Friday Update: Pandemic Book Launches, Events and Supporting Creatives

Pandemic Author Support, Book Launches and Events  21.08.20

In addition to Jim McLeod’s Pandemic Book Launch group on Facebook – go here for more infomation – Joe Mynhardt has set up a collaborative Facebook group for the independent presses: Hot Off the Indie Press, check it out here.  Click on the book covers for more information.

Support Your Indie Authors and Reviewers

This is a new feature which I hope will help bring extra work to those who’ve been hit economically by Covid. If you’ve lost your day job, had hours cut, are struggling and have services to offer, a patreon page to promote etc, let us know and we’ll plug them here. Note, Todd didn’t approach us – I saw his post on Facebook and thought this would be a good way to support a terrific writer (and yes, buy Devil’s Creek!)

Devil's CreekTodd Keisling – author of Devil’s Creek, Ugly Little Things is not just a writer. He also designs book interiors, frontispieces and can provide other services related to marketing campaigns. For more information go here. Buy his books here. Support him on patreon here.

Victoria Wilder – writer, singer, actress. Someone who must surely be experiencing career hits in all directions at present – buy her book here and please check out her patreon here.

Irene Lofthouse – author of Strange Tales in Bradford Dale, editor of Stories from Stone, creator of performances, is not just a writer. She’s also a historical researcher, editor, tutor, creative facilitator and can provide other services related to education and learning resources. For more information go here. Buy her books here.

Erin Al-Mehairi – writer, editor and stalwart of the community has lost a lot of work recently and is offering discounted editing services to new clients for short stories, novellas and novels. Payment plans are also possible! For more details go here

Chad Lutzke – a writer whose name is frequently seen in indie horror has a patreon here. Get free stories, interact or simply offer some much-needed support. You can also buy his books here. I just picked up a copy of Of Foster Homes and Flies.



22-23rd Aug – Buzz Book Expo. Online book expo for publishers to talk about upcoming releases in the period Sept 2020-Dec 2020. Focus is horror but includes paranormal/supernatural thrillers, dark fantasy, genre blends and non-fiction. Coordinated by Mary SanGiovanni, go here for more information.

28th-31st Aug inclusive – London FrightFest. Showing up to 25 films, special guests and Q&A sessions. More information and tickets here.

7-11th October – GrimmFest. Manchester’s International Festival of Fantastic Films. Information here.

16th October – Phoenix FearCon. Online Horror Film Festival. Information here.

Please send us details of any online panels, conventions, festivals and workshops and we’ll list them here.

Pandemic Book Launches 

*********** Charity Anthologies ************

Autumn! ImageWe are Wolves   Image may contain: text that says "Coming this Halloween... TRICKSTER'S TREATS #4 Coming, Buriedor Not! TRICKSTER'S TREATS #4 Coming, BuridorNot! A Charity Anthology for The Indigenous Literacy Foundation Edited by Louise Zedda- Sampson and Geneve Flynn Call for submissions will be issued soon on htp:// htp:// ACharityAnthology"

They Slipped Through the Net

This section features books published during lockdown but which have only just come onto our radar (plus special editions newly released).

30th July

August 2020

1st Love Wanes, Fear is Forever: A collection of horror stories by [Justin Boote] 2nd Shadow Bound: A Gothic Quartet by [Stephanie Ellis, Alyson Faye]4th    5th D is for Demons (A to Z of Horror Book 4) by [P.J. Blakey-Novis, Dona Fox, Charles R. Bernard, David Green, Mark Anthony Smith, J. Herrera Kamin, Lesley Drane, Carmilla Voeiz, Molly Thynes, Matt Doyle]

5th Emily in the Wall: Twelve Chilling Tales of Horror and Suspense by [Neil Davies] 6th  7th 10th

10th 11th Sins of the Father (Fiction Without Frontiers) by [JG Faherty]18th   18th

25th 25th 25th Recall Night (An Eli Carver Supernatural Thriller Book 2) by [Alan Baxter, Anthony Rivera] 26th Madman Across The Water: The Curse Awakens by [Caroline Angel]

28th 31st Outback Horrors Down Under: An Anthology of Antipodean Terrors (Things in the Well Book 46) by [GM Hague, Chris Mason, Matthew R Davis, Robert Hood, Tracie McBride, Marty Young, Lucy Sussex, Dan Rabarts, Simon Dewar, Tabatha Wood] 31st

September 2020

  1st    1st 1st Coffin Shadows by [Glen Krisch, Mark Steensland]4th Night Voices

8th 10th 15th Image may contain: night, text that says "DANIEL BRAUM UNDERWORLD DREAMS"15th

15th FULL METAL HORROR III: The Unknown by [Adam Bennett, Sam M. Phillips] 15th Image may contain: 1 person, text that says "THE BODY WILL FOLLOW ASHO CKING tale of POSSESSION and PERVERSION! ROB E. BOLEY"  15th 29th   IMG_0672.JPG

October 2020

13th SLAY: Stories of the Vampire Noire by [Nicole Givens Kurtz, Craig Gidney, Michele Tracey Berger, Alicia McCalla, Steven Van Patten, Jessica Cage, Sheree Renne Thomas, Milton Davis, Ekpeki Oghenechovwe Donald, Nicole Givens Kurtrz]13th   20thDownwind, Alice


17th The Lupin Project: Allan Leverone: 9780998416144: Books

Happy reading.


 on behalf of Stuart and the Horror Tree Team


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