
Taking Submissions: Penumbric Speculative Fiction Magazine 2022 Second Window

Penumbric Speculative Fiction Magazine

Deadline: March 15th, 2023 Payment: $10 and royalties if included in the yearly anthology Theme: Edgy speculative fiction (see below) Submission window: We are always open for submissions of art, animation, and music! We are currently closed for fiction and poetry submissions. We are open for fiction and poetry submissions from 15 June to 15 September and from 15 December to 15 March each year. In general ... I would love to see submissions representing not only multiple cultures but subcultures, exploring issues of race, ethnicity, gender, orientation, and many things I haven't thought of. Does this mean you have to represent everybody and everything in 1000 words? Of course not. But be aware that we are creating a magazine that overall reaches and represents the true diversity of the world we live in. In terms of genre, I am looking for work that constitutes the ever-moving edge of its kind, as a place between light and dark, consciousness and un, today and tomorrow; work exhibiting the strange, the bizarre, that which is not of the world we know, but more of a twilight realm or even altogether alien place. Not necessarily science fiction, not necessarily fantasy, not necessarily horror, and not necessarily not these things. In short, ideally edgy. Maybe even idealistically edgy. I am NOT looking for adult content. Penumbric generally accepts submissions in the following categories: fiction, poetry, illustration, graphic narrative, animation, music, or combinations of these (e.g., a spoken-word version of a poem). If you have something that fits some other category that can be displayed to advantage on the web, try me; I'll take a look. All works must be the creation of the author(s) submitting them, and must not infringe upon any right of any other person or entity. We buy non-exclusive worldwide periodical rights to publish your work in...

Taking Submissions: The Reaper’s Games

Psychotoxin Press

Deadline: March 15th, 2023 Payment: $10.00 and a contributors copy Theme: A game or contest where a person's life is at stake PsychoToxin Press presents it’s second themed anthology title in “The Reaper’s Games” *Humans are competitive creatures by design. From the very beginning, man has always fought in many ways and forms for a prize. Land, gold, goods or lust, there’s always a prize and someone to strive for it by whatever means necessary. But what prize may be more worth fighting for than you very life? What would one do if perhaps it was their life, their very soul, or those of the ones they’d hold oh so dear to them? What price would be paid? And more importantly… How long could they even last? Such answers are sought to be answered by you in this second ever themed anthology title from PsychoToxin Press, “the Reaper’s Games”. Be it a tournament of strength, a test of wits, perhaps a series of dares that goes too far, or even a simple game of cards… One where more than just one’s measly life savings money is at stake, us freaks at PsychoToxin Press seek stories that tell of horrifying games that go far, FAR beyond the boundary of “Innocent fun” and breach into the realm of life threatening and maybe even soul rending… * Guidelines: Word count: between 3,000 and 7,500 words Original work ONLY -- no reprints No multiple submissions -- ONE story per author We ask for first world print and digital rights for three months after publication, after which all rights revert back to the author. -(We WOULD however, appreciate it if you’d credit us with first appearance if you do later publish the story elsewhere. Stories must be horror and set around some sort of game...

