Writing a Satisfying Resolution for Murder Mystery Books

As the last page turned, I felt a curious mix of satisfaction and surprise. I’d just finished Agatha Christie’s “And Then There Were None,” and my mind was reeling from the perfect orchestration of suspense, misdirection, and revelation. It wasn’t just the “whodunit” aspect, but the way each piece fell into place at the end, culminating in a resolution so unexpected, yet so fitting—it was a masterclass in writing a satisfying resolution for a murder mystery.

Creating a murder mystery isn’t just about the thrill of the chase or the puzzle of the crime; it’s about crafting a resolution that delivers both surprise and satisfaction, a sense of closure that still lingers in the reader’s mind long after the book is closed. The very best do it with finesse, leaving readers astounded yet gratified—think of the chilling conclusion of Thomas Harris’ “The Silence of the Lambs,” where Clarice Starling’s confrontation with Buffalo Bill truly is able to ramp up your anxiety and deliver a powerful conclusion to the story.

In this article, we’re going to unravel the secrets of writing that kind of a resolution. We’ll delve into the importance of a satisfying conclusion in murder mystery novels, explore the essential elements of the genre, and look at how to plot your story effectively to set up your resolution.

We’ll discuss techniques for building suspense and maintaining mystery right up to the end, and then we’ll get down to the nitty-gritty of how to craft a resolution that both surprises and satisfies. Along the way, we’ll uncover common pitfalls to avoid and examine successful endings from world-famous murder mystery books.

To wrap up, we’ll offer some practical exercises and resources to sharpen your skills and inspire your creativity. So whether you’re a budding author or an experienced writer looking to improve your craft, get ready for an insightful journey into the art of writing a satisfying resolution for murder mystery books. Let’s turn the page and begin.

The Importance of a Satisfying Resolution

When it comes to murder mystery books, the journey may be thrilling, but it’s the destination— the resolution— that leaves a lasting impression. Why is that? In essence, a satisfying resolution serves as the payoff for all the suspense and intrigue that’s been built up throughout the story. It’s the final piece of the puzzle, the moment when everything falls into place, and the reader can finally exhale, having been held in suspense for so long.

The resolution has the power to elevate a good murder mystery into a great one. It provides closure, tying up loose ends and answering lingering questions. It offers the reader the satisfaction of solving the puzzle, or the surprise of an unexpected twist. Most importantly, it evokes emotion—whether it’s relief, shock, or the simple joy of pieces falling into place.

Let’s take a leaf out of the books of successful mystery writers to further illustrate this point. P.D. James, the acclaimed British crime writer, once said, “What the detective story is about is not murder but the restoration of order.” The resolution, in this case, is that crucial element that restores order, solving the crime and tying up the narrative threads.

Raymond Chandler, an icon of hard-boiled detective fiction, took it a step further. He suggested that the resolution isn’t just about revealing the culprit, but also about diving deeper into the human condition. “The solution, once revealed,” he wrote in his seminal essay “The Simple Art of Murder,” “must seem to be inevitable.”

Chandler points out that a truly satisfying resolution isn’t just about the “who,” but also the “why”—the motivations and circumstances that led to the crime. In this sense, the resolution serves not just to solve a puzzle, but to illuminate character and explore deeper themes.

And S.S. Van Dine, emphasized the importance of ‘playing fair’ with the reader. In her own words: “The detective novel should contain no long descriptive passages, no literary dallying with side-issues, no subtly worked-out character analyses, no ‘atmospheric’ preoccupations. Such matters have no vital place in a record of crime and deduction.

This ethos translates into the importance of a resolution that feels earned. Christie’s ingenious resolutions—whether it’s Hercule Poirot revealing the killer in a drawing-room denouement, or Miss Marple gently unmasking a murderer—always follow the clues and false leads she meticulously laid out, making the reader feel involved in the deduction process.

