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Taking Submissions: Infective INK: Flu season
December 28, 2015
Deadline: December 28th 2015
Payment: $10
Being sick sucks, and being the healthy one in a household of sickies is even worse, though being a paranoid germaphobe in flu season is unbearable
No real guidelines here, just get creative
InfectiveINk.com is interested in great fiction. Unless specified, we are open to all genres and styles, except erotica.
We offer $10 per Short Story, payable via PayPal. We do not currently pay for Short Story submissions under 1500 words, or for any Flash Fiction submissions, bragging rights however, are priceless. Remember, InfectiveINk.com is a prompt-driven publication. Be sure that the story you’re submitting corresponds to one of our prompts before sending your work.
Submissions should be sent to [email protected]
In the subject line please include the word ‘submission’, your last name, and the prompt you’re submitting for, e.g. Submission, Fitzgerald, Monsters.
The body of the email includes:
- Your name
- Your pen name, if you use one
- Your contact details (including the email address we would send your Paypal payment to if your story is 1500+ words)
- The word count
- An interesting bio that doesn’t simply list your publications
- Your submission
You are welcome to paste the submission in the body of the email, we also accept .doc, .docx, .txt, and .rtf attachments.Please replace any curly quotes with straight quotes, curly apostrophes with straight ones.
Double and triple check for grammar and spelling errors, watch your possessives, take care with there/their/they’re.
Write to the prompt and HAVE FUN! These aren’t the stories to devote months of intense effort toward. Let your creative juices flow freely (yeah, that sounded gross), and play fast and hard! Edit with a vengeance and submit.
Please read over our Author Agreement before submitting.
InfectiveINk.com is listed at Duotrope, don’t forget to track your submissions!
Questions? Need some help/guidance? Email us at [email protected]
Via: InfectiveINK.