Taking Submissions: Eye to the Telescope #48

Deadline: March 15th, 2023 Payment: US 4¢/word rounded up to nearest dollar; minimum US $4, maximum $25 Theme: Poetry involving fungi! Details below Eye to the Telescope 48, Fungi, will be edited by Avra Margariti. FUNGI: Mushrooms, molds, and other fungi are organisms that live all around us, yet for the longest time they have eluded classification. They can offer sustenance and ensure survival, or cause a slow, poisoned death. Their mycelium and spores spread--subterranean, airborne--beyond our perception. Within forest ecosystems, fungi are decomposers: feeding on dead matter, returning the nutrients to the soil in a perpetual cycle of destruction and rebirth. I am particularly interested in cli-fi, body horror, and fabulism from marginalized voices. Make me feel the sublime ache of metamorphosis, the transcendental comfort of belonging in a colony. Send me poems about prehistoric Prototaxites populating the earth; mycologists using parasitic cordyceps to reanimate the dead; Amanita princesses, priests, and witches; the Fungal Folk evolving to survive in space, a starship built out of their own filaments and tendrils. Embrace the beauty in decay, and let your imagination mushroom like foxfire gleaming bioluminescent through the forest dark. Submission Guidelines SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS Use the form at  to submit. Please submit 1–3 unpublished poems in English (ideally, attached as .docx or .txt) and include a short bio. Translations from other languages are acceptable with the permission of the original poet (unless public domain). Inquiries only to [email protected] with “ETTT” in the subject line. Deadline: March 15. The issue will appear on April 15, 2023. Payment and rights Accepted poems will be paid for at the following rate: US 4¢/word rounded up to nearest dollar; minimum US $4, maximum $25. Payment is on publication. The Science Fiction & Fantasy Poetry Association normally uses PayPal to pay poets, but can also send checks. Eye to the Telescope is an online publication....

Taking Submissions: Sherlock Holmes: A Year of Mystery 1885 & 1886

Belanger Books

Submission deadline for proposals is March 15th, 2023. Submission deadline for stories is May 31st, 2023. Payment: Contributors copy, 1.5% net profits from Kickstarter campaign and 3% net profits of first year's sales Theme: Sherlock Holmes places that take place in 1885 or 1886 that are "strange and interesting cases." We have two Sherlock Holmes, one Doyle/Holmes, and two weird fiction anthologies that are accepting submissions. See the guidelines below. Sherlock Holmes: A Year of Mystery 1885 & 1886 Edited by Richard T. Ryan “When I glance over my notes and records of the Sherlock Holmes cases between the years '82 and '90, I am faced by so many which present strange and interesting features that it is no easy matter to know which to choose and which to leave.” - Dr. Watson Synopsis: Watson mentions that 1885 and 1886 are two of the years with strange and interesting cases, yet the canon contains only a single adventure in 1886 ("The Beryl Coronet") and not one adventure from 1885. What happened during Holmes and Watson’s fifth and sixth years in Baker Street? What thrilling mysteries did they solve? Find out in Sherlock Holmes: A Year of Mysteries – 1885 & Sherlock Holmes: A Year of Mysteries – 1886. Each collection contains a dozen cases, one for each month of the year, from January to December. Submission Guidelines: Stories must be canonical in nature. Holmes and Watson have fully established their friendship. They should act like they do in the original stories. Authors interested in participating should first send a synopsis of their adventure and the month of the year they wish it to take place. If your story does not need a specific month (i.e. it takes place in autumn and could be in September, October, or November) please let...

Taking Submissions: Summer of Speculation 2023 Edition

Cloaked Press

Deadline: March 15th, 2023 Payment: $15 or a contributors copy Theme: Sidekicks in a science fiction or fantasy story “Summer of Speculation” will be a themed anthology containing stories from Fantasy and Science Fiction. All Sub genres are welcome (with a few exceptions noted in the submissions guidelines). We are seeking fresh faces as well as seasoned scifi/fantasy pros for this yearly anthology to be released in the summer every year. Our 2023 theme will be “Sidekicks”. What we want are stories from the perspective of the superhero(or villians) top henchman/helper. For copyright purposes it would be best if we didn’t use real superheroes currently in production. Other than that, go crazy and wow us with your unique Sidekick. All submitted stories will be reviewed by a small committee here at Cloaked Press. What we are seeking for this collection: Original, short stories created by the author submitting the story. We do not want reprints as part of our goal is to bring fresh stories to readers. We are asking for first, exclusive rights to both print and digital publishing of this work in the world. This is for a period of six months from date of publication. During this time we ask that the author not republish or sell any secondary rights to another publisher. All other rights are retained by author. Story ranges from 3500-10,000 words. All sub genres of SciFi/Fantasy are acceptable, please include the sub genre you feel the story falls into. This is more for informational purposes as we would like to include this information for the readers. All voices are encouraged and acceptable, diversity is a wonderful thing. This extends to the characters in the stories as well. Delight and entertain us with your unique characters and the worlds they live in. Please submit...