These insights from legendary writers reinforce the importance of a satisfying resolution. It’s more than just the end of a story—it’s the climax of a narrative arc, the answer to a puzzle, a revelation of character, and, ultimately, the element that gives the reader a sense of completion and gratification. So, as we delve into the crafting of a satisfying resolution, keep in mind the powerful role it plays in your murder mystery. The challenge, and indeed the art, lies in creating a resolution that’s surprising yet inevitable, thrilling yet satisfying—a resolution that lingers in your reader’s mind long after they’ve closed the book.

Understanding the Essentials of a Murder Mystery

Before we delve into crafting the perfect resolution, it’s vital to understand the unique ingredients that make a murder mystery what it is. A murder mystery isn’t just any other story; it’s a carefully constructed puzzle with a specific set of rules and expectations. While creativity and originality are essential, successful murder mystery writers also pay close attention to the genre’s key elements.

The first, of course, is a murder. This crime, typically occurring at the beginning of the story, sets the narrative in motion. It raises the central question of “who done it?” and gives the protagonist, often a detective or an amateur sleuth, a mission to accomplish.

Next comes the sleuth. This character is the reader’s guide through the story, the one who unravels clues, faces red herrings, and ultimately solves the murder. The sleuth can take many forms, from a seasoned detective like Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes to an unlikely investigator like Agatha Christie’s Miss Marple.

A murder mystery also requires a cast of suspects, each with a plausible motive and opportunity to commit the crime. These characters add complexity and misdirection to the narrative, making the process of solving the murder more challenging and engaging.

Integral to the mystery are the clues and red herrings. Clues help both the sleuth and the reader piece together the puzzle, while red herrings distract and mislead, providing unexpected twists and turns.

Finally, there’s the resolution—the topic of our focus. This is where the sleuth reveals the murderer and explains how they reached their conclusion. The resolution serves as the answer to the puzzle, providing a satisfying ending to the story.

So, how do these elements come into play when planning your resolution? The resolution is the culmination of all other components, the moment where all the intricate threads woven throughout the story converge. When crafting a resolution:

  1. Consider the murder itself. How can the specifics of the crime guide the resolution? Perhaps an overlooked detail of the murder scene becomes critical to the final reveal.
  2. Reflect on the sleuth’s journey. How have they changed or grown through their investigation? Use the resolution to showcase their skills, intuition, or character growth.
  3. Analyze your cast of suspects. Ensure the resolution clarifies each character’s role in the story and the true motives behind their actions. Remember, even if they didn’t commit the murder, each suspect adds a layer to the story.
  4. Revisit the clues and red herrings. Your resolution should make sense of the clues and explain away the red herrings. It’s here that your reader should have an “aha!” moment, where everything clicks into place.

Understanding these elements of a murder mystery and how they impact your resolution is essential. It will help ensure your resolution is not just a random twist, but a satisfying and inevitable conclusion to a well-crafted narrative puzzle. As we move into the art of plotting and crafting your resolution, keep these key components in mind—they are the backbone of your murder mystery, the scaffolding upon which a satisfying resolution is built.

The Art of Plotting a Murder Mystery Novel

Murder mystery novels are like complex puzzles; each piece must fit together perfectly to form a satisfying picture. That’s why plotting is such a critical part of the process. The story’s structure will guide your reader through the twists and turns, leading them to a resolution that’s both unexpected and logical. Let’s look at how to plot your murder mystery novel from start to finish.

