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Taking Submissions: Dracula Beyond Stoker Issue 5

June 15, 2024

Deadline: June 15th, 2024
Payment: 5 cents per word and a contributors copy
Theme: Lucy’s Suitors – Quincey, Jack, and/or Arthur (To be published November, 2024)

Issue 5: Lucy’s Suitors – Quincey, Jack, and/or Arthur (To be published November, 2024)
Quincey was a cowboy who may or may not have been in cahoots with the count.

Seward was a drug addicted custodian of a lunatic asylum.

And Arthur was there, too!

Let’s read some stories of these men – together, individually, in combination – before, during, and after the events of the novel. Did Quincey survive as the undead? How did Jack treat his other patients? When the dust settled, did Holmwood completely break down? Stoker tells us these three men adventured together prior. What might that look like?

Currently this is planned as a single book, but quantity and quality may dictate a book for each man.

Submissions open May 1, 2024-June 15, 2024.

We like stories that feel like they could be canon, but we also enjoy fun alternate takes and pastiche. Prequels, sequels, updates, divergent timelines – unleash your creative powers of darkness and show us something exciting.

As with every publication the best way to get a feel for what we like is to read what we’ve put out in the past.

  • Stories should be 1500-5000 words.

  • Poetry will be considered, but is not necessarily sought (We are hoping to have an all poetry issue sometime in the future).

  • Compensation will be .05/word plus contributor’s copies.

  • Reprints will be considered. Reprints should be at least 10 years old. Compensation is $55.

  • Simultaneous submissions accepted, but please notify us immediately if accepted elsewhere.

  • Some stories may be chosen for the website, but not the publication.

  • Please adhere to the Shunn format – https://www.shunn.net/format/classic/

  • Please only send .doc, .docx, or .pdf

  • Filename and email subject should be – “lastname_title_suitors or “lastname_title_jonathan”

  • Include short 3rd person bio

Email story submissions to: [email protected]

Via: Dracula Beyond Stoker Magazine.


June 15, 2024


Dracula Beyond Stoker Press
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Dracula Beyond Stoker Press
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