Category: Novel

Early Details On PitDark May 2023

Pitch Date: May 25th, 2023
Prizes: A book contract from a publisher; contracts vary between publishers. Generally royalties with the possibility of an advance.
Themes: Darker literature (horror, or other forms of fiction that are dark or are mixed genres.

Welcome to #PitDark, the only Twitter pitching contest for dark literature!

#PitDark is the first and only Twitter pitch event to highlight literature of a “darker” nature. Importantly, this is not limited to horror works; however, any pitched manuscript must contain an element of horror or darker writing. Examples of such categories include pure horror novels, dark fantasy, murder mysteries, psychological horror stories, non-fiction works about darker subjects, etc. MG, YA, NA, and adult age categories are welcome.

The next #PitDark will take place on May 25, 2023.

You can find the agents and publishers that participated in previous #PitDark events here.

Please follow the @PitDark_ Twitter account for up-to-date information about the event.

The Basics

The contest will happen on Twitter under a common hashtag (#PitDark). During a 12-hour window on the chosen day, authors with completed manuscripts who are seeking representation or publication can tweet a pitch for their books (at most, once per hour).

Agents and publishers will make requests by marking pitches as a like on Twitter. If your tweet is liked, please follow the agent or publisher’s submission guidelines.


Wyldblood Is Open To Novel Submissions

Always Open To Novel Submissions
Payment: Royalties
Theme: Science Fiction and Fantasy

We’re always open for non-fiction, artwork and novel queries.

We are a speculative fiction publisher. Interpret that as you will when deciding what to submit, but bear in mind that we are unlikely to publish fiction without a speculative element (science fiction, fantasy or horror). We pay for fiction.

Novels (query us)

We’re happy to consider proposals for work from 50,000 to 100,000 words (approx). Send us a short email with a short summary of your story (with word count) and some biographical details (including credits and links and your country/state of origin). Please don’t start your email by launching straight into the summary – we find that offputting – and please use your real name (dealing with a pseudonym is way too weird for us). Don’t send us the text of your story at this point – we’ll ask you if we want to see it. Royalties only. Query at [email protected] (subject line QUERY – novel – (story title – your surname)


Planet Bizarro Is Open To Novels & Novellas

Deadline: March 31st, 2023
Payment: 50% share of book royalties and 5 author copies
Theme: Bizarro

Novel & Novella Submissions

January 1st – March 1st

See Theme: Bizarro

We want to publish your exciting, well written bizarro stories. For those unfamiliar with the genre, think of the weirdest story you’ve ever read, then times that by potato.

Novellas – 20,000 to 40,000 wordcount

Novels – 40,000 to 80,000

Short story collections may also be considered.


Weird Little Press Is Opening For Novel And Novella Submissions (Early)

Submission Window: January 31st – February 28th, 2023
Payment: Negotiated; expect a royalty, potentially an advance.
Theme: All forms of speculative fiction

Weird Little Worlds Press is pleased to announce that we will be opening to unsolicited submissions starting January 31, 2023. Our press is focused on speculative genre fiction that includes fantasy, science fiction, horror, and adventure. We are also looking to publish nonfiction adventure novels that include true stories of survival, high-stakes or dangerous careers, or incredible events featuring real-life heroes.

The press was started in 2020 by Michael Cluff and Willow Dawn Becker. Even though Michael had to step away from the company in 2021 because of time constraints, Willow has continued to lead the company to ever-expanding heights. The press’s first anthology, Humans are the Problem: A Monster’s Anthology, was recently featured in Ellen Datlow’s Best Horror of the Year, Vol. 14, and Gemma Files’ story “Poor Butcher Bird,” was included. In 2021, WLW Press released Mother: Tales of Love and Terror, an anthology of horror that is eligible for Bram Stoker Award® consideration, as well as Leto’s Children, a science fiction horror novel.

WLW Press has a goal to publish at least four full-length novels in 2023. The open submissions period, which will last until midnight on February 28th, will give authors of all experience levels the same opportunity for having their work read. The WLW Press submission process is an anonymous process, so talent, execution, and concept becomes the focus of our reading, not the author’s name or following.


FlowerSong Press is Open To Speculative Fiction Novels

Deadline: April 15th, 2023
Payment: Royalties
Theme: horror, science fiction, and fantasy
Note: Seeking Latinx authors

FlowerSong Press is currently seeking outstanding and unique manuscripts from Latinx authors in the area of horror, science fiction, and fantasy.

Please review the following guidelines for authors. If you feel your manuscript meets our needs and is consistent with our mission, we welcome the chance to read it.

Guidelines for Fiction

We are seeking already finished, full-length novels from Latinx authors ranging from 75,000 to 150,000 words. We are not currently accepting short stories, novellas, or short story collections. If your novel is the first of a trilogy or series, be aware that we will not commit to publishing more than one book at a time.

Stories should emphasize careful and thoughtful development of complex, three-dimensional and fallible characters, complicated relationships and conflicts, and strong, coherent plots with satisfying resolutions.

We will consider historical (any time period or culture), traditional fantasy, horror, and science-fiction genre stories as long as they meet the criteria above.


AEA Press Is Open To Novels And Novellas

Deadline: December 31st, 2022
Payment: Royalties
Theme: Horror Novels, Western Novellas and novels, Sci-fi Novels. Full details below.

Horror: We are looking for fiction horror novel submissions, particularly those of the supernatural, “high concept,” western, and creature sub-genres. All horror submissions will be equally considered, regardless of sub-genre.
Western: Novel Opening: We are looking for fiction western novel submissions. All western sub-genres are welcome. All western submissions will be equally considered, regardless of sub-genre. If it is part of a series, please only submit the first part of the series.
Sci-Fi: Novel Opening: We are looking for fiction science fiction novel submissions. All science fiction sub-genres are welcome. All science fiction submissions will be equally considered, regardless of sub-genre. If it is part of a series, please only submit the first part of the series.

AEA Press is an independent hybrid publisher, based in the United States and established in 2012. With an eye on style and professional polish, AEA Press specializes in beautifully and expertly crafted books. Our teams focus on the details, creating lasting impressions that expand beyond story and deliver something truly recognizable and memorable.


Fahrenheit Press Is Open To Crime And Thriller Novels

Payment: royalty rate of 50% on both eBooks & paperback editions for a 5 year contract
Theme: Crime and thriller novels

We are currently accepting submissions; you can send them here.

We’re not too bothered if the books have been published before, or if you have an agent, or if you’re an established author, or if you’re an absolute beginner. All we need is for the stories to be great and the subject matter to be commercial.

Just before you submit to us though there are some things you should think about.


The Evil Cookie Publishing Is Open To Novels And Novellas

Payment: 50/50 split on all royalties and 3 contributors’ copies
Theme: Unique, fast-paced, gory stories with the perfect blend of extreme horror, Splatterpunk and dark humor elements

I am always on the lookout for unique, fast-paced, gory stories with the perfect blend of extreme horror, Splatterpunk and dark humor elements. Nothing involving children and I’m not a big fan of heavy political or religious plots. If you think you have something that falls within those categories, send me over the completed/finalized manuscript as an attachment (DOC or DOCX) to [email protected] with the subject: Novel/Novella Sub: (title) by (name)
