
Taking Submissions: Eye to the Telescope #45

Deadline: June 15th, 2022 Payment: US 3¢/word rounded up to nearest dollar; minimum US $3, maximum $25 Theme: Veterans of Alien Wars Eye to the Telescope 45, Veterans of Alien Wars, will be edited by Deborah L. Davitt. Conflict's unlikely to vanish, even in the most utopian of futures. How will veterans of future wars have to adapt and adjust to civilian life once their cybernetics have been stripped from their bodies and they have no more access to their power armor? What memories will haunt them as they learn to live in a reality in which the aliens they fought are no longer their enemies? I have a special fondness for form poetry done well—rhymes that don't jingle, sestinas that aren't forced—but will absolutely consider free-verse as well. Special consideration will be given to writers who have served in the armed forces, and we hope that this provides them with an artistic outlet that they may not have pursued in the past. We are eager to read what you send! Submission Guidelines SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS Use the form at  to submit. Please submit 1–3 poems in English (ideally, attached as .docx or .txt) and include a short bio. Translations from other languages are acceptable with the permission of the original poet (unless public domain). Inquiries only to [email protected] with “ETTT” in the subject line. Deadline: June 15. The issue will appear on July 15, 2022. Payment and rights Accepted poems will be paid for at the following rate: US 3¢/word rounded up to nearest dollar; minimum US $3, maximum $25. Payment is on publication. The Science Fiction & Fantasy Poetry Association normally uses PayPal to pay poets, but can also send checks. Eye to the Telescope is an online publication. Therefore, First Electronic Rights (for original unpublished poems) are being sought. Who can submit? Anyone writing speculative poetry. What...

Contest: 50-Word Stories June 2022 (Early Listing)

Submission Window: June 1st-15th, 2022 Payment: 1 winner each month will win $10 Canadian Theme: A story at exactly 50-words If you’d like to have a 50-word story that you wrote featured on, first make sure that you understand exactly what a 50-word story is, and then read the submission requirements below closely. Submissions System Each month, submissions will be open between days 1 and 15 of that month. Any stories received on days 16 to 31 of a month will be deleted, but can be resubmitted the following month. You may only submit one story per month. From the stories received in those 15 days, the best stories will be selected to be published that same month. Only enough stories will be selected to publish two stories per weekday. There is no payment associated with stories. However, each month a “Story of the Month” is selected, and receives a prize of $10 Canadian. Stories that were not selected will not be published, will not roll over into the following month, and cannot be resubmitted in following months. Authors will be notified whether their story has been selected or not once all stories from the month’s submissions have been reviewed. How to Submit Please email your submission to [email protected]. Paste the story into the body of the email. Please include a title, your name, and a brief third-person bio. Feel free to include a link to your website! If you are submitting a story related to a specific date or holiday, please include that information in the Subject line of your submission. You can also send your story in using the form at the bottom of this page. Tips and Guides Looking for help with writing microfiction? Check out Bob Thurber’s Anatomy of a Microfiction page. Terms and Conditions Please keep the content of your submissions appropriate for...

Taking Submissions: Home Sweet Horror

Deadline: June 15th, 2022 Payment: Royalties on 4k+ stories Theme: Scary houses and dwellings, more details below! Title: Home Sweet Horror Opens: 1 February 2022 Closes: 15 June 2022 11:59 pm EST Theme: Haunted houses, cursed dwellings, terrors close to home. Give us the squeaks and creaks in the middle of the night, the tension of the unknown that sends your heart racing, the things that haunt you in the one place you're supposed to be safe. Big or small, bold & bloody, silent & psychological--we want it all! Word Limit: 100 words-5k words, excluding title Author Eligibility: Open to All Reprints: Allowed Simultaneous Submissions: Not allowed Multiple Submissions: Max of 5 (five) acceptance per author Author Compensation: One (1) digital copy, wordcount based royalty on anything 4k and over. Send your story and up to a 100-word author bio with 2 (two) links as a Word doc attachment to: [email protected] Please include the Anthology Title, Story Title, and Author name in your email subject line, with your document file name as: Author Name - Story Title. Via: Black Ink Fiction.

Taking Submissions: Rituals

Deadline: June 15th, 2022 Payment: Royalties and receive an advance of $15 Canadian Theme: The underlying significance, emotional aspects, and nuances of a particular ritual. Rituals are a core part of the human experience. Whether sacred or secular, they provide a point of connection to the world beyond us, and even to our deeper selves. When we take a step back and examine our lives, we find that our existence is weaved together by rituals— whether they involve our morning habit of grinding coffee beans as we prepare breakfast, or something large-scale such as a cultural or religious holiday. Whatever their purpose, rituals ground us in a society that’s in constant flux. In this anthology, writers can explore the underlying significance, emotional aspects, and nuances of a particular ritual. Send us your best nonfiction, poetry, or work that blends these forms. We are looking for innovative writing that engages in new ideas. Anthology edited by Brina Patel All writers are paid in royalties and receive an advance of $15 Canadian prior to publication. Royalties are shared equally among all contributors and are not based on page or word count.  Full payment details provided in a publication contract. If you would like more details on payment before submitting, please contact Angela at angela There are no word count guidelines, but keep in mind that pages are limited and longer pieces may be less likely to have a place because of this. To submit, please email info and include: your writing attached as a single word document a cover letter on the first page of the document introducing your work a brief bio included in the cover letter the subject line “RITUALS anthology ” Preferred formatting: Times New Roman 12pt double spaced word count at the top of the first page poems in one...

