
Taking Submissions: Typewriter Emergencies A Journal of Furry Lit Issue 2

Deadline: September 8th, 2017 Payment: $0.01 per word. Typewriter Emergencies is seeking works featuring furry characters. We're looking for stories, book reviews, articles, and any other form of furry material. The journal accepts work that is considered rated R or Less. You can throw in the word "f*ck" around a few times, but no excessive sex, blood, and guts pretty much. Typewriter Emergencies publishes under the philosophy of degenerate literature. We're not here to be proper, we're here to make art. We don't have a specific theme for our issues, therefore it's free reign. Themes may be implemented in the future.  We plan on publishing at least twice a year. If we feel we can take on a heavier load, we'll open up for more issues. Our Schedule is as follows: Issue 1 release - May 2017 - Submissions must be received by February 10, 2017. Issue 2 release - December 2017 - Submissions must be received by September 8, 2017. Payment is $0.01 per word. All rights revert back to the author. We simply ask for the right to publish the story for the period this journal is active.  Simultaneous submissions are fine. It is your responsibility to notify us if your work is accepted elsewhere.  Story Guidelines: Max word count is 2500 words. Anything over this will not be accepted.  Reprints will be reviewed, but we will prefer previously unpublished work.  Each issue is expected to have a small amount of material, 3-5 stories at most.  Articles & Reviews Max word count 1000 words. Anything considered a book review or article that is over 1000 words will not be considered.  Articles/Book reviews must be predominantly furry in nature. Reviews must not contain spoilers. We will not accept reviews that are overly negative. As for articles, familiarize yourself with  or Dogpatch...

Taking Submissions: Real American Horror

Deadline: royalties 60% divided amongst authors evenly. Payment: September 11th, 2017 We’re looking for short stories no more than 5k that reflect real stories and urban legends found in America. No reprints. Payment: royalties 60% divided amongst authors evenly. We’re also looking for raw real stories of America’s underworld, real stories from real people that are going through real life horrors. For example, stories of suffering from addiction, living in the slums of Chicago, or life as victim of sex trafficking. All names will be confidential, unless you state otherwise. No payment at this time. Exposure and be in a magazine that reaches a wide audience and invitation to a podcast that reaches an even wider audience. Real American Horror is a horror anthology designed to evoke strong emotions from readers as they look into stories of Real horror. Deadline: September 11th Send submissions to [email protected] With real American horror in subject, otherwise I’ll miss it. Via: Deadman's Tome.

Taking Submissions: Darkling Canadiana – A Darkling Around the World Anthology

Deadline: September 15th, 2017 Payment: $0.01 per word Ends on September 15, 2017 IMPORTANT REMINDER: In addition to the anthology-specific guidelines here, please review our General Guidelines on our main Submittable page as they pertain to all anthologies unless otherwise noted. Thank you. With the first book in this series, you'll be meeting Darkling, our horror host. She's dark, she's cute, she's sassy, she's dead ... and we can't wait to introduce you to her! Darkling takes us on a horrifying tour of strange, dark landmarks and creature encounters in a collection of horror stories set in Canada. We are looking for 13 stories, one for each province or territory of the great Lumberjack Country. The stories in this anthology will be interwoven by the ghostly narrator, Darkling, who has her own story to tell and a dark, sassy personality to keep readers coming back for more. Submissions must be self-contained stories with no mention or reference to Darkling (stories that reference Darkling or her role in any way will be rejected). Your story must be set in one of Canada's 13 provinces or territories and include it's culture and historical landmarks in a way that prevents the story from being told anywhere else: Alberta (AB) British Columbia (BC) Manitoba (MB) New Brunswick (NB) Newfoundland and Labrador (NL) Northwest Territories (NT) Nova Scotia (NS) CLOSED FOR SUBMISSIONS Nunavut (NU) Ontario (ON) Prince Edward Island (PE) Quebec (QC) CLOSED FOR SUBMISSIONS Saskatchewan (SK) Yukon (YT) We are specifically looking for horror stories or dark fiction. Crossovers with other genres are fine (science fiction, fantasy, etc.) but there must be a horror element or dark tone and fit the overall theme. Anything goes – vampires, werewolves, zombies, ghosts, yetis, wendigos, demon possessions, haunted houses, serial killers and other well-used tropes – but be original in how you interpret these staples of horror and make sure these creatures of or in...

