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Taking Submissions: Death’s Realm
January 31, 2014
Deadline: January 31st, 2014
Payment: $100 flat rate per each manuscript accepted into the anthology
Now Accepting Short Story Submissions
What happens after death?
That’s the question Grey Matter Press would like you to answer.
For our next anthology–working title “Death’s Realm”–we’re looking for dark, horrifying tales exploring themes from “the great beyond.”
We do not want to limit your creativity with a narrowly themed collection, so “Death’s Realm” will include works of truly terrifying dark fiction that investigate the concepts of hauntings, spirits, life after death, ghostly encounters and just about any other subject that pertains to the afterlife and the horrifying things that might reside just beyond the veil. Be prepared to scare the hell out of us.
Please review our Submissions Guidelines below, and feel free to contact us here on the site with any questions. or send a message to [email protected].
We thank you for your interest in considering Grey Matter Press as a potential home for your work.
*”Death’s Realm” is a working title. Grey Matter Press reserves the right to change the title as necessary.
Word Count: 3,000 – 10,000 words
Deadline: January 31, 2014
Payment: $100 flat rate per each manuscript accepted into the anthology
Formats: *.doc, *.docx, *.txt, *.rtf
Contact Address: [email protected]
Acceptable File Formats: Grey Matter Press wants to make your submission process easy and painless. We accept manuscripts that are *.doc, *.docx, .txt or .rtf file formats. If you have any questions about the formatting of your manuscript, feel free to contact us directly at[email protected]
Digital Submissions: Unfortunately, we cannot accept manuscripts of previously published pieces. (Published work includes work that have appeared online in magazines, journals and/or personal websites.) Only previously unpublished work will be accepted. We will accept your submission via email at [email protected]. Subject lines should contain name of Anthology and the title of the story being submitted. (ex: DEATH’S REALM – ‘Title of Story.’
Font Usage and General Formatting: We request that all files be submitted double-spaced, using either Arial or Times New Roman 11 point font. Page margins should be no less than .5 inch on all borders. If using headers/footers, please employ standard Word header/footer tools rather than manually inserting such into the body of your Word document.
Distribution: Upon acceptance into our anthologies, Grey Matter Press will hold all exclusive publishing rights for the period defined within author contract (generally 12-24 months). Copyright remains that of the author. At the end of that term, intellectual property rights will revert to the original author, with Grey Matter Press retaining distribution rights for the format(s) originally contracted.
Contributor Copies: All contributors whose work is accepted and published in the anthology will, in the case of digital publishing, receive a digital copy of the complete anthology, and in the case of paperback publishing, will receive up to two copies of the anthology.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at [email protected].
Via: Grey Matter Press.