Ongoing Submissions: Solarpunk Magazine
Payment: $.08 per word ($80 minimum), $40 per poem
Theme: Optimistic futures: fiction, poetry & nonfiction envisioning solutions to climate change & imagining a better world.
More detailed submission guidelines will be available soon.
Flash Fiction: 500-1500 words
Short Stories: 1500-7500 words
Poetry: send up to 5 poems or 5 pages of poems, whichever is shorter. Prose should be submitted as fiction.
Nonfiction: 1000-1500 words
If our Kickstarter campaign is successfully funded, Solarpunk Magazine will pay professional market rates as defined by the SFWA. Those rates are as follows:
$.08 per word ($80 minimum)
$40 per poem
$100 per essay
Via: Solarpunk Magazine.
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Stuart Conover is a father, husband, published author, blogger, geek, entrepreneur, horror fanatic, and runs a few websites including Horror Tree!