Author: Horror Tree

How to Write a Panic Attack in Your Fiction

How to Write a Panic Attack in Your Fiction

The article is developed in partnership with BetterHelp.


There are a number of ways you can put your reader into the mindset of the character experiencing a stressful event or situation. In order to build a believable reaction, researching how a person may respond can reveal the depths of a flight or fight response; it may even result in a panic attack. 



How To Promote A Personal Brand Of A Horror Author?

In today’s world, many people are attracted to the horror genre not just because it’s the most powerful emotional attraction, but because it has a therapeutic effect and brings out deep fears. Books as a powerful resonator of emotion enhance this effect. Thus, demand determines supply and many authors strive to promote their creativity and monetize it. We live in a time when an author is a person who not only creates a book but also monitors its fate after it is written: he is engaged in distribution, regulates its relationship with readers, looking for his target audience. In this article, we will look at how to turn the hobby of writing into a successful business and make sure that your works are found, read, and bought. 


An Interview With Deborah Sheldon On Liminal Spaces

Deborah Sheldon has another release, the collection Liminal Spaces: Horror Stories. For her many ardent fans, this is another sublime plunge into all things horror. Sheldon is a perfectionist. And it shows in her meticulous research of time, place and factual details. From complex characters and gritty plotlines to visual settings and skilfully-paced narratives, she never lets her readers down. I recently met with Deborah to talk about her writing.


For a collection like Liminal Spaces, do you focus your attention non-stop on writing the stories or do you break it up with other writing projects?

8 of the Scariest Horror Books Ever Written

8 of the Scariest Horror Books Ever Written


Horror is a popular genre in literature, film, and television. It can be defined as a genre intended to scare, shock, or terrorize its readers or viewers.


Some of the most famous horror books ever written include Stephen King‘s The Shining, Anne Rice‘s Interview with the Vampire, and Bram Stoker’s Dracula. These novels have all been made into successful movies and have helped to shape the modern horror genre.


Epeolatry Book Review: Virgin Night by Christopher Robertson


Our reviews may contain affiliate links. If you purchase something through the links in this article we may receive a small commission or referral fee. This happens without any additional cost to you.

Title: Virgin Night
Author: Christopher Robertson
Genre: Horror
Release Date: February 8th, 2022

Synopsis: Before Valentine’s Day, there is… VIRGIN NIGHT!

In the picturesque town of Cherry Lake, the kids aren’t alright.

Neither is the centuries-old undead slasher that haunts the town.

Or the all-powerful Megachurch with designs of the future.

On February 13th, 1998 – VIRGIN NIGHT – these will collide and the town of Cherry Lake will never be the same again.


WIHM 2022: My Horror Writing Journey

My Horror Writing Journey

By: Caroline Giammanco

My path to becoming a horror writer was unexpected, but many good adventures in life are. Horror isn’t the centerpiece of my writing, but it does make its appearance when it’s necessary for a story I’m telling. 


I grew up loving The Twilight Zone, Night Gallery, and Kolchak: The Night Stalker. My family sat around the television in our small farmhouse, holding each other’s hands for support and screaming together. Later, we talked about the possibilities of aliens, ghosts, and other creatures that go bump in the night. 


WIHM 2022: Anita Blake, the Vampire Slayer

Celebrating Anita Blake, the Vampire Slayer

By: Corinne Pollard

Before Buffy, there was Anita Blake. From the first novel ‘Guilty Pleasures’ to ‘Rafael’, the female protagonist Anita Blake has been slaying vampires, befriending the supernatural and holding onto her own humanity since first publication in 1993- and wow, what a journey! Laurell K Hamilton has written about thirty Anita Blake narratives with some even published as Marvel comics. 

WIHM 2022: Writers Block: A Users Guide

Writers Block: A Users Guide

By Belinda Brady


Writers block. Two words every writer dreads and has experienced at least once. One minute, you’re writing every day like a person possessed, stories begging to be written. The next – nothing, nada, zip. That mind that was once brimming with words now nothing but a dried up well of pity and self-doubt. It can hit suddenly and when it does, it can be nothing short of soul destroying, consuming your every thought. It can make a writer question absolutely everything they thought they knew and no one is immune to it, no matter their level of success.