Taking Submissions: Framework of the Human Body

Deadline: June 15th, 2022 Payment: Royalties and receive an advance of $15 Canadian Theme: This anthology is about the human body and what it carries. Note: Primarily looking for Canadian authors This anthology is about the human body and what it carries. It’s about the untold stories we carry on our skin and in our bones: how you got those scars on your arms, the emotional density of having adult acne, the texture of your hair and how you’ve tried to change it, or the rigidness and pressure of weight loss culture. At some point in our lives, we look in the mirror and suddenly notice our bodies in a sort of visceral way. This collection is looking for stories of these moments: from epiphanies, to revelations, to acceptances. Send us your best short stories, poems/art songs, creative nonfiction pieces, personal essays, features, and scripts. We are looking for imaginative writing that has unique description and poetic devices. Unconventional pieces that are relatable, and holds resonance within our readers long after they’ve read your piece. Fabulism, magical realism, speculative fiction, allegories, or anything of the sort is strongly encouraged. We want weird fiction that doesn’t follow any rules, and follows the impulse of our bodies. Anthology edited by Catherine Mwitta For this call, we are particularly interested in Canadian authors, though some International submissions may be accepted. Priority is given to Canadian work to align with Canadian granting body requirements. All writers are paid in royalties and receive an advance of $15 Canadian prior to publication. Royalties are shared equally among all contributors and are not based on page or word count.  Full payment details provided in a publication contract. If you would like more details on payment before submitting, please contact Angela at angela Page lengths: Scripts: 10–15 pages Short...

Taking Submissions: Baffling Magazine June 2022 Window

Deadline: June 15th, 2022 Payment: 8 cents per word. Theme: Fashion / Style Baffling Magazine currently publishes two to three flash story a month on our Patreon. Subsequently, each quarter of published work is shared for free online on our website. We will publish additional work each month as our Patreon grows and will share those guidelines as we get closer to each milestone. ✷ The compensation level for original stories accepted to Baffling Magazine is $0.08/word. Stories will be published first on our Patreon, then made available in our quarterly issues, and finally in an annual print anthology. Submissions for issues eleven and twelve will be open June 1-15. We will be welcoming stories on the theme of “style/fashion” as well as unthemed stories. Note on timeliness: We took an awful long time our last submission  round. It took about five months for us to get our act together and make  final decisions from our short list. While we do have simsubs, and  we’ll be trying to make decisions faster this next submission round, we  still want to warn y’all that we take forever. We are looking for: Wordcount:   Under 1,200 words.  We especially love to see more stories under 500 words. What we want to see:  We are looking for speculative stories that explore science fiction, fantasy, and horror with a queer bent. We want queer stories and we want trans stories and we want aro/ace stories. We want indefinable stories. We welcome weird, slipstream, and interstitial writing. What we don’t want to see:  We’re not interested in unexamined bigotry or sexual violence; pieces that include such should be nuanced or looking at the post-event experience of the survivors. Guidelines: Please submit your story in .doc or .docx file, formatted in something approaching modern Standard Manuscript Format.  Please use italics for italics etc....

Taking Submissions: Mythulu Magazine #5: Wildly Original Fairy Tales and Myths

Deadline: June 17th, 2022 Payment: Non-fiction pays $0.08/word. Creative works earn $0.04/word, with short stories capped at $75. Comics pay $30/page, capped at $150. Theme: Capture an adulthood dilemma so universal it transcends culture and time---then explain it so a child can understand. Capture an adulthood dilemma so universal it transcends culture and time---then explain it so a child can understand. Any era. Any world. Any hero or antihero. Focus on the hardest-earned lessons of your life. The things you WISH someone had explained to you earlier, and wrap that wisdom in a package "younger you" would have adored. DO NOT SUBMIT "REIMAGINED" FAIRY TALES! We are seeking UTTERLY UNIQUE shorts in the poetic STYLE of myths and fairy tales.  Short stories: 500 - 2,800 words Non-fiction articles: 200 - 1,200 words Graphic-style stories and comics also welcome! (Limit = 8 pages. Please submit in color) Rough storyboard pitches welcome -- due April 7th. Terms & Process Mythulu eMagazine pays an average of $0.06/word or $15/page. Non-fiction pays 0.08/word. Creative works earn 0.04/word, with short stories capped at $75. Comics pay $30/page, capped at $150. We edit aggressively to create a dense, entertaining, high-quality publication. Non-fiction articles, especially, receive heavy edits. We may cut, rearrange, paraphrase, or even recommend additional content to maximize article quality, then send it back for your approval. We don't guarantee that an article we edit with you will be published. Author earnings listed above are based on final published word count, not your initial submission. Preview full terms here: Thank you for contributing! Laura Crenshaw Creator of Mythulu Terms of Publication Mythulu eMagazine pays an average of $0.06/word or $15/page. Non-fiction pays $0.08/word. Creative works earn $0.04/word, with short stories capped at $75. We strongly encourage contributors to boost their earnings through our contributor-exclusive affiliate program. We edit...

