Taking Submissions: Chaotic Merge Issue #5
Deadline: January 6th, 2023 Payment: $3-$5 Theme: Obscure and honest work from the new and rising artists around the world. An authentic portrayal of our world Chaotic Merge is a literary magazine that is home to obscure and honest work from the new and rising artists around the world. When choosing the name of this magazine, we wanted to find a name that included the diverse voice we search for and capture the beauty of an artist’s thought process. We thought these two went hand in hand. When an artist’s mind is clouded with so many thoughts, they might want to capture it. At first, it might seem messy, even chaotic, but when playing with structure and balance, it can become something beautiful. We believe this idea with the community too. If we put all our diverse and different stories together, we can create a knowledgeable and authentic portrayal of our world, creating a beautiful Chaotic Merge. General Submission Guidelines All work(s) should be submitted through Submittable with either Garamond or Times New Roman 12pt. Font. Please look below to see if the section(s) you are submitting to have specific guidelines. We have the right to refuse the right to read your work if submitted otherwise. Disclaimer: As a Magazine, we do not tolerate and reserve the right to reject or not to respond to work that contains racism, homophobia, violent themes, etc. content. Content Warnings: Please include content warnings for any sensitive material after the title of your piece or by messaging us directly. If you do not know if it should have a trigger warning or not, put it in there anyway. It can only help. Note: All our zine are all online only. Our regular Winter and Summer issues are print & online. Categories: POETRY We...
Taking Submissions: Cosmic Horror Monthly January 2023 Window (Early Listing)
Submission Window: January 1st 2023 – January 7th 2023 Payment: 3 cents per word for original fiction, 20 dollars for artwork chosen as interior content. Negotiable., 100 dollars for cover art. Negotiable. Theme: Cosmic Horror, Lovecraftian, and Weird stories Submission Period *SUBMISSIONS ARE CLOSED!* – Submission periods are twice yearly from January 1st – January 7th and July 1st – July 7th. January stories accepted will appear in issues from the following July – December July stories accepted will appear in issues from the following January – June SUBMISSION PROCEDURES We are now accepting Non-Fiction submissions as well as Fiction. We would love to see Non Fiction essays that explore the state of horror as well as the philosophies that are often found in Cosmic Horror, existentialism, nihilism, etc. Instructions: All writing must be submitted via email to [email protected]. When submitting, include a little background information about yourself in the body and attach the story in the form of a Microsoft Word file. Please include a word count and a brief synopsis of the work. For artwork, please put a link to the gallery/pieces in the body of the email along with any relevant background information. You may also attach example art. Acceptable file formats for attachments are DOC, and DOCX for fiction, JPG, and PNG for art. The subject line of the email should read: “CHM Fiction Submission” for fiction, “CHM Non-Fiction Submission” for non-fiction, and “CHM Art Submission” for art. Guidelines Cosmic Horror Monthly is seeking cosmic horror, Lovecraftian, and weird fiction. If you aren’t sure if your work qualifies, submit it. No subject is off-limits and we do encourage writers to try and push the status quo. Please only submit a single story once and only submit one story per email. Multiple submissions are strongly discouraged. Every email...
Taking Submissions: Wyngraf January 2023 Window
Wyngraf MagazineSubmission Window: January 1st-7th, 2023 Payment: 1 cent per word Theme: Cozy Fantasy Stories Wyngraf buys First Global Serial Rights to short stories of cozy fantasy from 3,000 to 8,000 words long. We currently pay $0.01 (one cent) per word. We know that’s not much, and we hope to increase our rate as soon as possible. Wyngraf Is Fantasy Often fantasy means the presence of magic, but not always—for example, Ellen Kushner’s Swordspoint. Low-magic and no-magic stories are welcome at Wyngraf. Stories should have a pre-modern technology level. Wyngraf isn’t interested in science fiction or urban fantasy. (Well, we are, but not for this magazine.) Our cutoff is roundabout the early 19th century. Think Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell. This is probably flexible. We want secondary worlds. Wyngraf doesn’t publish stories set on our Earth, either now or in the past (historical fantasy). We want our readers to be transported to the worlds of your imagination! We prefer high fantasy to fairy tales. This isn’t a hard rule, but we’d rather see creatures from high fantasy (elves, dwarves, halflings, etc.) than folk tales (werewolves, vampires, leprechauns, etc.). Things we’ve never seen before are even better. Human-only settings are welcome. Wyngraf Is Cozy We define cozy as a sense of comfort, hominess, welcoming, and friendship. Community. Relationships. You know: cozy. Setting is an essential part of coziness. We love all sorts of fantastical settings: bustling city, decrepit castle, sailing ship, welcoming inn, busy caravanserai, witch’s cottage, wizard’s tower, farming village, school for bards, adventurer’s guild hall… The setting should be somewhere the reader would like to be transported. Think of your first time discovering the Shire, or dreaming of your own Hogwarts acceptance letter. We invite you to spend a few extra words realizing your setting. We want readers to feel they could live in the world of your story. Characters...