Taking Submissions: Arsenika Autumn 2017 Issue

Deadline: September 15th, 2017 Payment: $60 USD for fiction and $30 USD for poetry Our reading periods are as follows: February 1–March 15 for our Spring (April) issue; May 1–June 15 for our Summer (July) issue; August 1–September 15 for our Autumn (October) issue; and November 1–December 15 for our Winter (January) issue. Feel free to record your submissions at Duotrope and/or the Submissions Grinder. We are also listed on Ralan. Fiction and Poetry Guidelines Arsenika is looking for previously unpublished original fiction and poetry up to 1,000 words long. Payment is $60 USD for fiction and $30 USD for poetry for first world electronic rights and non-exclusive audio rights. We hope to raise the poetry rate to $60 as well in the future—please support us on Patreon if you’d like to help us reach our goal. Submit no more than two flash fiction pieces and five poems at a time, and please make sure you fill out the form again for each piece you send, unless the pieces are meant to be read together (e.g. a triptych of poems). All work should be in Standard Manuscript Format (fiction format/poetry format). Format poetry exactly as you would like to see it online—use italics for italics, underlines for underlines, boldface for boldface, etc. Send only TXT, RTF, DOC, and DOCX files. Please do not send simultaneous submissions (pieces that are submitted to Arsenikaand another market at the same time). Multiple submissions are accepted, but please have no more than two flash fiction pieces and five poems in the submissions queue at a time. We try to respond to all submissions within 14 days. If you haven’t heard from us in 30 days, please send us a query at [email protected]. Remember: Don’t self-reject. Reprints Arsenika does not accept unsolicited reprints. Payment is $10 upon acceptance. Art Arsenika pays $100 for reprint art. Please feel free to query us...

Taking Submissions: Hinnom Magazine

Deadline: September 15th, 2017 (Opens Sept 1st!) Payment: $0.005 cents per word with a minimum payment of $5.00 and a maximum cap of $25.00 Greetings from the Valley of Hinnom, Hinnom Magazine is a bi-monthly e-zine that publishes high quality science fiction, fantasy, and horror on the last day of every other month, starting in February.  We seek authors who have a unique voice, interesting writing styles, and unparalleled storytelling talents.  We do not shy from topics or concepts of a darker nature and, actually, encourage it. READING PERIODS: January 1-15th March 1-15th May 1-15th July 1-15th September 1-15th November 1-15th PUBLICATION DATES: February 28th April 30th June 30th August 31st October 31st December 31st Please submit stories during first fifteen days of the months selected as reading periods.  Stories received after this will not be read.  Artists can submit year round. (Inaugural Issue will be Published on June 30th) FICTION SUBMISSION DETAILS: List of Genres Accepted in Alphabetical Order: Body Horror Cosmicism/Cosmic Horror Cthulhu Mythos/ Lovecraftian Horror Cyberpunk Dark Fantasy Dieselpunk Dystopian Fiction Fantasy Gothic Horror Grimdark Fantasy Hard SF Hardcore Horror High Fantasy Horror Macabre horror Occult Fiction Post-Human/Trans-Human SF Psychological Horror Science Fiction Space Opera Steampunk Sword and Sorcery Weird Fiction Any blending of these genres is also fine.  We encourage creative takes on classic themes.  In fact, combining these concepts will likely increase your chance of publication. Science Fiction is meant to beg the question, “What if?” Horror is meant to entice the very emotions that define our species: fear, terror, and dread. Fantasy focuses on imaginative detachment from reality, forging worlds and universes unseen and unheard. These genres require the utmost levels of creativity and we want to read your most macabre, disgusting, imaginative, fantastical, morose, colorful, and prophetic tales. RIGHTS SOUGHT FOR ORIGINAL ART ...

