
Taking Submissions: Handbook For The Dead

Deadline: June 1st, 2019 Payment: $20 and a contributor's copy OPEN CALL for a new anthology from Anubis Press! HANDBOOK FOR THE DEAD will be open for submissions until June 1st. What we are looking for are stories about real life paranormal experiences (ghosts only) with some factoids about the paranormal, such as beliefs, theories, popular explanations, evidence from cases similar to yours, and investigation methods, included with the story, much in the way information is listed in handbooks. The objective of this anthology is to offer readers some paranormal stories as well as insight into the entire paranormal phenomena. GUIDELINES: 1) Do not send fiction stories. These are stories alleged to be true. 2) Stories about ghosts and hauntings only. These are to be personal experiences, family stories, or tales of local haunts (local to you). 3) Stories should be no less than 1000 words. 4) Make sure to list the factoids. They are a required part of the submission. 5) List factoids separately from the story. Do not include them in the tale. List them in the same document, just make sure they are separated from the story. 6) Factoids can be from another source, or they can be your own theories or investigation methods. If they are your own, explain why you believe what you believe and/or why you investigate the way you do. If the information is from another source, list the source and explain thoroughly. 7) No more than two submissions per person. 8) All stories must be attached as word.doc or docx only. Do not send any other file types and do not paste stories in the body of the email. 9) Email submissions to [email protected] and include the following in the subject line: HANDBOOK <story title> <your name>. If the guidelines are not...

Taking Submissions: Tales of the Siblings-Not-So-Grim Anthology

Deadline: June 1st, 2019 Payment: Royalties Attention authors! Hollow Hills will begin accepting submissions for a new anthology in April, 2019. As a publisher, our goal is to put out one anthology a year, giving readers exposure to a variety of authors from all over the world. This anthology is loosely titled "Tales of the Siblings Not-So-Grim" and will contain short stories and poetry based on fairy tales or taking place in a fantasy/fairy tale-esque setting. You can rewrite a fairy tale or even write your own. (No, it doesn't have to be a Grimm fairy tale.) Magic, dragons, elves, witches, we want it all! We are going for a more lighthearted vibe for this anthology, so romance and comedy are welcome, though not required. We are looking for new or seasoned authors for this anthology. This is NOT a charity anthology, meaning that authors will be paid a portion of royalties. Submission requirements: Stories should be between 8,000 and 15,000 words long. No erotica or excessive swearing. Please do not send us a first draft. Our editors are here to clean up your story, but we will not accept works with "more problems than you can shake a stick at" so please read over your manuscript more than twice. Submit your stories between April 1st and June 1st. Email submissions to hollowhillsbooks(at)gmail(dot)com with  Anthology Submission and your author name in the subject. We will accept submissions as email attachments in .doc, .docx, or .rtf file formats. Happy writing! Via: Hollow Hills Books.

Taking Submissions: The Haunted Den: Furry Ghost Stories

Deadline: June 1st, 2019 Payment: Contributor's Copy Note: Reprints Allowed Deadline: June 1, 2019 Editors: Tarl Hoch and Thurston Howl Word count: 2,500-8,000; a little above and a little below will be acceptable We want your campfire ghost stories...with furry characters. I am going to forgo my usual long description for the anthology because I want to leave it open to you what kind of mythos you bring into your story. But keep in mind while this is an adult anthology, your story does not have to be NSFW. First and foremost, your story should be horror. Scare us! All story submissions must be "furry" in nature. We will NOT accept: Racism, sexism, or discrimination presented in a positive light. Pedophilia or sex with characters under the age of 18 presented in a positive light. Rape, torture, dubious consent, forced seduction presented in a positive light. Snuff or Necrophilia presented in a positive light If you are in doubt, ASK. Better to ask than to get a straight up rejection! If you are unsure, just shoot me an email at [email protected]. (restrictions borrowed from Voice: You can submit up to three stories, but we will only accept one per author (if any). Reprints are fine, but you have to own full permission of the work in order for us to consider it. We will not accept simultaneous submissions. Payment: Authors will receive a free copy of the print book. Send submissions in .doc or .docx format to [email protected]. Title your email with the subject in all caps, e.g. "GHOSTS." If you are sending more than one submission, send multiple emails instead of putting them all in one. We will inform all authors regarding decisions within a week or two after the deadline. Book will likely be released October in plenty...

