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Taking Submissions: Augur Preview Issue
May 10, 2017
Deadline: May 10th, 2017
Payment: $20 CAD
Note: Reprints ONLY For The First Issue
The Augur Preview Issue will be a collection of fiction, poetry, and graphic fiction reprints, featuring at least 75% Canadian content. We aim to create an issue that sets a precedent for the voice and tone we’re looking for in future original submissions.
Why reprints? We want to show how Augur Magazine will bring together voices that can be found in a variety of disparate publications, forming a cohesive tone that explores the line between the real and unreal. That said, we know that doing a call for reprints limits the kinds of work we’ll get and authors we’ll hear from—so we’re happy to accept submissions that have previously been published on blogs, in student magazines and journals, in unpaid publications, and in any other form of publication.
The Preview Issue will be released for early access when we launch our crowdfunding campaign as a sample of our future work. Afterwards, it will be available for free so prospective writers and artists can see what we’re about—we want to take down a the barricade of writers having to purchase subscriptions to every magazine they’re interested in contributing to, and this is where that project starts.
(Although we always love surprises)
We’re looking for reprints of uncanny or dreamlike realist fiction, literary speculative fiction, and magical realism. Our perfect submission defies categorization—pieces that could be “too speculative” for canlit or “not speculative enough” for spec magazines (although we’re open to stories on both these sides as well).
At this time, we offer a small honorarium payment (specified in the category breakdowns) in CAD, and are working to improve them. We also accept multiple submissions (specified in the category breakdowns) and simultaneous submissions on the condition that you inform us if the piece is accepted elsewhere. Our goal is to respond to all submissions within six weeks. Please query after two months.
All submissions should be sent to [email protected] with the subject line indicated in the given genre’s instructions.
If comfortable doing so, we encourage our prospective authors to self-identify with any intersectional identity they belong to in their cover letter, so we may have a better understanding of the voices we’re including in our issues. That said, we acknowledge that the current socio-political landscape does not often reward disclosure, and so we by no means expect or require this from our writers. If you do choose to disclose, Augur magazine will treat this information as confidential, and it will be used for no purpose other than helping us as we put together issues that fulfill our mission of representing intersectional voices.
Shorts & Flash
- Subject Line should read: FICTION SUBMISSION – [ Story Title ] – [ Word Count ] – [ INT / CND / OTH (International/Canadian/Other or It’s Complicated)]
- Submit in standard manuscript format
- Submit as a .doc file (NOT .docx)
- Do not include your name anywhere in the document for blind reading
- Include a short cover letter that indicates the previous publication date(s) and location(s) of the story/ies, your publishing history, relationship (if any) to Canada (citizen, international student, resident, ex-patriot, visitor, story content, etc.—not mandatory but encouraged!), intersectional identity (if any and only if comfortable disclosing), whether your submission is simultaneous, and a short 1-line description of your story that tells us the word count and the genre/sub-genre
- Do not submit any story over 6, 000 words (and note that some longer stories may be edited for length)
- Do not submit more than three (3) stories for any given submission period
- If possible, do not send more than one email with submissions (i.e. send all three at the same time—do not send three emails with three story submissions), with the exception of having had your previous submission rejected
- For the Preview Issue, we offer an honorarium of $20.00 CAD per short story reprint
Via: Augur.