CLOSED: Ragnarok Publications Is Open To Novel Submissions
Ragnarok Publications has closed their doors
Deadline: March 20, 2016
Ragnarok Publications will be open to submissions for a limited time, starting on Feb 20, 2016 and closing on March 20, 2016. We’ll take into account differing time zones so a day either way is fine.
Please follow our submission format guidelines below.
We here at Ragnarok Publications have decided that sanity is an overrated state of being. What we need to make our lives better is to read hundreds of awesome submissions from YOU, all squeezed into a short period of time. We’ve our straitjackets fitted, meds filled, and psychologists on standby so we’ve got everything we need. Now here’s what we want:
We’re looking mainly for original fantasy of the dark variety. It can be urban fantasy or epic or horror-tinged, or sword and sorcery, or mainstream, or weird, or whatever, but quality fantasy is our primary interest this time around.
Dark science fiction is also a good bet. Something epic and explody would be perfect.
We’re looking for novels, say 60,000 to 120,000ish words.
Series or standalone.
Diversity in characters AND authors is a good thing.
Here’s what we DON’T want:
Straight-up horror, romance, hard sci-fi, or anything that doesn’t fall into the categories of fantasy or the softer side of sci-fi.
Poetry or collections or anthologies or short stories or plays or movie scripts or comics/graphic novels.
Works under 60,000 words.
Works for children. (Young Adult will be considered, but we don’t want anything for kids.)
Already published works (either in part or full.)
Provide a SINGLE doc/docx/rtf file containing your query letter and the first 10,000ish words of your manuscript, in the order it’s written. If there’s a prologue, that counts as part of the 10k.
Use standard manuscript formatting: 12-point font, double spaced, italics for italics (no underlining), no crazy fonts or formatting.
One submission per author. If we pass on your project and the open sub period is still going you are welcome to submit a second project.
You DO NOT need to provide a full synopsis, but we do expect the query to contain a short, one to four paragraph hook to give us an idea as to what we’re looking at.
Anything submitted outside of the submission window will be deleted unread, to include any submissions sent via the Ragnarok Publications site.
There is wiggle room in some of the above stuff, so use your best judgment. There’s no specific response time but we will do our best to get back to you quickly. You can login to the submissions managerto check your status at any time.
We offer competitive royalty rates on all projects and we do, on occasion, offer small advances with reasonable contract terms. We are also distributed worldwide by IPG.
Please follow the HOW TO SUBMIT terms or your submission will be deleted unread
We accept ONLY electronic submissions.
Please include a cover letter/email describing the project and your experience. Experience is not necessary, we just want to know who we’re dealing with.
All manuscripts must be in doc, docx, or rtf format.
All manuscripts should be in a single file, not separate files for each chapter.
Use Times New Roman, Courier, Palatino Linotype, or some other easily readable font. Manuscripts submitted in hard-to-read fonts will be rejected unread.
Use 12 point font.
Please space manuscripts between 1.5 to double. No spaces between, before, or after paragraphs.
Do not justify text.
Use standard margins (1″ all around.)
Use italics where italics are required, not underlining.
Single space between sentences.
Use paragraph formatting for indention (.3 to .5) instead of Tab.
Insert page breaks between chapters.
Limit extraneous formatting. Avoid tables or Word formatting beyond those listed above. Headers and page numbers are not necessary.
Include your name, contact information (email at the very least), genre, and approximate word count at the top of every manuscript submission.
All manuscripts must be at least 60,000 words to be considered. Manuscripts over 130,000 words are a hard sell given production costs. It doesn’t mean we won’t occasionally accept a larger book but the story has to wow us for us to take it on above 130,000 words.
We do not publish short stories, poetry, or collections without invitation.
Via: Ragnarok Publications.