Category: Royalties

Taking Submissions: The Super Generation

Deadline: July 12th, 2024
Payment: Royalties
Theme: Superheroes from 1955

In 1955 there was an unexplained cosmic event that granted some people extraordinary abilities.
It was never repeated. Abilities were not passed down to their children. This means that in the not too distant future, the so called “Super Generation” will be nothing but a note in history books.

These are their stories, their memoirs, and how they changed history.

Opens: 5/12/24
Closes: 7/12/24
Contracts: 7/27/24
Publication: 8/23/24


Taking Submissions: Madam Don’t Forget Your Sword

Deadline: July 30th, 2024
Payment: $5 and royalties
Theme: The story of a hero or villain’s sidekick

Madame, Don’t Forget Your Sword
Length: the target range is between 2000-6000 words.
Time: June 1st – July 30th
Pay per story: $5 + royalties

This anthology is dedicated to all the minions, sidekicks, and henchpeople: the ones responsible for getting the takeout, picking up the kids, and making sure that the evil plan actually works. The ones dedicated to showing how the monster works before the hero comes to save the day! Give them their spotlight: What drama happens when you work HR for a mad scientist? What happens if the sidekicks unionize? What if the red shirts accidentally don’t die?


Of Metal and Magic is open for Novels, Novellas, and Short Story Collections

Deadline: July 31st, 2024
Payment: 50% cut of net royalties
Themes: Traditional/classic/high fantasy stories

We are delighted to report that we will be opening for submissions on June 1st! The window for submissions will remain open until July 31st, and we will be reviewing all types of work from novels to flash fiction, or anything in between.

Please keep in mind what we at OMAM do, and do not, publish. We want traditional fantasy stories. By this, we are largely focused on classic fantasy settings, as in second-world and pre-modern. We don’t want anything with modern technology (electricity, cars, modern weapons, magical doors in the London Underground, lovestruck vampires brooding on the roofs of skyscrapers, etc). Also, we do not want stories set on Earth, whether historical or mythological. That being said, our focus on classic settings does not at all preclude the exploration of new ideas inside those settings. Issues of class, sex, gender, racism, mental health, education, economics, politics, war, trauma are all welcome.

Indeed, we find that pre-modern, second-world settings are often idea for exploring such topics without being bogged down by technology or earthbound inferences. That being said, your story does not need to have a heavy social moral. If you just want to write a story about a hero who does hero stuff, that’s fine by us. Just make sure you have a great character arc, since character is what drives traditional fantasy.

Now, let’s dive into the details.


Taking Submissions: ​Midnight Menagerie

Submission Window: June 15th – October 31st, 2024
Payment: $15 and royalties
Theme: Stories that feature the strange and bizarre from around the cosmos and other dimensions

“Ladies and gentlemen,” the Ring Master waved her arm toward the crowd, “and, of course, all you ‘sweet’ children daring to see what, up until now, only existed in your dreams.” Her voice floated outward to the crowd. “Or perhaps your nightmares.” Her golden skin seemed to crack when she offered them a toothy grin.

“Behind me, lurking in the blue-black darkness on the fringes of the unknown are the stars of the show.

Creatures waiting to be seen, anxious to meet you…creatures from so many galaxies you never knew existed.” Again she offered a toothy grin as her red eyes took on a fiery glow. “And I, as the master of the show cannot wait for the entertainment to begin.”

~ * ~

What we are looking for are stories that feature the strange and bizarre from around the cosmos and other dimensions. They can be the stuff of dreams or nightmares. Think along the fantastical lines of Something Wicked This Way Comes but with an intergalactic or other dimensional feel to the carnival or carnival sideshow. Magic and Science, Dreams and Nightmares, Joy and Terror, Love and Hate, combined with the alien and the familiar — they all blend together at the Midnight Menagerie.


