Taking Submissions: Beyond the Veil: Queer Tales of Supernatural Love
Deadline: October 31st, 2021
Payment: 1 cent per word
Theme: Queer tales of supernatural love
Beyond the Veil: Queer Tales of Supernatural Love
Submissions Open Until October 31st
We’re looking for queer tales of supernatural love for our next major anthology, slated for a February 2022 release to coincide with Valentines Day. Sweet, sexy, scary or tragic… We’d love to see your own interpretations on what queer love means to you. We only ask that your story has a supernatural / Gothic / dark element of some kind.
Length: Anything between 1,000 – 6,000 words.
Payment: 0.01 USD per word via PayPal and a digital contributor’s copy.
Publication: E-book and print.
Deadline: 31st October 2021
Rights: We request first worldwide and electronic rights for 3 months after the date of publication, after which rights revert to the author. All copyright remains with the author.
We accept simultaneous submissions but no reprints please. Multiple submissions not accepted. All submissions will be responded to after the deadline.
Email your submission as a .doc/.docx file to [email protected] with “Beyond [your pen name] [your story title]” in the subject line.
Please see our Submission Guidelines for more information on formatting.
Via: Ghost Orchid Press.