Taking Submissions: Recognize Fascism

Deadline: June 3rd, 2019 Payment: $0.08 per word and a contributor's copy Submission form is located at Submissions are now open for our second micro-anthology, Recognize Fascism! Submissions will close on June 3rd, 2019. There will be a short crowdfunding project, and assuming it’s successful, we will publish Recognize Fascism in fall of 2019. FICTION SUBMISSION GUIDELINES We’re looking for personal stories of the moment when people see the fascism in front of them for what it is, accept it as real, and make the choice to fight it. Who are the canaries in the coal mine? When can the long-hidden voice no longer be ignored? Word Count: 250-5000 .doc, .docx or .rtf files only Times New Roman or Arial font preferred Name, contact information and submission word count on the first page No simultaneous submissions. No reprints. PAY RATE & RIGHTS Pay will be $0.08 per word (possibly more, depending on crowdfunded stretch goals). Authors will also receive a gratis print and ebook copy of the anthology. Crossed Genres takes first worldwide English-language ebook and print rights, exclusively for one (1) year, and non-exclusively for an additional four (4) years. There will be an option to extend the non-exclusive rights for additional compensation. QUESTIONS Please email [email protected] with any questions regarding the anthology or your submission. Submission form can be found here: Crossed Genres.

Taking Submissions: Claw & Blossom June 2019

Deadline: June 6th, 2019 Payment: $25 USD Please familiarize yourself with our About page to get an idea of what Claw & Blossom are about. For PROSE, send up to 1,000 words. This can be one piece of flash fiction or CNF, or linked micros. For POEMS, send one poem per submission. We do not consider previously-published work. This includes work posted on personal blogs and social media accounts. We accept and encourage simultaneous submissions. Should your work be accepted elsewhere while under consideration with Claw & Blossom, please withdraw the piece from us as soon as possible by using the Withdraw option in Submittable. We do not consider multiple submissions. Please submit to either the Poetry category or the Prose category and wait for our response before submitting another piece. There is no submission fee. We pay $25 USD per acceptance upon publication via PayPal. (Linked micros are considered one acceptance.) WHEN We publish in March, June, September, and December. We read nearly year-round (the exception being for a two-week period just before each issue is released, so that we can have a little moment to make sure all of our duck-rows are properly quacking, and maybe to drink some hooch). WHITHER By submitting your work to Claw & Blossom for consideration, you agree that you understand and accept the following terms: That you have actually read our About page, so that you are not sending us work that is wholly incompatible with our stated goals and thereby making our hair fall out in clumps. That the work you send Claw & Blossom is of your own making and has not been plagiarized in whole or in part. That Claw & Blossom are purchasing the rights to publish your work on our website and to archive that work in our Issues archive. If your work published with...

Taking Submissions: The Audient Void #8

Deadline: June 7th, 2019 Payment: Fiction - $5 per thousand words. Poetry - $.35 a line with a $5 minimum Now that the seventh issue of The Audient Void: A Journal of Weird Fiction and Dark Fantasy is out, we are opening submissions for issue #8. We are looking for quality works of poetry and short fiction. Poetry should be Weird or darkly fantastical with strong imagery. We pay $.35 a line with a $5 minimum, payable upon publication. For short fiction our tastes are broad and we will consider anything with Weird, horrific or fantastical elements. We will consider any length work but will be much less likely to publish stories over 5,000 words. Our rate is $5 per thousand words, payable upon publication. First time publication only, no reprints please. To submit please send your work as a .doc, .docx or .rtf file to [email protected] and be sure to include a header with your name and email address. We do not accept simultaneous submissions or reprints and ask that you wait for our response before submitting elsewhere. The submission deadline is June seventh, please do not inquire about your submission before that deadline and understand that it may take some time to follow up on all submissions after the deadline has passed. Via: Taking Submissions: The Audient Void's Facebook.

Taking Submissions: Across The Universe

Deadline: June 14th, 2019 Payment: $200 a story Book Theme The theme of the anthology is “The Beatles – What if?”  What if Brian Epstein hadn’t managed the band? What if George Harrison hated sitar music? What if Ringo had been the true star of the band all along? What if the Beatles had been aliens? Or magic users? Or zombies? Or American? Story Concepts: What to Avoid The confirmed authors have already begun their stories, so please avoid the following ideas: ·         Beatles as zombies ·         Beatles as medieval fantasy adventurers ·         Beatles as super heroes ·         Beatles as time travelers ·         Beatles as “the Scooby Doo gang” ·         Beatles as Tetrad wizards representing the elements ·        Beatles as animatronic robots This is not to say that you cannot do a variation on these, but keep in mind that if we get more than one story with the same theme, your chance of having your story accepted is reduced. That said, do not contact us with your idea first. After all, two authors can take the same basic idea and produce completely different stories. Story Length The story should be no more than 4,000 words. This should be sufficient for what should most likely be a somewhat humorous tale. Payment is $200 a story, so there is no advantage to padding your story. Take as many words as you need to make a great story, but if it is too long, it had better be so great that we can’t refuse it. A good but padded story may get rejected over a concise, fast-moving one, because we want to fit in as many stories as possible. Reprints, Simultaneous Submissions, etc. No to reprints. (We do have one already, and that’s it.) Yes to Simultaneous Submissions but you are obligated to let us...

