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Taking Submissions: Mud Season Review
November 1, 2019
Deadline: November 1st, 2019
Payment: $50
We seek deeply human work that will teach us something about life, but also about the craft of writing or visual art; work that is original in its approach and that in some way moves us. Publishing and celebrating a diverse range of voices is important to us, so please include in your cover letter a brief bio (100-150 words) as you would like it to appear on our Contributors page. For more on what we are looking for in submissions, read an interview with our founding editor here.
We accept simultaneous submissions. However, please withdraw your work immediately should a piece you’ve submitted be accepted elsewhere. If you are withdrawing your entire submission, please log in to your Submittable account and click “withdraw.” If you are withdrawing only a part of your poetry or art submission, please add a note to your submission advising which piece(s) you are withdrawing. We strive to respond to all submissions within 2 months. You can track your submission with Duotrope.
We also offer a feedback request service, which features written feedback from a senior editor for a fee. Please submit under the appropriate category. Work submitted to this service is not considered for publication. Writers are welcome to submit to Mud Season Review during reading periods.
We do not accept mailed submissions, emailed submissions, multiple submissions, or anything that has previously appeared in print or online (including on your personal blog or website, artwork excepted). We accept flash fiction; please include two to three pieces in your submission. We do not accept translations at this time. If you have already been published in Mud Season Review, please refrain from submitting for one year after the date of the issue in which you were published. Please send submissions through Submittable only. Please use 12 pt font. For fiction and nonfiction, please double space.
We acquire First North American Serial Rights (FNASR) upon acceptance and retain exclusive rights to your accepted piece for 90 days after publication. After that, we will archive your piece online and may include it in one of our print editions. Should you choose to reprint the piece in the future, please mention that your piece was originally published in Mud Season Review.
We pay authors and featured artists $50 for their work. Artists whose images we select to pair with writing receive $15.
Our current reading period is open from October 1 – November 1, 2019.
*We may close the reading period early by genre if volume demands. We want to be sure to give your work the attention it deserves! Please keep this in mind as you consider submitting your work.