Taking Submission: Monster

Deadline: June 25th, 2022 Payment: $0.01 per word and royalties Theme: Original monster stories Every culture has stories about those things that go bump in the night. From Mary Shelley to Stephen King and everything in between, our stories are filled with monsters. For this submission call, we are asking for your best original monster story. The monster can be real, in a character’s imagination, or something in between. The only requirement is that the story falls into the horror genre, and features the idea of a monster. So here are the details for submission: Deadline for submission is June 25, 2022 9PM MST. Submissions are to be sent in William Shunn’s Manuscript Format Please place your name and contact information on the manuscript itself. Simultaneous submissions are welcome. Reprints are NOT accepted. All submissions must be written in English, or translated into English prior to submitting. Accepted file formats include docx, odt, txt, rtf, and doc. Word count is between 1,000 and 7,500. Submissions that do not follow these requirements will be ignored. Please send submissions to [email protected] with the subject line “Submission-Your Name-Monster” If you don’t hear from us within a month after closing, consider your piece a better fit somewhere else.   Payment is $0.01 per word plus a percentage of royalties. Expected publication is late 2022 or early 2023. Looking forward to reading your best! Via: Antimony and Elder Lace Press.

Taking Submissions: Soldiers of the Old Ones

Deadline: June 30th, 2022 Payment: $25 Theme: Tales of the people who fight for, sacrifice for, and work toward the takeover of the world by the Old Ones. In this, our seventh anthology of the Lovecraftian series, we are looking for tales of the people who fight for, sacrifice for, and work toward the takeover of the world by the Old Ones. In a previous anthology, we dealt with the worshipers. They helped bring about the appearance of the Old Ones. The soldiers in this anthology are those who actually help the manifest Old Ones in their conquest. This is war. Conflict. There will be atrocity. Horror in the truest sense of the word, from madness to mayhem. Tell us about the weapons, physical and not, used by the soldiers in their campaigns. Show us the progress or lack thereof toward the endgame of total victory for the Old Ones or humanity. Is it possible humanity can win? Maybe, but show us how. We recognize that horror requires a certain amount of leeway on some things, but be warned. We look down on overuse of specific issues. These include: • Sexual content not inherent to the storyline. No adult content. Keep your tentacles to yourself. • Explicit description of torture or sacrifice, human or otherwise. As a plot device, there is a way to present this without resorting to splatter. A certain amount of gore is to be expected, but don't overdo it. • Violence or abuse against a minor, infant to teenager. • Overuse of profane language. People curse. But not every sentence. • Hate language against a race, creed, or gender. Against monstrous races and gods, that’s okay. • Quoting previously published material not in the public domain. This is a legal issue and will not be tolerated...

Taking Submissions: Freeze Frame Fiction 2022 Call #1

Deadline: June 30th, 2022 Payment: $10 Theme: A complete story in any genre What are we looking for? Good flash fiction is like a freeze frame—a snapshot of a real story about real characters. The word count is low, so many of the details are left to the reader to fill in, but they’re there. Flash fiction is neither a vignette nor a character sketch. Something must happen, and there must be an ending, whether explicit or implied. So first and foremost, we want a story. A complete, interesting story. 1000 words or less, any genre, no content restrictions. We want your science fiction, fantasy, horror, mystery, drama, literary works, satire, bizarre fiction, or anything else you can come up with or mix together. The more original, the better. The weirder, the better. The best way to find out what we’re looking for is to read what we’ve already published! Check out our current volume, free to read at What are we NOT looking for? We are 100% okay with explicit content, so long as it serves a purpose to the story and/or characters. Profanity for the sake of profanity—or the same thing for sex, violence, or gore—does not impress us. Also, animal cruelty. Please just send that somewhere else. We do not publish fan-fiction, i.e., stories based in worlds or using characters created by other authors. All content must be original. The following things might be accepted, but will be a very hard sell: stories involving vampires, zombies, or werecreatures (read an exception here) pure romance with no other significant elements the now-ubiquitous young adult paranormal romance military fiction or stories of battles or wars stories with a religious message or theme We’re also pretty tired of reading about straight cis white guys, honestly. We get it; they’re everywhere. Give us some diversity,...