Taking Submissions: Fearrington Road

Deadline: June 15th, 2019 Payment: Royalty Split Note: Reprints Welcome An anthology of short stories in a Lovecraftian / Steam Punk / Diesel Punk vein. Where is Fearrington Road? It is that road just outside town, the one that leads in a direction travelers rarely take these days. Submission Period: December 1st, 2018 – June 15th, 2019 [email protected] Please put “Fearrington Road” and the name of your story in the subject line. Length: 2500 to 6000 words. Stories outside that range will be considered, but their length will work against inclusion. We admit to a preference for slightly longer work, with four to five thousand words in the sweet spot. We expect the anthology to have approximately seventy-five thousand words. Payment: Royalty Fifty percent of the gross royalties per calendar quarter will be distributed equally among the contributors. Contributor copies will not be offered. A limited number of review copies will be available. Previously Published: Reprints are fine, provided: You have the right to authorize us to publish your story The story has not been published more recently than 2018. We ask for the exclusive right to publish your story for one calendar year following contract signing, excluding publications of those previously published. Title subject to change. For additional information, please contact [email protected] or visit our website at Via: Dark House Books.

Taking Submissions: Untitled TIME anthology

Deadline: June 15th, 2019 Payment: $5-20, depending on the length and a contributor's copy Untitled TIME anthology DEADLINE: 15 June 2019 …tick-tock-tick-tock-tick-tock-tick-tock-tick-tock-tick-tock… Does time really exist? In Fragments, Heraclitus wrote that “Time is a game played beautifully by children.”  If we take the ancient Greek philosopher at his word, then time is an illusion, and we are not resigned to its callous whims. What would you do if time was not a factor? Now, let's say that time is a very real and unyielding construct, that we are slaves to the clock, trapped within the second hand's constraints.  Can we unlock the power to change the course of its flow, or must we always remain its servants? TRANSMUNDANE PRESS is now accepting submissions for an upcoming anthology focused on the nature of time.  We are searching for unique takes on the subject: unusual stories that feature extraordinary, well-drawn characters in compelling, interesting situations. We want the weird, the stirring, stories that will challenge readers' perceptions and stick with them long after the book is closed. Make your tale worth our time. Remember: time travel is low-hanging fruit, so if you plan on popping your characters in a DeLorean or a phone booth, make sure that you really bring it. SUBMISSION GUIDELINES: DEADLINE: 15 JUNE 2019 ​ Send stories that are heavily edited and ready for us to read. These must be original pieces for first-time publication. Limit of two submissions per person, if you have more, make a note of it in your email, and we’ll ask if we’re interested. WORD COUNT:  No longer than 5,000 words. FORMATTING: Your submissions must be in 12-point, Times New Roman font, double-spaced with page numbers. We like headers in the top right corner with your last name and page numbers so that your work can't get jumbled...

Taking Submissions: The Early Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson

Deadline: June 15th, 2019 Payment: $50 plus a percentage of the Kickstarter project profits and a paperback copy of the anthology. The Early Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson (edited by David Marcum) Description: In “The Five Orange Pips” Dr. Watson writes that he is faced with so many interesting cases between 1882 and 1890 that it is no easy matter to choose which ones to set down on paper. Despite this claim of many cases, Chronologists agree that the only story which occurs between A Study in Scarlet (March 1881) and “The Speckled Band” (April 1883) is “The Resident Patient”. What happened during this early time in the career of Holmes and Watson? What are some of these early cases? This book aims to answer that question with a series of adventures occurring between 1881 and 1883.   Submission guidelines: A traditional Holmes and Watson story occurring in the above mentioned time frame at a length of 5,000 - 10,000 words (okay to go over or under some). Payment: Authors shall receive a payment of $50 plus a percentage of the Kickstarter project profits and a paperback copy of the anthology.   Rights: Authors shall retain rights to their work. We only retain the rights to the story within the publication.   Submission Deadline: June 15, 2019   Kickstarter will run in August 2019 and publication of book will occur in October 2019. Please send entries to [email protected] or to [email protected]. Make sure to include your name (first and last), title of your story, story length, and attach your story as a word document. Via: Belanger Books.