
Taking Submissions: Terror at 5280

Deadline: May 31st, 2019 Payment: $25 for flash fiction (up to 1,000 words) or 1 cent per word– maximum $40–for short stories (up to 5,000 words) Note: Authors submitting must live in Colorado Denver Horror Press is seeking the best in local horror fiction to publish in our upcoming anthology, Terror at 5280’. We’re looking for short stories related to or taking place in or around Denver, Colorado (bonus points for including local lore or haunts) written by authors currently living in Colorado(stories written by those outside of Colorado will not be considered). Submission Guidelines Submissions should follow standard manuscript format and shouldn’t exceed 5,000 words. Email submissions to Submissions AT DenverHorror DOT com and attach your document in PDF or Word Doc or DocX format (a submission pasted in the body of the email will not be considered) with subject: “Submission: ”. In the body of the email, please include a brief bio including current town/city of residence, relevant blog/website URLs, social media links, and publishing credits (if any). We will accept reprints provided you have retained all rights to the story, but priority will be given to previously unpublished submissions (put REPRINT in the subject line of your submission). Deadline for submissions is May 31, 2019. Usage Rights We will ask for exclusive rights for one year. After that, they will revert to continuing non-exclusive rights. Payment Upon publication, we pay $25 for flash fiction (up to 1,000 words) or 1 cent per word– maximum $40–for short stories (up to 5,000 words) for the anthology. If your story doesn’t make it into the anthology but we think it’s awesome, we may ask your permission to publish it on the Denver Horror Collective website ( and in the newsletter for $15. Response time Response times may vary depending on the number of submissions we...

Taking Submissions: Liminality Poetry Magazine

Deadline: May 31st, 2019 Payment: $10 In anthropological terms, liminality is the midpoint of a ritual: the threshold where a person is no longer quite who they were, not yet who they might become. In between masks, what face might you have? What might you be in transit? Where will you go? Everything is possible in that moment; change is its own goal. Liminality is the space between. Liminality is an online quarterly magazine of speculative poetry edited by Shira Lipkin and Mattie Joiner. We are very pleased to meet you. We’re looking for speculative literary poems that touch the heart as much as the head; poems of the liminal, the fluid, and the fantastic. We’d love to see work that shifts shape, refuses to be to be easily pinned down or categorised. We actively welcome diversity; we want to hear new as well as established voices. Tell us tales we thought we knew, the way only you can tell them. Give us new myths. Liminality pays $10 per poem, for first worldwide publication rights and non-exclusive anthology rights. We will be open: April 1 – May 31 July 1 – August 31 October 1 – November 30 To submit, send up to five poems to liminalitypoetry AT with the subject line “SUBMISSION – ”. Please include your poems in the body of the e-mail; if you have formatting that makes that untenable, you may attach the poem as an .rtf. You may send up to five poems per reading period. We do not accept reprints or simultaneous submissions. (If the poem has been publicly viewable online, yes, it would be a reprint.)  “Dear Editors”, “Dear Mattie and Shira”, and “Dear Shira and Mattie” are all fine as forms of address. Via: Liminality.

Taking Submissions: Accursed

Deadline: May 31st, 2019 Payment: $25 Accursed items. Some people believe in them, some people don’t. With a truly cursed item, belief doesn’t matter. It’s gonna do its best to get you anyway. You might survive, with the worst luck ever. Or you might not. Maybe you'll be compelled to do things you never would without its influence. Maybe you thought it would help you at the casino. Maybe it did. But there’s always a price to pay, one you aren’t ready for. That little lucky charm you have in your pocket may be doing more damage than good. But you think its helping. It's cursed, and does not have your best interests in mind. Sometimes it’s not even an item, it’s a person. Be careful what you pick up. Be careful who you friend. You never know. It, or they, might be accursed. Your story must prominently feature some kind of cursed item. Jolly Horror Press LOVES horror/comedy, but we will publish pure horror as well. We give humorous stories a slight edge however, when considering whether to include them. Diversity and Inclusiveness: Yes, we want stories from all sectors, from all kinds of people! We encourage submissions from women, people of color, and the LGBTQ+ community. We seek to include writers from all walks of life who have a scary/funny story to tell. The Details: Please see our generic submission guidelines page for how to submit. Submission Period: April 1, 2019 to June 30, 2019 Reading Period: July 1, 2019 to September 30, 2019 Expected Publication Date: December 2019 We reserve the right to close early, but no earlier than May 31, 2019 Payment: $25 per accepted story (via Paypal) Note: These guidelines are generic and apply to all Jolly Horror Anthologies unless otherwise noted. Please see the actual call for submissions for each...

