardcore, Glam Rock, Stadium Rock, have fun.
NOTE: The songs you choose should serve as inspiration only. One or two uses of direct lyrics are fine, but please use them sparingly.
We will only be selecting one story per band.
You should NOT write a story for the following bands, since Invited Authors have already claimed them: Green Day, Alkaline Trio, Dashboard Confessional, Type O Negative, or PJ Harvey.
This anthology is open to all writers, but we strongly encourage writers from the LGBTQIA+, BIPOC, and other marginalized communities to submit.
What are we NOT looking for?
Stories that deal with bigotry are fine, but bigoted stories are not.
Graphic rape or sexual assault scenes will not be accepted.
Erotic elements are fine, but keep in mind this is not a call for erotica, so make sure the focus is on the weird and strange.
How to submit:
Please email the best possible version of your story to the anthology’s editor: [email protected] with the subject line: PUNK SUBMISSION- STORY NAME- AUTHOR NAME during the submission window.
In the body of your email, please include a short author bio (1 paragraph) and a description of how your story connects to the song being referenced (1 more paragraph).
Include your story as an attachment- Word format (.docx), in something approximating standard manuscript format (double-spaced, 12pt, Times New Roman, with your contact information on the first page).
Life happens, and this cannot be fully guaranteed, but the goal for this project is to respond to all submissions before the end of October. If this goal becomes unfeasible, then extended timelines will be communicated through social media. IMPORTANT: This rate of turnaround will require us to respond, largely, through form rejections, which we hope that submitting authors can understand.
Pay, rights, etc.:
5¢ per word, paid via PayPal, along with a physical and an ebook contributor’s copy of the anthology.
Truborn Press will retain exclusive First Worldwide Publication, Print, and Electronic Rights for one year, and non-exclusive rights thereafter.
Simultaneous submissions are fine, but please let us know as quickly as possible if you intend to withdraw your submission.
Only one submission per author.
Please, no reprints.