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Taking Submissions: Amok!
February 28, 2014
Deadline: February 28th 2014 or until filled
Payment: There will be five Editor’s Choice Awards for $30 CAN each. Each Editor’s Choice Award winner will receive a free contributor paperback copy and $30
amok (also amuck) adv.
1. In a frenzy to do violence or kill;
2. In or into a jumbled or confused state;
3. In or into an uncontrolled state or a state of extreme activity.
The flagship title for our planned series of volumes under the banner ‘Short Sharp Shocks’ is ‘Amok!’. Why not ‘Amuck’? We like Amok more.
Who, exactly, should be running amok? That’s up to you. An average Joe snaps, an old-folk’s home goes on a murderous rampage, giant monsters level your least favorite city, a good old psychopath picks up his favorite mask and hatchet or irradiated gerbils terrorize a town – the sky’s the limit!
What we are looking for: Short stories with a sting in the tail. Stories that grab the reader from the opening line and shake them into submission, finally delivering a punchline like a slap in the face with a large fish. Don’t be afraid to inject a little dark humor if need be, but slapstick is out.
Settings: Anything goes, any genre, any time period. If the story is compelling and the characters relatable, then we will be happy to consider your work.
Story length: We are looking for stories in the 2000 – 5000 word range. See the submissions page for other requirements.
Submission period will be from December 1st 2013 until February 28th 2014 or until book is filled, so don’t wait until the last minute.
Multiple submissions: YES. Simultaneous submissions – NO. Reprints – NO.
Acceptances and rejections will go out as work is reviewed.
All submissions should be attached in an email and sent to [email protected]
The subject line should read: AMOK/YOUR NAME
Attachments (.doc, .docx, .txt, .rtf) should be saved as AMOK-YOUR NAME-STORY TITLE
Please include a 3rd person bio and word count in your submission.
Compensation: There will be five Editor’s Choice Awards for $30 CAN each. Each Editor’s Choice Award winner will receive a free contributor paperback copy and $30. Cash award is payable via PayPal only and will be made approximately 60 days from publication of the anthology.
All published contributors will earn a free paperback copy plus electronic edition of the anthology (either Kindle, e-pub or PDF).
Rights: First Worldwide Anthology Rights, for publication in the English language anywhere in the world and electronic and audio publication rights.
All rights return to the author one year after publication of the anthology.
Questions? Contact us.
Via: April Moon Books