Taking Submissions: Under Sapphire Stars

Deadline: March 31st, 2019 Payment: $5 Note: Female-identifying writers only Under Sapphire Stars, our first LGBTQ anthology is calling for female-identifying writers to step up and deliver their own amazing horror in that LGBTQ space. Stories can range from themes of horror, insanity, and murder to eroticisms played out within the ranks of an eldritch cult. Editor Desiree LeAnn is looking for only the best of the best, but we invite you to surprise us, scare us and to move us. We will not accept any stories about rape. Racism/Sexism/Bigotry of any form will never be accepted here. Stories between 1500-5000 words preferred. Double check your grammar and spelling. Format your story correctly. Please submit all stories in DOC/RTF format. We prefer stories that have not been published before. We prefer to avoid multiple and simultaneous submissions. We retain exclusive publishing rights for 12 months. We pay $5.00 for stories Submission Date: 4.1-5-31 Via: Madness Heart Press.

Taking Submissions: Selene Quarterly Magazine

Deadline: May 31st, 2019 Payment: $0.06USD per word, $50 for poetry, reprint prices below Note: Reprints Allowed Selene Quarterly Magazine is a quarterly periodical of speculative romance, mystery, and alternate history published in May, August, November, and February. We accept unsolicited submissions from MAY 1-31 11:59 EST every year. Anything submitted outside of this window will be deleted unread. SUBMIT Format using Shunn’s manuscript style. Track your submission using Duotrope, The Submission Grinder, and Ralan. Submit via HeyPublisher. A short cover letter is required. It should be submitted alongside the text of your submission or inside of the summary field. Please include your legal name, pen name (if relevant), contact information, PayPal email address (if different), recent publications/awards (if any), preferred contributor’s copy (.epub or .mobi for Kindle™), and a third person bio of 50-150 words. A photo is optional. We take 2-3 weeks to respond to submissions. If you haven’t received a response by then, please query. Email submissions are deleted unread. Please note that a blank response through HeyPublisher means your piece was rejected. If you have any questions, email subs POETRY: Any length paid $50USD per poem. FICTION: 100-7500 words paid $0.06USD per word. REPRINTS: Any length of poetry paid $15USD and 100-7500 words of fiction paid $0.01USD per word. RULES Translations are accepted Only submit one submission in each category Simultaneous submissions to other markets are accepted RIGHTS Copyright remains with the author and poet at all times Non-exclusive archival rights as long as the website(s) hosting the work are online First world electronic and print rights in English with exclusivity for 6 months from the date of publication If selected to be republished in an anthology in the future, payment in royalties is $0.01USD per word If selected for a podcast or audiobook, payment is $0.01USD per word for non-exclusive electronic audio rights HARD...

Taking Submissions: EconoClash Review

Deadline: May 31st, 2019 Payment: $10 EconoClash Review (Quality Cheap Thrills) is a biannual print journal of Genre Fiction. We accept only the best contemporary pulp submissions. Which includes quality Crime, Noir, Fantasy, Horror, Sci-Fi, Weird, Humor and Other Words for Uplifting Gormandizers.  EconoClash Review believes in free speech and wants to provide our readers with a much needed escape into other worlds. We like stories about Weirdos, Criminals and Pregnant Prom Queens going to great lengths to destroy or keep the status quo. HOWEVER, we don't want erotica, or adult content, or torture between characters of any age, race, species both real or fictional. Nothing gratuitous. Avoid the tropes best you can. Just because we want GENRE doesn't mean we want STALE. Above all else--EconoClash Review wants fiction full of energy that feels real.  We encourage our writers to submit short fiction between 1,500 and 4,500 words. That word limit is FIRM and STRICTLY ENFORCED. We will open again for subs May 1st to May 31st 2019. Any manuscripts sent outside the open submission window will be deleted unread. Follow us on Twitter @econoclashrevue for updates. EconoClash Review claims the following publishing rights: First English Language Rights, English Language Periodical Rights, World Periodical Rights, First Audio Distribution Rights, Subsidiary Rights and Electronic Distribution Rights. All Rights revert back to the writer six months after initial publication. Should EconoClash Review choose to create an anthology of previously published work, new rights will be negotiated. Bear in mind that most publications will not publish pieces that have been published in print, eBook, or on the web, so for all intents and purposes after your work is published by us it can only be marketed as a reprint, which severely limits the number of markets that will accept it, and drastically reduces the pay rate it can receive. It is up to you, the author, to decide if giving up your First Publishing Right for our token payment, is really...

Taking Submissions: Fire and Brimstone

Deadline: May 31st, 2019 Payment: $5AU-$20AU depending on length. Note: Only Australian and NZ authors. A Demonic Compendium of the Wicked, Fallen and Accursed Submissions will be open to all Australian and NZ based authors starting Jan 1st 2019 and will continue to May 31st 2019 (to be released October 2019). We are looking for original flash fiction and short stories 500 - 15000 words featuring demonic hellspawn. Think tales of demonic possesion, faustian deals, crossroad bargains and plain old demonic chaos... Our preference will be for a wide array of demonic entities, from a range of cultures, we're not really looking for 15 different versions of Lucifer's biblical fall. Token payments for accepted works are as follows: Flash fiction 500-1000 words: $5AU Short story 1000 - 5000 words: $10AU Short story 5000 - 10000 words: $15AU Short story 10000 - 15000 words: $20AU No fanfiction or stories based on existing franchises. No reprints. No erotica and, as always, no sparkly vampires. SUBMIT HERE Via: Cobblestone Scribe.