  1. The Inciting Incident: This is where it all begins – the murder. This incident sets the tone for your story, introduces the key question (who done it?), and propels your sleuth into action.
  2. Introduce the Sleuth and the Suspects: Here, we meet our detective and the potential culprits. Each suspect should have a plausible motive, and your sleuth should have a distinct approach to solving the crime.
  3. The Investigation Begins: Your sleuth starts to investigate. This usually involves visiting the crime scene, interviewing suspects, and discovering clues.
  4. Twists, Turns, and Red Herrings: This is where the plot thickens. New evidence might point in different directions, suspects may reveal surprising information, and red herrings lead your detective (and your reader) astray.
  5. The Climax: Just when things seem most complicated, a breakthrough occurs. A final clue falls into place, or the sleuth has a moment of revelation. The identity of the murderer becomes clear.
  6. The Denouement or Resolution: Your detective confronts the killer, explains their reasoning, and justice is served. This is where all the threads tie together, and your reader gets the satisfaction of a mystery solved.

Every step in the plot development impacts your resolution. How?

  • The Inciting Incident sets the stage for the crime that needs resolution. It also introduces the initial pieces of the puzzle that will play a significant role in the resolution.
  • The way you characterize your Sleuth and Suspects influences the nature of the resolution. The reader will evaluate the resolution based on how well it aligns with what they’ve come to know about these characters.
  • The progression of the Investigation builds suspense and anticipation for the resolution. The details that emerge during this phase should contribute to the final reveal.
  • The Twists, Turns, and Red Herrings serve to make the resolution more surprising. However, remember that while red herrings mislead, they must still make sense in the context of the resolution.
  • The Climax is the setup for the resolution. This part makes the reader eager to read on and discover how the story ends.
  • Finally, the Resolution is where all the elements come together. If plotted carefully, the reader should feel that the resolution is unexpected yet, in retrospect, the only possible outcome. It should make them think, “Of course! Why didn’t I see that?”

Keep in mind; the most satisfying resolutions are those that the reader didn’t see coming, yet in hindsight, feel perfectly obvious. In other words, the resolution should surprise and satisfy, leaving your reader in awe of your storytelling prowess.

Building Suspense and Maintaining Mystery

In a murder mystery novel, suspense and mystery are the fuel that keeps the reader’s engine running. The anticipation of what’s next, the eagerness to unravel the truth—these are the feelings that make readers turn pages late into the night. So, how can you effectively build suspense and maintain the mystery up to the end? Here are some key strategies.

Create a Sense of Urgency: Time is a great tool for building suspense. Maybe the killer will strike again, a critical piece of evidence is about to be lost, or an innocent person is about to be accused. Making the clock tick faster can ramp up the suspense and keep your readers on edge.

Keep the Stakes High: The higher the stakes, the more intense the suspense. This could mean a personal stake for the detective, a threat to another character, or a potential for a larger crime or disaster.

Use Cliffhangers and Twists: Ending chapters on a cliffhanger or introducing an unexpected twist can do wonders for building suspense. The key is to make your reader think, “I need to know what happens next!”

Limit Information: Part of maintaining the mystery is not revealing everything at once. Limit the information available to the reader and the sleuth, or present it in a way that raises more questions than it answers.

Switch Perspectives: Changing the point of view can be an effective way to create suspense. This allows you to show the reactions of different characters or reveal certain elements of the mystery to the reader but not to the sleuth.

But what about misdirection and red herrings? They’re crucial for maintaining the mystery. A murder mystery isn’t just about finding the killer; it’s about the journey of getting there. Misdirection and red herrings are the twists and turns in the road that make the journey intriguing.

Misdirection is about subtly guiding your reader to make false assumptions. For instance, you might emphasize a particular piece of evidence or a suspect’s behavior, leading the reader to draw conclusions that will later be proven wrong.

Red herrings, on the other hand, are false clues meant to lead the reader and the detective astray. They make the mystery more complex, and the resolution more surprising. Perhaps a suspect has a strong motive for the murder but is later revealed to have an ironclad alibi.

Remember, though, that red herrings must be used carefully. They should make sense within the story, and their irrelevance to the murder should be justified in the resolution. A red herring that feels random or unexplained can leave a reader feeling cheated.