Taking Submissions: The Fantastic Other Winter 2023 Issue
Deadline: January 7th, 2023 Payment: $5 Theme: fantasy, sci-fi, paranormal, surrealist, fabulist, and magical realist Theme: We are excited to announce that the theme for our winter issue is going to be mirrors. Fiction has always been a means to hold a mirror to ourselves, our environment, and the society in which we inhabit. In the realms of fantasy and science fiction, the mirror has the capacity to grow darker and more twisted. What will you see when you gaze into these reflections? Please feel free to interpret this theme however you see appropriate for yourself and your work. All of our guidelines for general submissions still apply (see below). We are looking for short fiction, flash fiction, poetry, and art submissions. All contributors published for this issue will be awarded 5 USD via PayPal. It is a small token payment, but we hope to be able to expand this in the future. The last day to submit for our Winter 2023 Issue will be January 7th, 2023. Guidelines for General Submissions: All submissions should follow the core code of the magazine: write or illustrate something fantastic. We are interested in all things fantasy, sci-fi, paranormal, surrealist, fabulist, and magical realist. Show off your weird! Fiction submissions should be no longer than 3,500 words. Fiction submissions that are 1,000 words or fewer will be considered flash fiction. Poetry submissions should be no longer than 50 lines and under three pages. Please send no more than two fiction or flash fiction pieces or four poems per issue. Fiction submissions should be double-spaced. All submissions should be in a size 12, no-nonsense font (arial, times new roman, etc). We can work with Word DOC, DOCX, and PDF files for fiction and poetry. For art, we can take JPG, PNG, and PDF files. We do not discriminate based on race, sex, sexuality, ethnicity, nationality, disabilities, or religious beliefs. In fact, we welcome and celebrate diversity in our contributors. Similarly,...
Taking Submissions: Diet Milk Magazine Spring-Summer 2023 Issue
Deadline: January 8th, 2023 Payment: $15 per poem, $0.01 per word ($40 minimum) for short stories, and $50 per art piece via PayPal. Theme: Gothic prose, poetry, and art. Diet Milk Magazine is a biannual literary magazine devoted to Gothic prose, poetry, and art. Neatly genred or genre-bending, classically styled or modern, we want your prettiest, most pungent dread. Give us withering romance, creatures that lurk and lure, families to be feared and houses that haunt; give us isolation and creeping, oppressive unwellness. Quietly thrill, terrify, and leave us wanting more. For all our important links, including website, twitter, and support, check out our campsite.bio page! This hub will direct you to anywhere you want to go, as well as put you in contact with our official email. All submissions are processed through Duosuma, available to anyone with a free Duotrope account. Our manager can be accessed through the button above after logging into or creating your account. A note on Duosuma for trans people: this platform requires that you supply a ‘legal name’ when submitting. There is no way for us to disable this, but as a trans-led magazine, we understand that this may be uncomfortable. We suggest using a ‘dummy name’ (ex: Dummy Name) for that field when first submitting, and only worry about telling us a ‘legal name‘ in the event of an acceptance. That is the only time, for payment reasons, that we will need it. We don’t accept multiple submissions or reprints from other magazines, but are willing to consider pieces posted to author websites/blogs. Simultaneous submissions are allowed, but we ask to be informed of acceptance elsewhere immediately so that we may remove you from the queue— and offer congratulations! In addition to your work, you will be asked to submit a brief cover letter. While...
Taking Submissions: Orion’s Beau Winter 2023 Issue
Deadline: January 10th, 2023 Payment: $3 Theme: A Love Worth Losing (if love is a losing game). Bring on the darkness, the great loves, and the tragic endings! Thank you for your interest in submitting work to our gay fantasy arts & literary journal! No entry fee is required, and all rights in the story remain the property of the author or artist. All types of science fiction, fantasy, paranormal, and dark fantasy are welcome. We accept submissions on a rolling basis for our quarterly issues. For our winter publication, please submit your works by January 10th, 2023. The theme for our winter issue will be: a love worth losing (if love is a losing game). Before submitting to us please keep in mind that we are devoted to LGBTQ+ fantasy. Your work should strongly reflect that. We are interested in work that elevates dreams and fairy tales in the gay community and its supporters. We're looking for original works of magic and fantasy. Even in darkness, hope can exist. We want to be transported to new worlds or fascinating new versions of our own! When considering submitting to us please ensure the work meets the above criteria. All entries must be in English and original works. Plagiarism, which includes the use of third-party poetry, song lyrics, characters or another person’s universe, without written permission, will not be accepted. Submissions may not have been previously published in professional media or anywhere accessible online without a friend request or password. This includes personal blogs. Fiction: We welcome fiction, 5,000 words or less. If you have a longer piece and your interested in publishing the work in separate issues, you can send those along as well. Submit as a Word document only. No PDFs. For flash fiction and shorter...