Taking Submissions: Darkling’s Beasts and Brews – Poetry with a Drink on The Side

Deadline: September 17th, 2017 Payment: $0.25 USD (twenty-five cents) per line (excluding spaces and title) with a minimum payment of $1.00 for Haiku and a maximum cut-off at $20 for longer pieces. LVP Publications is introducing Darkling, Lycan Valley's Horror Host, in this special poetry anthology -- Darkling's Beasts and Brews -- just in time for Halloween! You provide the poetry and Darkling will provide the drinks. We are looking for beast and/or creature related poetry only -- vampires, werewolves, banshees, wendigos, chimeras, hellhounds, ghost riders, witches, goblins, fairies, trolls, yetis, sasquatches, skinwalkers, spiritwalkers, shapeshifters, and other paranormal beings that live here in the Valley. They don't have to be evil (fun and charming are okay too), but there must be a horror or dark element to the poem. Each poem selected will have a corresponding drink recipe added by Darkling from her private collection. (Do not submit poetry related to drinks or drink recipes.) LINE COUNT: We will accept poetry in a variety of styles between 5 and 100 lines (with the exception of properly formatted Haiku of 3 lines). Poems less than 5 lines (with the exception of Haiku) or longer than 100 lines will be returned unread. Exclude spaces and title from line count. PAYMENT: $0.25 USD (twenty-five cents) per line (excluding spaces and title) with a minimum payment of $1.00 for Haiku and a maximum cut-off at $20 for longer pieces. FORMATTING: Attach .rtf files only. Single spaced with line breaks in appropriate places. Left justified, no strange or unusual formatting. Use 12pt Times or similar font only. No bold or fancy fonts. No single word lines (with the exception of proper Haiku) Remove contact information and all identifying information including headings and byline from the document. We do not accept simultaneous submissions. If you submit to us, please wait until you receive a response before...

Taking Submissions: Reckoning #2

Deadline: September 22nd, 2017 Payment: six cents a word for prose, twenty dollars a page for poetry If you want to know what we’re looking for, try reading Reckoning 1, the interviews, the Reckoning twitter, LCRW 33, or any of these. The short version: fiction preferably at least a tiny bit speculative, nonfiction preferably more creative than journalistic, poetry tending towards the narrative and preferably with some thematic heft, art your guess is as good as mine. But the heart of what I want is your searingly personal, visceral, idiosyncratic understanding of the world and the people in itas it has been, as it is, as it will be, as it could be, as a consequence of humanity’s relationship with the earth. I am actively seeking work from Indigenous writers and artists, writers and artists of color, queer and transgender writers and artists, and anyone who has suffered the consequences, intended or otherwise, of dominant society’s systemic disconnect with and mistreatment of the natural world. And I am actively seeking new ways to reach all of the above. Seriously, if you know of a way I can do that, please share. Simultaneous submissions are ok. Multiple short poetry submissions is ok; with longer submissions, please send just one at a time. Feel free to submit again after you hear back. Length: 0 – 45,000 words, inclusive. Response time has ranged from one to three months. Payment is six cents a word for prose, twenty dollars a page for poetry, art minimum twenty-five dollars per piece. Arbitrary cutoff point for the second issue will be the autumn equinox, Friday, September 22nd, 2017. Submit original fiction, nonfiction or poetry as an RTF or DOC attachment (or art in any compact, web-ready format) to [email protected]. Please use an email subject like “ Submission: ” or we’re likely to take a lot longer getting to...

