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Taking Submissions: Midnight Movie Creature Feature Vol 2
June 30, 2012
Deadline: June 30th, 2012
Payment: Exposure Only
A new anthology is opened. We are accepting submission for a new anthology Midnight Movie Creature Feature vol 2. You should probably read MMCF vol 1. We are looking for unique, quirky, b-movie esque, and even the truly terrifying. If it is something that the guys at MST3k would make fun of, then it is definitely the story for us. Deadline for this will be June 30th, 2012.
The story must be between 3000 and 10,000 words and should be emailed to [email protected] attached as a .doc (preferred) or .rtf Please send in your submissions using 12 font Times New Roman, single spaced, justified. No hard breaks between paragraphs (hitting return twice to break between paragraphs). Following paragraphs can be started on the next line. Scene breaks or changes in point of view need to be separated by a hard break, centered asterisks (* * *) and a hard break.
The title page should contain your contact info and word count.
[via: May December Publications.]
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Stuart Conover is a father, husband, published author, blogger, geek, entrepreneur, horror fanatic, and runs a few websites including Horror Tree!