
Taking Submissions: Shock Totem

Deadline: May 31st, 2019 (From Submittable.) Payment: 5 cents per word, reprints: 3 cents per word Note: Reprints allowed To submit or check the status of a previous submission, click here. In addition to the guidelines below, please read the submission requirements on our Submittable page prior to uploading your submission. WHAT WE WANT: We consider original, unpublished work within the confines of dark fantasy and horror—mystery, suspense, supernatural, morbid humor, fantasy, etc. WHAT WE DO NOT WANT: We’re not interested in hard science fiction, epic fantasy (swords and sorcery), splatter (blood and guts and little more), or clichéd plots. Clichéd themes are okay. We won’t turn our noses up at the sight of zombies or serial killers or vampires, but there needs to be something that sets it apart from the norm for us to seriously consider it. No fan fiction. WHAT WE WILL CONSIDER: Reprints. Unpublished work will always get first consideration. Any submitted reprint must be out of print and the author must retain all applicable rights. All previous publication information (for the submitted work only) must be disclosed. FORMAT: All submissions must be sent via our Submissions Manager (see link at the top and bottom of this page). Please use 12pt Times New Roman font, double-spaced lines, and indented paragraphs. Use italics (do not underline for italicized words). Please include your full name, contact info, and word count in the document. No simultaneous/multiple submissions. READING PERIOD: Unless otherwise noted, we’re open from February through May, and August through November. RESPONSE TIME: 90 days or less.* PAYMENT: We pay 5 cents a word for original, unpublished fiction, and 3 cents a word for reprints, up to 5,000 words. RIGHTS: For previously unpublished work we claim First North American Serial Rights and First Electronic World Rights (not to include Internet use)...

Taking Submissions: AGNI Online

Deadline: May 31st, 2019 Payment: $10 per printed (or printed-out) page for accepted prose, and $20 per page for accepted poetry, up to a maximum of $150., 2 copies of print magazine if accepted into a print copy We look for writing that catches experience before the crusts of habit form—poetry and prose that resist ideas about what a certain kind of writing “should do.” We seek out writers who tell their truths in their own words and convince us as we read that we’ve found something no one else could have written. When to submit AGNI welcomes manuscripts between September 1st and May 31st. Submissions mailed in June, July, or August will be returned unread, provided sufficient return postage is included. Things to know when submitting Nearly everything we publish is unsolicited. We encourage submissions from writers of all identities, living anywhere, published and unpublished. We will not consider writing that has already been published in English, whether in a book, magazine, newspaper, or on an app, a website, a social media feed, or a publicly accessible online community. We consider only work written in English or translated into English. We have no word limits, though space is at a premium and length sometimes affects our decisions. We do not publish genre romance, horror, mystery, or science fiction; however, we are open to writing that borrows elements from any of these. We will consider excerpts if they read as if they were meant to stand alone. We are interested in personal essays, think-pieces, memoir, prose poems, formal poems, blank verse, free verse, short stories, and short shorts; we do not publish academic essays or purely journalistic writing. Though we rely on student interns for many things, they are not involved in considering submissions. All manuscripts are read by masthead...

Taking Submissions: One Story

Deadline: May 31st, 2019 Payment: $500 and 25 contributors copies Submission Periods: January 15th - May 31st | September 3rd - November 14th What kinds of stories is One Story looking for? One Story is seeking literary fiction. Because of our format, we can only accept stories between 3,000 and 8,000 words. They can be any style and on any subject as long as they are good. We are looking for stories that leave readers feeling satisfied and are strong enough to stand alone. Does One Story pay? Yes. One Story pays $500 and 25 contributors copies for First Serial North American rights. All rights will revert to the author following publication. Does One Story accept previously published material? No. One Story is looking for previously unpublished material. However, if a story has been published in print outside of North America, it will be considered. Stories previously published online—on blogs, personal websites, online literary magazines, or forums—will not be accepted. Does One Story accept simultaneous submissions? Yes, but please notify us immediately if your submission is accepted for publication elsewhere. What file types can I submit? We accept PDF, RTF, and TXT files that are less than 500KB. Please include the story title and all writer contact info on the first page of the submitted file. Will you send me comments on my story? No. One Story receives close to 100 submissions each week. Please understand that we do not have time to comment on individual stories. Can I change the story I submitted with an updated draft? No. Do you consider translations? Yes. Please include the name of the original author and language, as well as the name of the translator on the first page of your submission. How do I submit to One Story? We have an automated...