In conclusion, building suspense and maintaining mystery is a balancing act. It’s about keeping the reader guessing while leading them toward a satisfying resolution. It’s about weaving a web of intrigue that captures your reader, then guiding them through the labyrinth of clues, suspicions, and revelations to the heart of the mystery. If done right, it can turn your murder mystery novel into an unforgettable roller-coaster ride.

Crafting a Satisfying Resolution

Crafting the resolution of a murder mystery is akin to delivering the punchline of a good joke—it’s the climactic payoff that makes the journey worthwhile. But how do you ensure your resolution is not just surprising, but also satisfying? Here are some detailed guidelines to follow.

Make it Surprising Yet Inevitable: This might sound like a paradox, but it’s the heart of a satisfying resolution. Your reader shouldn’t be able to guess the murderer too easily, yet when the reveal comes, it should feel like the only possible answer. All the clues, even the red herrings, should lead to this conclusion in hindsight.

Play Fair with Your Reader: While your resolution should be surprising, it shouldn’t come out of left field. Make sure all the necessary clues for the resolution have been introduced in the story, even if they were disguised or downplayed. Your reader should feel they could have solved the mystery if they’d put the pieces together.

Clarify All Doubts: Your resolution should not just reveal the murderer, but also explain why and how they did it. Address all significant plot points, clues, and red herrings. Leave no important question unanswered.

Show, Don’t Tell: Rather than having your detective explain the resolution in a monologue, show it through action or revelation wherever possible. Let your reader experience the thrill of discovery alongside your sleuth.

Evoke Emotion: Remember, murder mysteries are not just intellectual puzzles, they’re also stories with emotional resonance. Your resolution should evoke emotion, whether it’s shock at the murderer’s identity, sympathy for their motive, or simply the satisfaction of a puzzle solved.

Make it Personal: If possible, tie the resolution to your sleuth in a personal way. This adds an emotional depth to the resolution and can elevate your story from a simple whodunit to a compelling narrative about crime and justice.

When it comes to striking a balance between surprising and satisfying your reader, think of your resolution as the answer to a riddle. If the answer is too easy, the riddle isn’t fun. If it’s too convoluted, it’s frustrating. But if it’s cleverly crafted, it gives the reader a delightful “Aha!” moment that feels both unexpected and perfectly fitting.

Remember, the resolution is your contract with your reader. It’s your promise that their investment in your story—their time, their emotions, their mental effort in piecing together the clues—was worth it. A well-crafted resolution is not just the end of your murder mystery, but the key to making your reader close the book with a sense of satisfaction, and the eagerness to read your next one.

Avoiding Common Pitfalls in Writing Resolutions

Even the most experienced mystery writers can occasionally stumble when it comes to crafting the perfect resolution. Here, we’ll discuss some of the most common pitfalls and provide tips on how to avoid them.

The Deus ex Machina: Named after the ancient Greek term for “god from the machine,” this refers to an unexpected, improbable event that resolves the situation, such as a previously unmentioned character or fact. Deus ex Machina can feel like a cheat to the reader, who expects the clues necessary to solve the mystery to be present in the narrative. To avoid this, make sure that your resolution relies on information that has been properly introduced and integrated into your story.

The Overly Complex Solution: In the pursuit of a surprising resolution, it can be tempting to make the solution so complex that it becomes convoluted and hard to follow. However, an overly intricate resolution can leave readers feeling confused rather than satisfied. The key here is balance: aim for a resolution that’s clever and surprising, but also clear and comprehensible.

The Unmotivated Culprit: While the identity of the murderer should be a surprise, their motives need to be believable. A killer with a weak or nonexistent motive can feel unsatisfying and implausible to readers. Make sure your murderer’s motivations are strong and well-established, even if they’re not revealed until the end.

The Scooby-Doo Reveal: This refers to the trope where the detective gathers all suspects and reveals the murderer in a dramatic speech. While this can work in certain stories, it can feel clichéd and artificial if not done right. Try to reveal the resolution through action, discovery, or a natural conversation, rather than a monologue.