Taking Submissions: The Nameless Songs of Zadok Allen & Other Things that Should Not Be

Jay Henge Publishing

Deadline: March 15th, 2023 Payment: $5 USD per 1000 words Theme: Lovecraftian Inspired Cosmic Horror What lurks in the deep? Who listens from the shadows? What sorts of abominable experiments are taking place at the mysterious ivy-covered university? We want your Lovecraftian tales. Deadline: March 15, 2023. NOTE: We are currently only accepting short stories for the anthologies and cannot accept full-length novel manuscripts at this time. ** Please put the anthology you're submitting to in the subject line of the email.** Payment for accepted stories will be $5 USD per 1000 words for all current anthologies (excepting contests). Payments occur via PayPal, so please have a PayPal account into which we can pay you. We will also provide you with a digital copy (epub and pdf) of the finished manuscript. We're looking for speculative fiction across all anthologies (unless otherwise specified). That includes everything from high fantasy to hard scifi and anything in between. We do accept reprints, simultaneous submissions, and multiple submissions, though these will slow down our response time. Story lengths should be anywhere from flash-length to about 15k words, but we have at times made exceptions. We know a story is complete when it's complete, and arbitrary word count requirements are not always helpful. If you have an amazing story that exceeds 15k words, let us know. We may be able to make special accommodations. :) With regard to copyright, we request the non-exclusive right to publish your story in the anthology to which it was accepted. You retain the rights to your individual story to do with as you wish. Please let us know if you have any questions. Note: We do have long lead times with our anthologies, because we want to ensure quality work gets included, and then once the deadline has passed, we...

Taking Submissions: New Meat in a Cold Room

Deadline: March 15th, 2023 Payment: 4 cents per word and a contributors copy Theme: Aunique mixtape of stories exploring hauntology, post-punk, and splatterpunk concepts. Ends On Wednesday, March 15, 2023 10:58 AM Description New Meat in a Cold Room (NMCR), the latest conceptual anthology from Filthy Loot, an independent press based in Ames, IA, is a unique mixtape of stories exploring hauntology, post-punk, and splatterpunk concepts. Before submitting, potential contributors should take the time to familiarize themselves with these terms. There are only *five* slots, and previous anthologies have had ratios of up to 40:1, so please ensure that you submit your best work. Submissions are due March 15, 2023. We are discouraging reprints for this particular anthology. We apologize for the long reading period, as we have only one submission reader. All rights revert to the author after publication, but we appreciate a window of exclusive publication. Guidelines: Guidelines: 3-6k words, fiction, strictly within the parameters explained above. *ONE* submission per author. Compensation: 4¢ per word + contributor copy (additional copies available at cost+shipping any time after publication). What we’re not looking for: stories that feel too broad, stories featuring stock monsters/characters, and stories aimed at young audiences. We’re a press that focuses on amazing writers with strong aesthetics. Mood Board: Submit Via: Filthy Loot.

Taking Submissions: Nordic Press Quarterly Anthology Contest

Nordic Press Publishing , Sweden

Deadline: March 16th, 2023 Payment: 60% of net sales Theme: Novella that includes the image below as the theme for the story Quarterly Novella Contest Nordic Press is now opening up for quarterly novella submissions. The idea is that every third month images and quotes will be presented that will be grounds for inspiration, both for theme and genre. The best novella for each quarter will be published by Nordic Press or one of the imprints as both a paperback and ebook. As usual we would like authors to follow our regular guidelines which can be found on here. We would also like you to submit through that same page. The chosen novella will be announced on the 30th March 2023. ​ Please include the keywords 'March Quarterly Contest' in your submission so we know it will be filtered to the correct location on our end. ​ Our prompt for this contest is for you to write a story inspired by this image: ​ Image provided by: Contest Rules Open to: Anyone Word length: 17.500- 40.000 Submission guidelines: see Nordic Press’ homepage Royalties: 60% of net sales Published as: ebook and paperback Deadline: March 16th 2023 General Submission Guidelines PLEASE NOTE THIS PAGE IS INTENDED FOR 'GENERAL SUBMISSIONS'FOR OUR OPEN CALLS AND ANTHOLOGIES PLEASE USE THE APPROPRIATE  FORM  ​ Please read the submission guidelines in full. Failure to comply could result in your submission being rejected or not considered. Whilst we are open to all genres and styles of writing, ultimately we reserve the right to reject topics that are not suitable for our publications. Please read the individual submission call information for guidance.​ All submissions must be in English. Submitting your work All submissions should be made via our form. Submit the first three chapters of your manuscript -or- first 25 pages, whichever is hit first. ...