Taking Submissions: Wordland 8: Time We Left

Deadline: May 31st, 2019 Payment: £10 and contributor copy. Time We Left, stories and poetry telling stories of humankind in space. Mass migration, one-man expeditions, strange new worlds, wondrous journeying through the gaseous landscapes of nebulae and star clusters, voyages through the oceans of gravitational waves, expeditions to the hauntingly beautiful surfaces of a thousand exoplanets, delicate and dangerous contact with whoever and whatever lives out there. ​I'm looking for longer tales, 3,000 to 5,000 words, let your stories breathe, let the strangeness unfold. No Star Wars, no conventional space opera. I want the alien, I want adventure, I want invention. Lets get the wonder back in science fiction. Payment £10 and contributor copy. Submission Deadline: 31st May 2019 Submission Address: [email protected] PLEASE READ FORMATTING REQUIREMENTS BELOW 12pt Times New Roman Double-Spaced 1cm indents for paragraphs Double comma speech marks Via: Wordland.

Taking Submissions: Beer-Battered Shrimp for the Soul

Deadline: May 31st, 2019 Payment: $5 and a contributor's copy I've been inspired to create a thought-provoking book of short quotations and really short stories. I'm titling it Beer-Battered Shrimp for the Soul. What? You were expecting it to be a NORMAL book filled with NORMAL stories? Nope. Silliness and weirdness will abound. All I ask is that submissions be happy and silly and hopeful. Not dark or scary or disturbing. Well, maybe a little disturbing. Details: What I want:Strange little stories or silly inspirational quotes of up to 125 words (this is not a firm count, but if it's longer, your piece had better be exactly what I'm looking for). I want something that will fit on a single page in a large and funky font. Here's an example (used by permission from Michaelbrent Collings) - I wish all rabbits were named Barry. That way, when you were out walking with your friend and you saw a rabbit and your friend said, "I wonder what that rabbit's name is?" you could say, "It's Barry," and you'd look very smart. Forgot to add: Please keep it G or PG. No profanity or explicit sex or violence, please. What you get: Right now, token payment of up to $5 per story/quote and one copy of the collection when it's finished. You can also have space for a bio and a website if you want it. Basically it would be a charity collection. Any proceeds the book earns will go towards this fundraiser - or one of their other animal gifts. Why am I doing this:Because it sounds like fun. And I like silly books of uplifting quotations, inspirational stories, and weird things. The world needs more happiness. How do I submit? Write something, edit it, make it shine, then email it to...

Taking Submissions: Year’s Best Cosmic Horror 2019 Anthology

Deadline: May 31st, 2019 Payment: 2 Cents Per Word Minimum. TBD Note: Reprints ONLY Greetings from the Ether, We have been anxious to say these words, and alas, here we are. Gehenna & Hinnom Books is now officially open to submissions from publishers for our Year’s Best Cosmic Horror 2019 Anthology. What is Cosmic Horror? Cosmicism, or Lovecraftian Horror, is a subgenre which emphasizes the unknown or unknowable, the fear of things beyond our comprehension, and the insignificance of mankind in the grand scheme of the universe. Reality erodes in this genre, and often science or discovery are responsible for this corruption. We’re looking for the absolute best Cosmic Horror tales from 2018. Publishers are welcome to submit individual stories, anthologies, collections, etc., to our email in PDF format, though we will also accept other formats, such as Mobi. and ePub. Please send emailed submissions with “Year’s Best Cosmic Horror” in the title. If you wish to send print copies of selected works, please use the below address: GEHENNA & HINNOM BOOKS YEAR’S BEST COSMIC HORROR 2019 ANTHOLOGY 510 N 38TH AVE MB 11 HATTIESBURG, MS 39401 For writers who are unsure if their work has been submitted, or will be submitted, please forward all questions to the email address above. Make sure to contact your publishers before sending any queries. Specifics on submission qualifications: Stories to be considered for reprint should fall under 12,000 words. Stories that exceed this word count, novelettes, novels, collections etc., can and should be submitted, but will only be referenced in our “Overview” of 2018. The final cut-off date for submissions is May 31st, 2019. Any submissions sent after that date will not be considered. We are gunning for a summer release of this title, and it will likely move to print come June or July. Deadline...

