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Taking Submissions: All That’s Left of Yesterday
July 31, 2014
Deadline: July 31st, 2014
Payment: 1 cent a word US, plus one copy
Dark Opus Press is proud to present All That’s Left of Yesterday, our fourth annual anthology. We will be looking for stroies of the apocalypse, whether it be caused by disease, natural disaster, economic collapse or something else entirely, it ‘s up to you. However, we won’t be looking for zombie stories. Zombies will be saved for another anthology. As usual, we will not be accepting poetry, reprints or artwork for this anthology.
Our guidelines are simple. All stories must have a dark bent to them and be between 2,000 and 5,000 words. This word count is firm and stories outside this word range will not be considered.
MUST be in proper manuscript format. This means: Courier New or Times New Roman fonts, doubled spaced, no extra space between paragraphs, indent paragraphs. Words meant to be italicised or bolded in the final print, please make sure it is that way in your manuscript.
Please read our magazine guidelines to see what we do not want. If you don’t review our magazine guidelines, we will know.
Send your submissions to: [email protected]
In the subject line please put: submission – Your story title/title of Grimm’s tale
Payment for accepted works will be a 1 cent a word US, plus one copy.
The reading period for this anthology will start July 1st and end July 31st or until filled. Stories sent before July 1st will be deleted unread.
All submissions must be in either .doc, .docx, or .rtf
Please be advised: If you require a form to be filled out by us in order for you to get our emails, we will NOT fill them out. We are too busy to take the time to do this. Please approve our email address before hand. If we get an auto response from you, it will just be deleted and we will move on to the next submission.
Via: Bete Noire Magazine.