Ongoing Submissions: Write or Die non-fiction articles on writing

Payment: $50 for essays, $25 for interviews
Theme: Essays that focus on the writing life and especially love work where the personal intersects with the critical. Pitches for interviews with authors
Editor’s Note: This isn’t a fiction market but as what they’re looking for so directly pertains to authors, I felt you might all be interested!


We are interested in essays that focus on the writing life and especially love work where the personal intersects with the critical. We love essays that examine how publishing, reading, teaching, spirituality, sexuality, identity, obsession, labor, and family shape writing. Unconventional book reviews, insights on niche literary topicslyric essays on craft, and stories about writing that are also about something seemingly unrelated really excite us. More than anything, we like to be surprised, so if you think you have something that speaks to writing or literature in some way, send it to us!

  • Always open
  • Pays 50 USD
  • Max words: 3000


What we’re looking for

We accept pitches from interviewers interested in covering authors with a forthcoming or recently published book. We are especially interested in featuring books by debut authors and/or books published by indie presses.

  • Always open
  • Pays 25 USD

General Principles

  • Fee
  • Simultaneous submissions
    YesPlease let us know immediately if your story is accepted elsewhere
  • Previously published works
  • Multiple submissions
  • Response time
    6 monthsWe appreciate your patience.
  • Rights
    By submitting to Write or Die Magazine, you agree to grant us First North American Serial Rights, should your work be accepted. Upon publication, rights immediately revert back to the author. You’re free to republish your work elsewhere, but we ask that you credit Write or Die Magazine as the place of first publication.

Preparing your submission

Via: Write or Die’s Chill Subs.

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