Epeolatry Book Review: Doctor Glass by Louise Worthington

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Title: Doctor Glass
Author: Louise Worthington
Publisher: TCK Publishing
Genre: Psychological Horror
Release Date: 11th April, 2022
Psychotherapist Emma-Jane Glass has prioritized work over leisure for far too long. She does whatever it takes to help her clients, and it’s bordering on professional obsession. When she publishes a controversial article about unstable mothers murdering their children, an anonymous letter arrives on her doorstep:
I will expose you.
Then, I will mutilate you…
Wait for me.
After she is abducted into the night, Doctor Glass finds herself at the mercy of a dangerous sociopath. But being a relentless doctor of the mind, she feels an urge to help her fragile captor, even if it might shatter her sanity—and her life. It becomes a game of survival, and only one mind can win.
Dark Dark Dark. This deals with some subjects you may find triggering from suicide to mental health issues to the murdering of children. DARK.
Dark… Yet, extremely well written. None of the subject matter is here to just add shocking content and is all well written and pivotal to the story and how it progresses.
In the story we follow Dr Emma-Jane Glass as she navigates her life and obsession with her work. After hew views about a mother who murdered her child and comitted suicide becomes wide spread, one person isn’t quite happy with the response. His answer? Kidnapping Glass to show her that she is wrong.
Not only is the situation bleak but the descriptions of the setting and how the story is playing out will have you transfixed.
Lies, betryal, and manipulation are common themes throughout the story and lead to multiple surprises in the story that keep you needing to know more to see how it plays out.
The character development was also top notch here and I wanted to put it further down in the review to frame this with the above statement in mind. The characters are not trustworthy. Quite often you feel that you’ll have a handle on the cast only for another layer to be peeled back and have you wondering how well you really know each of the characters that we’ve met.
I quite enjoyed Worthington’s writing style, ability to deal with uncomfortable content, and wrapping together a thriller with horror and mystery! Now that I’ve experienced her work and almost musical style of writing, I want to take a deep dive into the other tales she has told.