Taking Submission: ‘Alien Invasion’ And ‘Endless Apocalypse’

Deadline: September 29th, 2017 Payment: 6 cents per word Note: A 2-for-1! I just found out about these listings and as the deadline is coming up I wanted to do a bonus post to get them before your eyes ASAP! Continuing the success of our previous call for submissions, we’re looking for around twenty to thirty short stories by contemporary writers to complement a selection of classic tales in two new anthologies. We are keen to encourage new writers, without prejudice to age, background or previous publication history. It’s the story that matters, and the quality of writing. Submit by email to [email protected]  The Two New Volumes Alien Invasion: Visitors from other planets have long obsessed us. H.G. Wells’ The War of the Worlds spawned a huge wave of speculative fiction but the roots of such fears run deep in our literature, where the mysteries of other cultures have long threatened the familiar and the comfortable. Did aliens build the ancient pyramids? Do they live amongst us today? What happens when they invade? Would it be an inevitable act of aggression, one of assistance and care, or simply a reminder of our paltry existence in a crowded universe? Endless Apocalypse: Stories of the end of civilized life have always fascinated us, from the mythological world endings – Armageddon and Ragnarok – to the flood stories from across the Ancient world. They make us wonder what we would do if all around us came to an end – no transport, no fuel, no communications, a retreat into the desperation, the onslaught of disease – how would we survive? Formal Call for Submissions (2017) We are looking for new and recent short stories. We do not require exclusivity. You hold copyright, licensing us just for this publication. We don’t mind if your story has been previously published online...

Taking Submissions: The Binge-Watching Cure II

Deadline: September 30, 2017 Payment: $200 for stories under 5,000 words and $500 for stories 5,000 words and longer. Contributors also receive a paper copy of the book. Note: I HIGHLY suggest reading the linked to pages here to see exactly what they're looking for. The Binge-Watching Cure II, our all horror edition is open for submissions. We want to see your most terrifying prose. We’re interested in the full range of horror fiction genres and topics: dark fantasy, vampires, zombies, werewolves, Cthulhu Mythos, pure horror, psychological horror, ghost stories, East European myths, kind fairies gone rogue, Japanese monsters, apocalyptic horror, gothic, and plain scary monsters. If your imagination can conjure it, we want to read it. The same general word length categories apply; we’re paying the same as we did for the first edition of The Binge-Watching Cure (which will be available later in 2017.)  Please see our submissions page for details on how to submit your story, and our FAQ for answers to your most pressing questions. For submissions, the only difference between the first edition and the horror edition is that you need to include the words “Horror Edition” in the subject line of your email. The deadline for submissions is June 30, 2017. We are not interested in fan fiction or stories with graphic or sexual violence against children, graphic incest, necrophilia, animal torture, or gore for gore’s sake. If you have a question, use our contact form or ping us in Twitter. Please don’t use the submissions email address for queries. Via: The Binge Watching Cure.

Taking Submissions: A Sharp Stick in the Eye (and Other Funny Stories)

Deadline: September 30th, 2017 Payment: $50 and a contributor's copy Books & Boos Press is now accepting short story submissions for an upcoming anthology of darkly funny stories, edited by award-winning writer and editor Rob Smales, tentatively titled A Sharp Stick in the Eye (and Other Funny Stories). What we’re looking for: Original stories that are both entertaining and fall firmly in the horror genre. Think Jeff Strand, Joe Lansdale, Shaun of the Dead, Zombieland. Make us die laughing. Books & Boos Press is committed to publishing well-written horror. We are less concerned with how well known or established you are, and more concerned with the quality of the writing submitted. Write your story, polish it up, and see if you can make us laugh. Please note: submissions will be read blind, meaning all author information will be stripped from the story before the editor receives it. To maintain objectivity, we request that when submitting, you refrain from posting your story title on social media. Submission guidelines: ● Length: 4,000–8,000 words. ● Format: Times New Roman, 12-point font, double line spacing. Use indents, NOT tabs. Only one space after each period. Use italics, not underlines. Please include your name, contact information, and word count at the top of the title page. No headers or footers. ● Submit your manuscript as a .docx, .doc, or .rtf attachment to [email protected]. The body of the email should be a brief (one page max) cover letter giving a summary of the story, who you are, and any recent publications. Manuscripts submitted in the body of the email instead of as an attachment will be automatically rejected. ● No simultaneous or multiple submissions allowed. We will reject as we go, so writers will have an opportunity to submit another story if the first one doesn’t...