Category: Novella

The Evil Cookie Publishing Is Open To Novels And Novellas

Payment: 50/50 split on all royalties and 3 contributors’ copies
Theme: Unique, fast-paced, gory stories with the perfect blend of extreme horror, Splatterpunk and dark humor elements

I am always on the lookout for unique, fast-paced, gory stories with the perfect blend of extreme horror, Splatterpunk and dark humor elements. Nothing involving children and I’m not a big fan of heavy political or religious plots. If you think you have something that falls within those categories, send me over the completed/finalized manuscript as an attachment (DOC or DOCX) to [email protected] with the subject: Novel/Novella Sub: (title) by (name)


Aggadah Try It Is Open To Novels, Novellas, And Collections

Payment: 50% net retail royalties, potential advance, 5 contributor’s copies
Theme: horror, science fiction, fantasy, and surrealistic fiction
Note: Jewish-Themed Stories written by Jewish Authors

Aggadah Try It is an imprint of Madness Heart Press focusing on Jewish fiction and literature. We would love to be your publisher. With KDP and other self-publishing options, you may wonder why you would choose a small indie publisher. This imprint is specifically for Jewish-Themed Stories written by Jewish Authors.

We are looking for horror, science fiction, fantasy, and surrealistic fiction. Though we have a broad net for Jewish fiction, we are looking for stories with supernatural/unnatural/science fiction elements. We are not looking for realistic fiction, historic fiction, or Jewish studies. We feel books of those styles have plentiful publishing options to pursue.


Taking Novels For Creepy Little Nightmare all-age series

Payment: 40% royalties for net eBook sales and 20% on net paperback sales OR Contracts will be paid out in the form of a purchase based on word count in the same vein as a short story rather than in the form of royalties.
Theme: Novels that are dark and scary enough to entertain adults but appropriate enough for their kids to read as well.

Our all-age horror series. Novels that are dark and scary enough to entertain adults but appropriate enough for their kids to read as well. This means that the books will be edited to remove things such as sex and gore. You can submit a book that was not written for this purpose, but you think could be edited to fit it. It is preferred that the main characters be under eighteen, but it is not set in stone.

Taking Submissions: Tales By Moonlight Novella Competition

Deadline: September 15th, 2022
Prizes: $1000 grand prize, $500 editor’s award
Theme: fiction and magic

Competition details
Tales By Moonlight is a novella writing competition. The theme of this contest is fiction and magic. Release your imagination and let your creative juices run free!

Manta Press Is Open To Novels, Novellas, And Author Collections

Payment: Royalties
Themes: Horror, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Mystery/ Suspense, Crime Thriller, YA (Dystopian, Fantasy, Horror)

MANTA PRESS, LTD. is currently open for submissions and looking to publish exciting and original genre fiction. The genres that get us the most excited about unleashing upon the public are:

  • Horror, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Mystery/ Suspense, Crime Thriller, YA (Dystopian, Fantasy, Horror)

The types of works we’d prefer to let others put out there (at this time, at least) are:

  • Contemporary/Literary Fiction, Poetry, Romance, Erotica, True Crime, adult content, Bizarro

MANTA PRESS, LTD. is open to publishing novels (50k – 120k words), novellas (30k – 50k words), and single-author short story collections (30k – 100k words).


Raven Canticle Press Is Open To Novels And Novellas

Payment: Royalties
Themes: Fantasy, Horror, Espionage/Thriller, Science Fiction

Raven Canticle Press is a specialty press that focuses on limited run and small press horror, fantasy, and science fiction genre fiction. Located in the high peaks of Utah, the creative team behind Raven Canticle Press has years of publishing experience, small business financial management and distribution and logistics experience.

Raven Canticle Press is focused on high-quality fiction and limited run content, and as such works with a variety of new technology and delivery methods to provide the very best content to its readers.

Of Metal And Magic Publishing Is Open To Fantasy Novels, Novellas, And Collections

Payment: Royalties
Theme: “traditional fantasy.” We define this as second-world, past settings.

We are always on the lookout for new fantasy voices! Whether you are a brand new fantasy author, or a veteran looking for more publishing opportunities, we would love to hear from you. Send us your pitch through the contact form below.

We are currently looking for the following content or support:

  • Beta readers, beta readers, beta readers!
  • Flash fiction and short stories for our website and future anthologies
  • Guest posts for our blog
  • Fantasy novellas
  • Stand-alone Fantasy novels (multi-book series are currently a hard sell due to processing time)
  • Fantasy story collections (all stories should be in the same fantasy setting)

If you’ve got something you think we’d like, send us your pitch!

Ongoing Submissions: The Common Tongue Magazine

Payment: Fiction: 3 cents per word, Flash Fiction: $20 per entry, Poetry: $20, Artwork: $200-$400
Theme: Dark High Fantasy

The Common Tongue Magazine is a dark fantasy magazine aiming to bring cultural and integral voices to fantasy and diversify the genre. We value writers and creators who share our ambitions of supporting the writing community and giving voice to writers who help us better understand the world, society, and our environment. Issues are published bimonthly and available on our website and multiple vendors for purchase in ebook format, and via electronic subscription. We have printed issues through Amazon KDP. We also publish all original fiction in our annual best-of anthology series from Sourcery Publishing in both print and ebook formats.
