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Taking Submissions: Harbinger Press Flash Fiction
July 1, 2019
Deadline: July 1st, 2019
Payment: $25
Harbinger Press will be accepting submissions for fantasy, sci-fi and horror flash fiction between May 1st and July 1st of 2019. Please read the open call guidelines below, and submit your manuscript to:[email protected] with the subject line “Re: Fall 2019 Flash Fiction”. We will be selecting 20 stories to be released from August-November 2019 on Flash Fiction Fridays.
Flash Fiction guidelines:
- Submissions should be no more than 1,000 words maximum.
- All themes are welcome but we do not accept purely erotic content for this call (romance themes are accepted).
- Any variety or combination of fantasy sci-fi or horror is welcome.
- Fiction taking place in established series worlds is acceptable, and can serve as an excellent marketing tool for your series, but submissions should be complete stories.
Payment for accepted fiction is $25. If accepted, Harbinger Press will hold the exclusive rights to the story for one (1) year from acceptance, after which you may publish or submit your story elsewhere with the understanding that it will remain published on the Harbinger Press website and in Harbinger Press flash fiction anthologies published during the exclusivity period indefinitely. Harbinger Press will proofread all accepted manuscripts, but stories should be thoroughly developed prior to submission for the greatest chances of acceptance.
All accepted fiction will be posted along with the author’s photo and short bio as well as requested links, which may include:
- Social Media links
- Amazon Author Page
- Your preferred published title with book cover thumbnail and short blurb/tagline, and buy link.
- Author Newsletter
- Author Website
Accepted submissions and author links will be posted on the Harbinger Press blog, sent to the Harbinger Press newsletter of over 3,000 subscribers, shared on all Harbinger Press social media channels, and may be included in themed flash fiction anthologies. Selections will be finalized on July 8th 2019, at which point we will notify you of acceptance, submit contract and payment, and request current information such as your preferred book link.
At the end of the calendar year, all accepted submissions will be eligible for nomination to the 2019 Harbinger Press Flash Fiction Best Of awards and a prize of $500. There is no entry fee for this contest.
This is your chance to showcase your writing and storytelling prowess to attract Harbinger Press readers. Harbinger Press will continue to circulate published flash fiction periodically to reach new readers.
New to Flash Fiction? Here are some resources to consider:
General Submission Guidelines:
When submitting to Harbinger Press open calls, please observe the following guidelines for submissions in addition to the stated guidelines for the specific call. Failure to follow the submission guidelines may result in a rejection of your manuscript.
- Files should be submitted in .docx format.
- Please include a title page with the manuscript title and any subtitle along with your author name or preferred pen name, your email address and any relevant web addresses to author websites (including amazon author page if available).
- Submissions should be in English. If accepted, translations to other languages are welcome at the author’s discretion but will not be treated as separate manuscripts for the purposes of payment.
- Font should be Times New Roman, 11 pt.
- Paragraph and line formatting should be single spaced with a 0.5″ first line indent for paragraphs.
- Chapter headings should be formatted to ‘heading 1’, with a page break between any chapters.
- Please do not include page headers or footers.
- We strongly recommend against simultaneous submissions.
- For each open call, Harbinger Press only accepts one submission per author, per call but you may submit up to three works for consideration to most calls. Please send us your best current work.
During open calls, we may receive dozens of manuscripts. Please allow at least 60 days before inquiring about manuscripts that have been sent to Harbinger Press. We will assess and respond to submissions as quickly as we are able. With each call, Harbinger Press only accepts a limited number of submissions even if all submissions are of high quality. Our acceptance or denial of a submitted work is not necessarily a judgement of quality.
Via: Harbinger Press.