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Taking Submissions: Koening zine – issue #1
September 13, 2021
Deadline: September 13th, 2021
Payment: $25 for those released in print, $15 for those released online
Theme: Swamp
Note: a zine by asian creatives
issue #1 theme
for our first issue, we’d like to invite you to join us in the SWAMP.
tell us what you find in the swamp. tell us what finds you. we’re interested in all sorts of swamps: living and dead; digital and physical; mental and spiritual; its ecosystem and its inhabitants. illustrate all the ways you can get lost in it. bring to us the ugly, the gore, the guts and the glory.
even though this is a themed issue, we encourage explorations of the subject from a range of perspectives. horror can take you by surprise in the comedic, get tangled into the romantic, ooze out of the dramatic and even comfort you in the tragic. drag us into the muddy depths of it all.
submissions open on friday, august 13 and close on monday, september 13.
please read the following guidelines before submitting:
we are open to asian creators only.
submissions open on friday, august 13 and close on monday, september 13. we are taking submissions for online and print. we are a paying market. we kindly ask contributors to select which edition they would like to submit to.
– print contributors will get $25 for their work; NOTE that the editors will be more selective as there are limited spaces.*
– online contributors will get $15.
title the email subject line and file with the issue name, genre of your work, print or online edition, & your name. (eg. swamp, poetry, online, lucy liu). if submitting in multiple genres, you can include them all in the title.
include all work in a single attachment (pdf or doc).
we are accepting:
1. 1-3 poems or micros
2. 1 fiction & creative non-fiction piece**
3. 1-2 flash fiction piece
4. 3-6 pieces of artwork
please attach all files in the email.
draft a brief cover letter to say hello to ren and jess. don’t worry if you don’t know what to say, we’d just like a few short sentences about why you’re interested in submitting to us (and anything else you’d like to share!)
include a brief bio of 3-5 sentences and a photo (optional).
send all submissions to: [email protected] by monday, september 13, 2021.
*the editors may offer to reassign your piece to fit our online edition, if applicable.
**2,000 words maximum for short stories and CNF.
Via: Koening Zine.
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Stuart Conover is a father, husband, published author, blogger, geek, entrepreneur, horror fanatic, and runs a few websites including Horror Tree!