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Taking Submissions: A Sharp Stick in the Eye (and Other Funny Stories)
September 30, 2017
Deadline: September 30th, 2017
Payment: $50 and a contributor’s copy
Books & Boos Press is now accepting short story submissions for an upcoming anthology of darkly funny stories, edited by award-winning writer and editor Rob Smales, tentatively titled A Sharp Stick in the Eye (and Other Funny Stories).
What we’re looking for: Original stories that are both entertaining and fall firmly in the horror genre. Think Jeff Strand, Joe Lansdale, Shaun of the Dead, Zombieland. Make us die laughing.
Books & Boos Press is committed to publishing well-written horror. We are less concerned with how well known or established you are, and more concerned with the quality of the writing submitted. Write your story, polish it up, and see if you can make us laugh.
Please note: submissions will be read blind, meaning all author information will be stripped from the story before the editor receives it. To maintain objectivity, we request that when submitting, you refrain from posting your story title on social media.
Submission guidelines:
● Length: 4,000–8,000 words.
● Format: Times New Roman, 12-point font, double line spacing. Use indents, NOT tabs. Only one space after each period. Use italics, not underlines. Please include your name, contact information, and word count at the top of the title page. No headers or footers.
● Submit your manuscript as a .docx, .doc, or .rtf attachment to [email protected]. The body of the email should be a brief (one page max) cover letter giving a summary of the story, who you are, and any recent publications. Manuscripts submitted in the body of the email instead of as an attachment will be automatically rejected.
● No simultaneous or multiple submissions allowed. We will reject as we go, so writers will have an opportunity to submit another story if the first one doesn’t pan out.
● No reprints.
Payment: We’re offering a flat fee of $50.00 per story and one contributor copy.
Turnaround Time: If you haven’t received a response from us within ninety days after the submission period closes, please email [email protected].
Submission period ends Sept. 30 at midnight EST.
Via: Books And Boos Press.