We’ve Survived A Month Of 2019, Here’s Whats Happening At The Tree!
In February there is everything to hope for and nothing to regret.
We’re back from The Polar Vortex having tried to kill our roots and stronger than ever! February is a month for growing and we’ll be doing so with a strong showing for Women In Horror Month! At the time of writing this, we’ve only got 8 days without posts and at least that many have been offered up. So if they all make it in and are approved we might have a month packed full of guest posts and interviews for you to enjoy!
Also, our responses might be a little slow over the coming week as I’ll be out of the office for the most part (though as an Internet Addict it will be hard for me to not check in a few times.)
What Is New At The Horror Tree?!
Wow, January has come and gone. Time is flying by this year so far! Off the bat we’ve made a couple of changes. Our Trembling With Fear Submissions Page has received a bit of an update with a focus on sharing our themed issues as well as including details on our ‘Serial Killers’ and ‘The Unholy Trinity’ sections. We’re also thrilled to have new Story Worms and Setting Self Doubt on Fire posts!
Talk about kicking the year off right!
Articles: Story Worms: Finding Your Tribe, SFWA Is Raising Pro Rate For Short Fiction To Eight Cents Per Word, Setting Self Doubt on Fire: Let’s Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway in 2019, 5 Places to get Paid to Write About Writing!.
Book Reviews: After Dark
Video Refresh: Alan Baxter Interview, Taking The Next Step, Stephen Herczeg Interview, Rebecca Fraser Interview
Interviews: Christy Mann, Naching T. Kassa.
What Is About To Grow At The Horror Tree?
With this being Women in Horror Month and me being mostly out of the office for the first week, I have no immediate plans for major changes to the site. That could change but right now we’ll be moving forward as usual!
Looking to contribute to The Horror Tree?
We’re always on the lookout for more help at The Horror Tree! Patreon is always a great way to help out.
Speaking of which, I’d like to extend a warm thank you to Jim and Charlotte for becoming our latest Patreons!
We also always have a STRONG need for book reviewers!
However, if you’re looking to add your personal touch to things there are other options!
From ongoing contributors to web developers that would be interested in working with us on online applications for authors, to guest blogs, to someone willing to track open markets, to being a stop on your blog tour, and so on. If you are interested please drop us a line through our contact page today!
Have anything you’d like to see us add in the future?
We’re here for you so if you believe there is a service, column, or anything else we could list that you’d want to see please reach out via our contact page!
A Brief Social Update!
Once again, we’re trying to share how the Horror Tree is growing socially. I need to keep a focus on this as it is hard to find ways to grow our social media and keeping track shows how many authors and readers we’re able to reach!
- Horror Tree’s Twitter – We’ve gone from 6785 to 6805 followers. Thanks for joining us!
- Horror Tree’s Facebook –Has seen a change from 1906 to 1950 likes! That was a nice jump, now to get 50 more for the next major milestone!
- Horror Tree’s Instagram – We’ve gone from 28 to 26.6 followers. I’m not shocked as it looks like the big gains were from the Stan Lee appreciation week and I have no idea how that will change going forward.
- Horror Tree’s Pinterest – The least active of our social media presence has 15 followers. While we did lose one here, the traffic from Pinterest has gone up! I’m thinking it is from our inclusion of hashtags.
- Horror Tree’s YouTube subscribers have changed from 40 to 39. Was hoping to not lose any but it is what it is! Does anyone have suggestions for video content outside of the article refreshes?
As always, I hope we’re helping you out and we’d love to see your comments with any suggestions or thoughts on what we’re doing! Thanks for being a reader!
Also, if you’re in need of a bit of a break, don’t forget to play The Horror Tree Game!
- About the Author
- Latest Posts
Stuart Conover is a father, husband, published author, blogger, geek, entrepreneur, horror fanatic, and runs a few websites including Horror Tree!