The Neglected Character Arcs: In the excitement of revealing the murderer, don’t forget about the other characters. Readers should see how the resolution impacts not just the detective, but also the suspects, the victim, and any other significant characters. Take the time to wrap up their storylines and show how the resolution of the mystery affects them.

Ignoring the Theme: Every story has a deeper theme or message, and your resolution is an opportunity to underline this. Whether it’s a commentary on human nature, society, or justice, make sure your resolution aligns with and reinforces your story’s underlying theme.

Remember, the resolution isn’t just about unveiling the killer—it’s about wrapping up your story in a satisfying and coherent way. By being aware of these common pitfalls, you can ensure your resolution is not just a surprising reveal, but a satisfying conclusion to the entire narrative journey.

Practical Exercises and Resources

Like any skill, crafting a satisfying resolution to a murder mystery takes practice. Here are some exercises that can help you hone your abilities:

1. Reverse Engineering: Pick a murder mystery novel that you particularly enjoyed. Analyze the resolution—what clues led up to it? How were red herrings used? How was the killer’s motive established? This can help you understand how successful authors craft their resolutions.

2. Write a Mini-Mystery: Challenge yourself to write a short mystery story, maybe just a few pages long. The constraint can push you to focus on the essential elements of the mystery and the resolution.

3. Red Herring Practice: In a story or scene you’re working on, try to incorporate a red herring—a clue that seems significant but is actually misleading. This can help you master the art of misdirection.

4. Resolution Rewrites: Take a murder mystery book and rewrite the resolution. Try to make it more surprising, more satisfying, or change the killer’s identity entirely. This is a great way to practice crafting resolutions and see what works and what doesn’t.

5. Character Motive Development: Create a character profile for a murderer, including a detailed motive for their crime. This can help you understand how to create a compelling, believable motive for your own story.

There are also a wealth of resources available to help aspiring mystery writers: NOTE: The links below contain affiliate links that help to finance our site’s operations. This will earn us a percentage of each sale at no additional cost to you. If you do not want to use an affiliate link to purchase these, feel free to do a quick search on Google, which likely gets them additional money instead of us.


Online Courses:


  • Scrivener is writing software that helps organize your plot, characters, and research. It’s particularly useful for complex plots with many characters and clues.
  • Plottr is software designed to help write a novel and works in conjunction with The Snowflake Method template by Randy Ingermanson, which is meant for planning the intricate plot of a murder mystery and comes with the software.

Remember, crafting a satisfying resolution is a skill that can be learned and honed. With practice and the right resources, you can create a resolution that will leave your readers in awe.

Conclusion: Your Turn to Craft a Satisfying Ending

As we’ve seen, crafting a satisfying resolution to a murder mystery is both an art and a science. It requires careful planning, a dash of creativity, and a deep understanding of your characters and plot. But most importantly, it requires you—the writer—to take the leap and put your pen to paper (or fingers to keys).

It’s your turn now. You’ve understood the importance of a satisfying resolution, dived into the essentials of a murder mystery, explored the art of plotting, and learned how to build suspense and maintain the mystery. You’ve discovered how to craft a resolution that is both surprising and satisfying, and how to avoid common pitfalls in your writing journey. You’ve even been given practical exercises and resources to help hone your skills.

So what’s stopping you? It’s time to apply what you’ve learned and begin your journey as a mystery writer. Remember, every word you write, every plot you devise, and every character you breathe life into brings you one step closer to crafting that perfect, satisfying resolution.

In the words of Stephen King, “Amateurs sit and wait for inspiration, the rest of us just get up and go to work.” So get up, start working on your craft, and create the mystery that only you can unravel. Because at the end of the day, the most satisfying resolution is the one that you’ve poured your heart and soul into creating.

The journey of writing might be fraught with mysteries and challenges, but remember – every great story needs a touch of suspense. Happy writing!

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