Taking Submissions: Terror at 5280

Deadline: May 31st, 2019 Payment: $25 for flash fiction (up to 1,000 words) or 1 cent per word– maximum $40–for short stories (up to 5,000 words) Note: Authors submitting must live in Colorado Denver Horror Press is seeking the best in local horror fiction to publish in our upcoming anthology, Terror at 5280’. We’re looking for short stories related to or taking place in or around Denver, Colorado (bonus points for including local lore or haunts) written by authors currently living in Colorado(stories written by those outside of Colorado will not be considered). Submission Guidelines Submissions should follow standard manuscript format and shouldn’t exceed 5,000 words. Email submissions to Submissions AT DenverHorror DOT com and attach your document in PDF or Word Doc or DocX format (a submission pasted in the body of the email will not be considered) with subject: “Submission: ”. In the body of the email, please include a brief bio including current town/city of residence, relevant blog/website URLs, social media links, and publishing credits (if any). We will accept reprints provided you have retained all rights to the story, but priority will be given to previously unpublished submissions (put REPRINT in the subject line of your submission). Deadline for submissions is May 31, 2019. Usage Rights We will ask for exclusive rights for one year. After that, they will revert to continuing non-exclusive rights. Payment Upon publication, we pay $25 for flash fiction (up to 1,000 words) or 1 cent per word– maximum $40–for short stories (up to 5,000 words) for the anthology. If your story doesn’t make it into the anthology but we think it’s awesome, we may ask your permission to publish it on the Denver Horror Collective website ( and in the newsletter for $15. Response time Response times may vary depending on the number of submissions we...

Taking Submissions: Liminality Poetry Magazine

Deadline: May 31st, 2019 Payment: $10 In anthropological terms, liminality is the midpoint of a ritual: the threshold where a person is no longer quite who they were, not yet who they might become. In between masks, what face might you have? What might you be in transit? Where will you go? Everything is possible in that moment; change is its own goal. Liminality is the space between. Liminality is an online quarterly magazine of speculative poetry edited by Shira Lipkin and Mattie Joiner. We are very pleased to meet you. We’re looking for speculative literary poems that touch the heart as much as the head; poems of the liminal, the fluid, and the fantastic. We’d love to see work that shifts shape, refuses to be to be easily pinned down or categorised. We actively welcome diversity; we want to hear new as well as established voices. Tell us tales we thought we knew, the way only you can tell them. Give us new myths. Liminality pays $10 per poem, for first worldwide publication rights and non-exclusive anthology rights. We will be open: April 1 – May 31 July 1 – August 31 October 1 – November 30 To submit, send up to five poems to liminalitypoetry AT with the subject line “SUBMISSION – ”. Please include your poems in the body of the e-mail; if you have formatting that makes that untenable, you may attach the poem as an .rtf. You may send up to five poems per reading period. We do not accept reprints or simultaneous submissions. (If the poem has been publicly viewable online, yes, it would be a reprint.)  “Dear Editors”, “Dear Mattie and Shira”, and “Dear Shira and Mattie” are all fine as forms of address. Via: Liminality.

Taking Submissions: Accursed

Deadline: May 31st, 2019 Payment: $25 Accursed items. Some people believe in them, some people don’t. With a truly cursed item, belief doesn’t matter. It’s gonna do its best to get you anyway. You might survive, with the worst luck ever. Or you might not. Maybe you'll be compelled to do things you never would without its influence. Maybe you thought it would help you at the casino. Maybe it did. But there’s always a price to pay, one you aren’t ready for. That little lucky charm you have in your pocket may be doing more damage than good. But you think its helping. It's cursed, and does not have your best interests in mind. Sometimes it’s not even an item, it’s a person. Be careful what you pick up. Be careful who you friend. You never know. It, or they, might be accursed. Your story must prominently feature some kind of cursed item. Jolly Horror Press LOVES horror/comedy, but we will publish pure horror as well. We give humorous stories a slight edge however, when considering whether to include them. Diversity and Inclusiveness: Yes, we want stories from all sectors, from all kinds of people! We encourage submissions from women, people of color, and the LGBTQ+ community. We seek to include writers from all walks of life who have a scary/funny story to tell. The Details: Please see our generic submission guidelines page for how to submit. Submission Period: April 1, 2019 to June 30, 2019 Reading Period: July 1, 2019 to September 30, 2019 Expected Publication Date: December 2019 We reserve the right to close early, but no earlier than May 31, 2019 Payment: $25 per accepted story (via Paypal) Note: These guidelines are generic and apply to all Jolly Horror Anthologies unless otherwise noted. Please see the actual call for submissions for each...

Taking Submissions: Under Sapphire Stars

Deadline: March 31st, 2019 Payment: $5 Note: Female-identifying writers only Under Sapphire Stars, our first LGBTQ anthology is calling for female-identifying writers to step up and deliver their own amazing horror in that LGBTQ space. Stories can range from themes of horror, insanity, and murder to eroticisms played out within the ranks of an eldritch cult. Editor Desiree LeAnn is looking for only the best of the best, but we invite you to surprise us, scare us and to move us. We will not accept any stories about rape. Racism/Sexism/Bigotry of any form will never be accepted here. Stories between 1500-5000 words preferred. Double check your grammar and spelling. Format your story correctly. Please submit all stories in DOC/RTF format. We prefer stories that have not been published before. We prefer to avoid multiple and simultaneous submissions. We retain exclusive publishing rights for 12 months. We pay $5.00 for stories Submission Date: 4.1-5-31 Via: Madness Heart Press.