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Taking Submissions: Body Parts Magazine Issue #10: Primal Fears
March 1, 2018
Deadline: March 1st, 2018
Payment: $5 for flash fiction and $10 to $20 (depending on length) for short stories and nonfiction to authors
Issue #10: Primal Fears (Spring/Summer 2018)
Footsteps follow but you turn around, and no one’s there. You’re alone in the dark. Lost in a strange and terrible place with no exits. You have no control. See and hear monsters under the bed, bogeymen and bad guys. Creepy-crawlies. Things that squish, splat, burst and ooze. Trapped in your body, trapped in your mind. Reality slips away. You’re nothing more than an animal. Prey. Meat. Here are all the old terrors of childhood, the primitive, reptilian fears that have haunted our species since we first slunk from the mud and the fears that will chase us into the future. Submission deadline: 3/01/2018
“We are not afraid.”
Body Parts Magazine is an online literary magazine of horror, erotica, speculative fiction, essays and art. Each themed issue honors Eros and Thanatos, the Greek gods of libido and mortido—life and death. We celebrate the vast and various expressions of dreams and darkness, our primitive desires and urges, and seek to encounter—and embrace—those shadowy monsters who dwell in the dimly lit corners of human experience.
Body Parts accepts well-written, thoughtfully structured horror, erotic horror, speculative fiction, dark fantasy (including fairy tales and mythology), exceptional stories about ghosts, ghouls, monsters and wretched creatures, Gothic fiction, and all combinations of the above. Our boundaries are few and far between.
Flash Fiction: 1,000 words or fewer.
Short Stories: up to 8,000 words.
Serialized or Longer Fiction: query us with total word count.
We accept your original artwork and photography reflective of an issue’s theme. Email a query with a link to your art online (web, Dropbox, Google album, etc.) Payment varies.
Essays & Interviews
We accept short essays and interviews (up to 1200 words) about topics that fit within our themes, people integral to the type of work published in Body Parts (writers, artists, photographers, etc.). Query first. We do not accept book/game/music reviews. Payment varies.
Body Parts is a paying market. We offer an honorarium of $5 for flash fiction and $10 to $20 (depending on length) for short stories and nonfiction to authors, and $5 to $20 for artwork and photography published in our journal.
We request exclusive rights as long as the issue in which your work appears is current. Once the subsequent issue has been published, you’re free to pursue reprint publication with other journals, anthologies, etc.
How to Submit
Cut and paste your text and submit it within the body an email. Emails with attachments will be deleted unread.
In the subject line, include the word Submission, the issue number you’re submitting to, and the title of your piece.
Please include a publication-ready bio and your website/social media sites. If your piece is selected for publication, we’ll send you a “Congratulations” email and request your PayPal email address and an author photo. Response times can be lengthy so simultaneous submissions are welcome. Please email us to withdraw your work from consideration if it’s placed in another publication.
Email submissions to: bodypartsmagazine (at) gmail (dot) com.
Via: Body Parts Magazine.