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Taking Submissions: Glass & Gardens: Solarpunk Winters
March 1, 2019
Deadline: March 1st, 2019
Payment: $0.01 per word + contributor copy
Anthologist: Sarena Ulibarri
Open for Submissions: January 1 – March 1, 2019
Expected Publication: January 2020
Story Length: up to 8,000 words
Payment: $0.01 per word + contributor copy
Solarpunk is a type of eco-conscious science fiction that imagines an optimistic future founded on renewable energies. Often aiming for a balance of nature and technology, and always inclusive and diverse, solarpunk stories show the ways we have adapted to climate change, or the ways we overcome it.
For this anthology, I want to see solarpunk stories that take place in winter. That might mean working together to survive extreme blizzards, or feeling the heat in places that no longer see snow. Which renewable tech works best during long winter nights? How do solarpunk societies celebrate the winter holidays? Keep it planet-based (Earth or other), and optimistic. Solarpunk worlds aren’t necessarily utopias, but they definitely aren’t dystopias.
We’re a northern hemisphere publisher, but southern hemisphere winters are also welcome!
Need inspiration? Read New York 2140 by Kim Stanley Robinson, the Ecopunk! anthology, or Glass & Gardens: Solarpunk Summers. For more on what the anthologist is looking for, as well as some writing prompts, see Sarena’s blog, “Solarpunk Winters Writing Prompts.”
Submission Method: *After January 1, 2019,* Send your story as a .doc, .docx, or .rtf attachment to solarpunk[at]worldweaverpress[dot]com with Submission: [story title] in the subject line. Please include a brief cover letter, but DO NOT summarize your story in the cover letter. Submissions received before January 1st will be discarded.
Simultaneous submissions: Yes, you may submit your story to other markets before you hear back from us. Please let us know ASAP if someone else accepts it.
Multiple submissions: No, please only send us one story for consideration.
Via: World Weaver Press.