Taking Submissions: Solar Punk Magazine July 2024 Window

Submission Window: July 1st – 14th, 2024
Payment: Fiction: 1500-7500 words ($.08 per word, $100 minimum), Poetry: One poem of up to three pages ($40 per poem), Nonfiction: 1000-2000 words ($75 per essay or article), Cover Art: $100 for reprints, $200 for original unpublished, Interior Art: $50 for reprints, $100 for original unpublished
Theme: Radically hopeful and optimistic science fiction and fantasy

(At the moment, our nonfiction department is current and always open for submissions. If the fiction portal is closed and you submit fiction through the open nonfiction portal, your submission will be rejected.)

All submissions to Solarpunk Magazine are done via Moksha. Any submissions received via email will be deleted without a response. Please don’t email us to describe your story and ask if it’s something we’d be interested in before submitting. We appreciate the consideration, but its easier if you just submit the story through Moksha.

In 2024, we are particularly looking for stories between 1,500 and 3,000 words. While our word limit remains 7,500, stories that fall between 1,500 and 3,000 will have a better chance of being selected for at least the first few submission periods in 2024.

Please read the full submission guidelines on down below or on our Moksha page before submitting your work. All submission periods end at 11:59 pm PST on the 14th of their given month.


Taking Submissions: Broken Highways

Deadline: August 1st, 2024
Payment: Royalties
Theme: Car Wars GameLit Fiction

Genre: Car Wars GameLit Fiction

Theme: Have you ever looked at someone, and just know that they have one hell of a tale to tell? First-hand accounts from the road, told by the bounty hunters, highwaymen, and Federal Marshals out there in the mix.

Concept: We’re looking for stories from those trying to make a difference out there in the wastes. No matter if they are upholding the law, or tending to their small flock of survivors, these are the stories that inspire others to get off their tail and get something done. We want plenty of high-intensity action and carnage possible, backed by compelling character-driven stories.


Twelve House Books Is Open For Novels, Novellas, and Collections – 2024 Update


Payment: 50% Royalties Paid To The Author
Theme: Novels, Novellas, and collections that contain: Ghost Stories, Quirk, Narrative Poems, the Sublime, the Numinous, and stories about American Suburbia or set in Los Angeles

Twelve House Books is an independent publisher of Literary Fiction, Creative Nonfiction, and Poetry with a distinct focus on the dark and unruly; magic and the sublime. Publishing from an idyllic yet peculiar suburban neighborhood such as those celebrated by so many storytellers, Twelve House Books champions literature of the odd, weird, uncanny, majestic, and holy.



Slashic Horror Press Is Open For Queer Horror Novels And Novellas

Deadline: September 30th, 2024
Payment: 40% royalties for both eBook and paperback. If a hardcover book is produced, authors will receive 35% royalties due to the higher cost of production
Theme: Queer horror novels and novellas

We love the fresh smell of dead things, so our submission window is currently open for 2025/206! Please carefully read below for specific guidelines, including what we‘re currently looking for. The submissions are so easy a brainless zombie could do it (between meals).

What we need in the email

  • The subject line: SURNAME—TITLE—SUBMISSION TYPE (e.g., novel, novella)—WORD COUNT

  • In the body of your email: please let us know if this is an original submission or a resubmission. If you are resubmitting an updated manuscript, please indicate the revised sections to help us assess your manuscript

What we need attached

  • A synopsis approx. 300 words, detailing the key themes, plot, characters, and twists

  • Your brief author bio, including any previous publications

  • The first 30 pages of your manuscript

Submission email: [email protected].


Manuscripts should be presented in TNR, size 12, justified, 1.5 line spacing, as a Microsoft Word document (.doc or.docx. Any other file type won’t be read). Please, for the love of all that is unholy, do not use tabs for new paragraphs. Any variant of English will be accepted.

What we want

We are a horror press. Any horror sub-genre is welcome, but the manuscript must have clear elements of horror.

  • Preferred length: approx. 30K—100K. Manuscripts outside this are more than welcome, but we are more likely to consider manuscripts in the suggested length

  • Preferred horror sub-genres: slashers, psychological, creature feature/monster (vampires, werewolves, demons etc.), YA, extreme, body, supernatural, cosmic, horrormance, gothic, grief. We don’t shy away from gore

  • Forms: novels, novellas
