June 2021: Tarot Cards for Writing Inspiration

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June, already? Wasn’t it just…January? Anyway, if you’re missing the gloom and drear of winter, here’s this month’s “writer inspiration” tarot reading. While you’re hibernating in your dank cave, and instead of cursing the tweepy, tweety birds fluttering outside your window, you can work on your next macabre masterpiece!

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Character(s): Three of Rods. Character #1 has come up with a new business idea—one with great start-up potential—but they just need some financial backing. A professional partnership with an influential partner (Character #2) is formed, and fiscal support is provided. The backing/investment partner may seem to have have more business acumen and knowledge that they are willing to share with Character #2. The business “start-up” is launched after a period of negotiation and begins to show early signs of success.

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Setting: Six of Cups. The two partners are soon able to reap the rewards of the venture. Rapid business growth creates an environment of ultimate attainment and security. Posh hotels, luxury travel trips, fine dining, new cars, homes, and the like, are at characters’ disposal. The two characters may develop a romantic connection as well as a professional one.

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Theme/Development: The Moon. The rapid success of the business may be a little too perfect. Is there more to the success of the business than just a great start-up idea Character #1 had? The world that Character #1 now moves in seems like a dream from their former life; poverty, struggle, and, above all, loneliness. All that feels like it’s part of a distant, and painful, past the creator would rather forget. Every need of theirs is met, by Character #2. And they are never lonely. In fact, Character #1 is never alone. The two partners are always together. Their new lives together are like a dream come true, as improbable as it seems. And their luck seems to be holding, as the relationship grows between the two characters.

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Conflict/Climax: Six of Pentacles (Reversed)/King of Rods (Reversed). Character #1 wakes up one morning to find Character #2 gone from their bed. There’s an eviction notice posted outside the condo. The company’s offices are empty and shuttered. The bank accounts have been cleaned out. Alone, penniless, abandoned, Character #1 takes shelter in a nearby bar until they can figure out what to do. On the TV screen above the bar, Character #1 sees Character #2, getting onto a plane. The news reporter refers to Character #2 by a different name, but, even though the hair and clothes are different, Character #1 recognizes them. And recognizes the logo on the place just before the screen flips back to the news room. Character #1 has an idea of where Character #2 is going. And that they would find a way to follow: to confront Character #2, to get revenge, to make sure they won’t be left alone, ever again.

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