Taking Submissions: No Trouble at All

Eric Raglin

Submission Window: March 1st, 2023 – March 15th Extended submission period for writers of marginalized backgrounds (broadly defined) March 16th — March 22nd. Payment: At least 4 cents per word, possibly higher dependant on a Kickstarter Theme: Stories of polite horror: Edited by Eric Raglin and Alexis DuBon for Cursed Morsels Press, No Trouble at All will feature stories of polite horror: horror disguised through polite faces/manners, horror allowed to exist when politeness comes at the cost of self-preservation, and any other interpretation of the theme. We love thought-provoking stories, complex characters, unapologetic weirdness, and bold narrative risk-taking. We’ve received questions about whether this is a “Midwest nice” anthology. It is not, but your story can explore that aspect of polite horror if it speaks to you. Polite horror is all around us. Think about how power works. How those without it are expected to smile and accept injustice for fear of retribution. How those with power dress up ugly realities and make suffering palatable to prevent resistance. Polite horrors come from both sides of the weapon—the wielder and the wounded. They color our intimate, familial, professional, cultural, and political realities. Don’t feel limited to any particular environment. Take it somewhere close—a domestic partnership; or take it larger scale—Good Germans. Have fun, go nuts. Before reading the rest of the submission guidelines, note that the existence of this project is contingent on the success of its Kickstarter campaign. We are grateful to everyone who spreads the word. Donations can be made at the following link: . Note that some writers have specifically been invited to contribute. The anthology will be a mix of solicited stories and stories selected from the open call submission period. Submissions are open to all writers, but we especially encourage submissions from writers of marginalized groups. Open to...

Taking Submissions: Game Over Books Submission Period V.7 (Novels, Novellas, Collections)

Game Over Books

Deadline: March 22nd, 2023 Payment: 30% royalties and 25 author copies. Theme: Work that is entertaining and thought-provoking, cheery, dark, or otherwise. Game Over Books Submission Period V.7 Please read carefully because our guidelines have changed… again. For this reading period, we ask that you send us the full manuscript. ​ This reading period will be split into two sections. The prose reading period (novels, novellas, short story collections, etc) will be from 3/1/23 to 3/22/23. The poetry reading period (full-length, chapbooks, etc) will be from 5/1/23 to 5/31/23. If your collection is hybrid, send it during the poetry reading period. ​ Game Over Books generally offers 30% royalties and 25 author copies. Sample contracts can be found here. If you have questions, notes, or concerns about our contract, please don't hesitate to reach out. ​ Guidelines!! ​ Manuscripts should be in Times New Roman, size 12 font. Please include a title page and a table of contents. On the title page, please include your name, genre, and page count. Please include an acknowledgements page, if applicable. GoB no longer does “blind readings.” Your name is important and part of who you are so no need to remove it from the manuscript. Keep it in! Individual poems/stories may be previously published, but the manuscript as a whole should not be previously published. We accept simultaneous submissions. If chosen, you will be asked to remove your work from simultaneous review upon notification. If your work is chosen at another publication, please notify us immediately. What We're Looking For!! Game Over Books is looking to publish work that is entertaining and thought-provoking, cheery, dark, or otherwise. The type of work that makes you say “oh shit!” and you have to pause and look around to make sure no one actually heard you say that out...