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Taking Submissions: Books and Bikes in Space
September 1, 2021
Deadline: September 1st, 2021
Payment: Minimum of $50 each, more depending on Kickstarter, and a contributor’s copy.
Theme: Original short fiction about bicycling and books, from a feminist perspective
It’s time to start planning the tenth volume of the Bikes in Space feminist bicycle science fiction anthology! The theme for this one is books.
Submissions are now open for original short fiction about bicycling and books, from a feminist perspective. These elements need to be intrinsic to the story. Send your most creative tales of bicycle-powered interlibrary loan on the moon, characters who literally leap out of books and go for a ride, a two-wheeled revolution sparked by seditious literature, the competing stories of steampunk velocipedists, a manual for futuristic bike messengers, a literal rewriting of gender norms… Have fun with this one!
I especially welcome #ownvoices submissions and work by first-time writers.
Genre: Stories can be in any speculative or fantastical genre—hard science fiction, space opera, epic fantasy, alternative history, paranormal romance, hope punk, modern fairy tales and anything around or in between. No fanfic, poetry, or erotica, please.
Word count: 1,000 – 6,000 words
Format: Google doc, MS word, Pages, text document, or PDF. Comics submissions of up to 6 pages can be submitted in thumbnails.
Payment: A portion of profits after expenses from the Kickstarter project used to fund this book is split between contributors, with a guaranteed minimum of $50 each, plus copies of the book.
Deadline: September 1, 2021
Send your submissions to elly at microcosmpublishing dot com
I respond to all submissions and share my reading notes on request.
Via: Elly Blue Publishing.
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Stuart Conover is a father, husband, published author, blogger, geek, entrepreneur, horror fanatic, and runs a few websites including Horror Tree!