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Taking Submissions: Christmas Horror Special
September 1, 2011
Christmas Horror Special
The fine editors over at Morpheus Tales have let us know about this anthology that they are putting together.
Horror and dark fantasy with a Christmas holiday theme. We are looking for original Christmas themed fiction.
Submissions should be 500-2,000 words in length, and one submission at a time. Attach submissions as a Word or RTF file, and include “Christmas Horror” in the title of the email.
Contributor copies will be pdf ebooks.
This special issue will be available free of charge to readers, and may also be made available as a print-on-demand issue.
Please send submissions as word documents. All material should be in standard manuscript format:
12 point Times Roman, left justified, 1″ margins all around, double spaced, paragraph indents, no space between paragraphs, with a header on each page giving your name, the title or a short form of it, and the page number.
Deadline: September 1st 2011
Please send all submissions to: [email protected]