Taking Submissions: Page & Spine

Deadline: June 1st, 2019 Payment: all prose 501 to 3,000 words = $0.01/word with a $20 minimum, microflash (up to 150 words) = $5, flash (up to 500 words) = $10 - Longer work will be considered. Regardless of length, all payments are capped at $30. - 1 poem = $7 - Quips, limericks and other short poems = $5 each Page & Spine is a paying site.  Because of the large number of submissions, we will no longer accept submissions that do not comply with our submissions requirements.  Emails containing attachments will be deleted unopened. Requirements and rates: Short Stories up to 3,000 words. Flash Fiction to 1,000 words.  Format:  Single space.  Indent paragraphs. Do not skip a line between paragraphs. Considered between October 1st and June 1st only. Up to 3 Poems of not more than a total of three typewritten pages.  Considered between October 1st and June 1st only. The Writers' Table writing-related essays, book reviews, favorite author profiles of not more than 2,000 words. The Reading Lamp  topical essays, non-fiction, fiction to 3,000 words, poems   Crumbs short, witty Poetry, Quips and thought-provoking Flash Fiction (to 150 words) End Notes essays, poems, book reviews on any subject Payscale:  all prose 501 to 3,000 words = $0.01/word with a $20 minimum,  microflash (up to 150 words) = $5, flash (up to 500 words) = $10                     Longer work will be considered.  Regardless of length, all payments are capped at $30. 1 poem = $7 quips, limericks and other short poems = $5 each                     Because we have bulging pending files in our short story, reading lamp and poems categories, submissions will be accepted only between October 1 and June 1 in these categories.  Please plan your submissions accordingly. Due to a happy surfeit of unpublished submissions, reprints will not be accepted until further notice. "Published" is...

Taking Submissions: Contrary Summer 2019 Issue

Deadline: June 1st, 2019 Payment: $20 “Turning words into art is unnatural. It begins with a contrary attitude. It says, I am unhappy with the way things are and desire to make things different. Rather than represent the world, I will make something wildly and savagely new. I will defy logic. I will invest in new perceptions. I will combine and recombine and fabricate and juggle until something that I have never experienced is experienced. The process is alchemical. The process is violent. It goes to the heart of creativity. It disrupts and shatters. It is splendid with provocation. It is an aggression against banality. It is sharp and loud like a janitor scraping frost from a window. The hectic bounce of steam on a street after a truck roars by. The anarchy of waters, the comedy of the face, dangerous feelings vented from a cage of skin.” ~ John Olson Poetry — We believe poetry is contrary by nature, always defying, always tonguing the tang of novelty. We look especially for plurality of meaning, for dual reverberation of beauty and concern. Contrary’s poetry in particular often mimics the effects of fiction or commentary. We find ourselves enamored of prose poems because they are naturally contrary toward form – they tug on the forces of exposition or narrative – but prose poems remain the minority of all the poetic forms we publish. Please consider that Contrary receives vast amounts of poetry and that we can publish only a small percentage of that work. Please submit no more than three poems per issue. Our poetry editor is Shaindel Beers. Fiction — We ask our fiction writers to imagine their readers navigating a story with one finger poised over a mouse button. Can your story stay that finger to the end? We...

Taking Submissions: SINCERELY, S.O.V.

Deadline: June 1st, 2019 Payment: 5 dollars and 5 contributor copies or 25 dollars and 0 contributor copies. SINCERELY, S.O.V.: a tribute to s.o.v. horror films Woefully inept? Unbearably trashy? Unwatchable? Badly written? Over-acted? Hammy? Boring? Cheaply made? Redundant? Ridiculous? Goofy? Or...something more? Since professional studios did not back these films, they didn’t have to pass through any conventional filters. The desire to make these films surpassed the limitations and obstacles, which rear their terrible serpent heads in: the seams. The seams. Perhaps it’s THE SEAMS which is most interesting about these films. How, barely passably, did they achieve creature effects or kill sequences given their limitations in budget, actors, writing, and directing? What can we learn about the times, the creator’s lives, and forgotten class-struggles from bygone eras? What is the magical element present in these films which draws new audiences back to them despite their horrendously low ratings on IMDB? The best of these films have something in common: sincerity—a sincerity to scare and shock and to create some simulacrum of believability in an artificial pulp world gone mad. We are especially attracted to horror stories, novels, and films with grim settings. Think the lonely frozen outpost of The Thing, the terrible working conditions of King’s “Graveyard Shift,” the struggling writer of Ligotti’s “Alice’s Last Adventure,” or the jaded demiglaze over James Woods’ eyes in VIDEODROME. Comic artists and writers are encouraged to submit. Experimentation and non-traditional approaches to storytelling are encouraged. Deadline: June 1st, 2019. Token payment: 5 dollars and 5 contributor copies or 25 dollars and 0 contributor copies. Submit to: psychedelichorrorpress at gmail dot com Writer Length: 2k-4kish Comic Artist Length: 5-20 pages of black and white sequential art