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Taking Submissions: Mythulu Magazine #5: Wildly Original Fairy Tales and Myths
June 17, 2022
Deadline: June 17th, 2022
Payment: Non-fiction pays $0.08/word. Creative works earn $0.04/word, with short stories capped at $75. Comics pay $30/page, capped at $150.
Theme: Capture an adulthood dilemma so universal it transcends culture and time—then explain it so a child can understand.
Capture an adulthood dilemma so universal it transcends culture and time—then explain it so a child can understand.
Any era. Any world. Any hero or antihero.
Focus on the hardest-earned lessons of your life. The things you WISH someone had explained to you earlier, and wrap that wisdom in a package “younger you” would have adored.
We are seeking UTTERLY UNIQUE shorts in the poetic STYLE of myths and fairy tales.
- Short stories: 500 – 2,800 words
- Non-fiction articles: 200 – 1,200 words
- Graphic-style stories and comics also welcome! (Limit = 8 pages. Please submit in color) Rough storyboard pitches welcome — due April 7th.
Terms & Process
Mythulu eMagazine pays an average of $0.06/word or $15/page. Non-fiction pays 0.08/word. Creative works earn 0.04/word, with short stories capped at $75.
Comics pay $30/page, capped at $150.
We edit aggressively to create a dense, entertaining, high-quality publication. Non-fiction articles, especially, receive heavy edits. We may cut, rearrange, paraphrase, or even recommend additional content to maximize article quality, then send it back for your approval.
We don’t guarantee that an article we edit with you will be published. Author earnings listed above are based on final published word count, not your initial submission.
Preview full terms here: www.mythulu.com/emag-terms
Thank you for contributing!
Laura Crenshaw
Creator of Mythulu
Terms of Publication
Mythulu eMagazine pays an average of $0.06/word or $15/page. Non-fiction pays $0.08/word. Creative works earn $0.04/word, with short stories capped at $75. We strongly encourage contributors to boost their earnings through our contributor-exclusive affiliate program.
We edit aggressively to create a dense, entertaining, high-quality publication. Non-fiction articles, especially, receive heavy edits. We may cut, rearrange, paraphrase, or even recommend additional content to maximize article quality, then send it back for your approval.
For full terms, visit: https://mythulu.com/emag-terms/
- NO dead children on page
- NO violence toward the innocent for the purpose of entertainment
- NO rape or incest
- NO translations
- Short stories: 500 -2,800 words
- Non-fiction articles: 200 – 1,200 words
- Cartoons or graphic panels also welcome
Mythulu Magazine believes in offering feedback. We provide aggregated, anonymized feedback at our monthly slush pile parties. RSVP here: www.facebook.com/MythuluCards/events.
If your work merits personal feedback, we also send a private email. These short notes highlight which elements of our grading rubric you hit and missed. UPON REQUEST, we are happy to offer a specific editing suggestion that we believe could elevate the piece.
To opt OUT of feedback, please add “(FB Opt Out)” to the end of your submission title.
- Multiple submissions? No. Choose your best piece.
- Do you accept previously published stories? Yes, as long as the previous publisher doesn’t still hold the rights.
- Simultaneous Submission? No. Please give us 90 days from close-of-submission (submission deadline) to review and reply to your story.
Editorial Mission:
Help writers make a living by demystifying the business journey and explaining techniques for maximally competitive stories.
We publish stories that brilliantly demonstrate the specific storycraft skill we’re teaching in each issue. Concept and clarity are more important than prose.
Via: Mythulu’s Submittable.