Taking Submissions: Best of British Science Fiction 2022
Deadline: January 10th, 2023 Payment: £50.00 and contributors copies Theme: Science fiction stories published in 2022 from British, Irish, British-based or ex-pat authors Note: Reprints only Best of British Science Fiction 2022 is now open for submissions. We are seeking science fiction stories (not fantasy or any other flavour of genre in this instance) that were first published during 2022. Authors must be British, Irish, British-based or ex-pats. This is a reprint anthology, so we are not interested in seeing previously unpublished work on this occasion. There are no limits on word length, though stories over 10,000 words may prove to be a harder sell. Successful authors will receive payment of 1p a word up to £50.00 for the reprint rights. They will also receive a contributor's copy of both the hardback and paperback edition of the completed book. Submissions should adhere to standard manuscript format, and should be sent as an attachment (doc, docx, or rtf). Please do not send PDFs or links to published work without an attached document in one of the formats mentioned. Please send only the final version of your work as published. Where conventional speech punctuation applies, please use double quotes. Submissions close at midnight, UK time, on January 10th, 2023. We receive a large number of stories so can afford to be selective. Please, therefore, send your very best work to series editor Donna Scott, who will once again be at the helm. Submissions to: [email protected] Via: Newcon press.
Taking Submissions: Dracula Beyond Stoker Issue #2
Dracula Beyond Stoker PressDeadline: January 15th, 2023 Payment: 3 cents per word and a contributor's copy Theme: Give us your best Renfield story. Everybody’s favorite flyman is such a rich character, yet we know so little about him. Who do you think he is? Each issue will be themed. Submissions will be open for two issues at a time. Issue 2: Renfield: (To be published May/2023) Give us your best Renfield story. Everybody’s favorite flyman is such a rich character, yet we know so little about him. Who do you think he is? Submissions open until January 15, 2023 We like stories that feel like they could be canon, but we also enjoy fun alternate takes, so unleash your creative powers of darkness. We look forward to seeing what you come up with. Stories should be 1500-5000 words. Poetry will be considered, but is not necessarily sought (We are hoping to have an all poetry issue sometime in the future). Compensation will be .05/word plus contributor’s copies. Simultaneous submissions accepted, but please notify us immediately if accepted elsewhere. Some stories may be chosen for the website, but not the publication. Please adhere to the Shunn format - https://www.shunn.net/format/classic/ Please only send .doc, .docx, or .pdf Filename and email subject should be - “lastname_title_drac” or “lastname_title_renfield” Include short 3rd person bio Email submissions to: [email protected] Cover Art Submissions What we want Eye catching design. Think pulp paperbacks, Basil Gogos’ Famous Monsters covers, EC Horror Comics, Vintage Movie Posters. Originality. Homage is fun, plagiarism is not. Please make sure you own all aspects of your work. Knowledge and Love of all things Dracula. Hide some Easter eggs in there. Make it so that we keep coming back to find more to enjoy. Keep it clean. Sensual is fine. Erotica, not so much. Parameters Format is...
Taking Submissions: The Other Stories #90: Imaginary Friends
The Other StoriesDeadline: January 15th, 2023 Payment: 15GBP Theme: Imaginary Friends If you think you’ve got what it takes to terrify, scar and haunt our audience of 150k+ monthly listeners, then we want your stories! If accepted, we’ll get our fantastic narration team to lend their voices, our editor will sprinkle some magic pixie dust on the track, and you could have your story heard by thousands of listeners each week. (Vol 90.) Imaginary Friends; deadline 15th January 2023 SUBMIT YOUR STORIES USING THIS FORM If this form isn’t working, please email your submission to [email protected] as a last resort. Title your email with the following syntax: “SUBMISSION | STORY TITLE | THEME | WORDCOUNT” (e.g. SUBMISSION | THE MARTIAN | SPACE | 1,982) Submission Guidelines • Stories must be 2,000 (10% tolerance +/-) • Save stories in a Word document - Times New Roman font, size 12 • Include a 1-2 sentence log line for your story at the end of the document • Ensure that your name and an email address are somewhere on the document • Stories must fit an upcoming theme • By submitting your story to us, you are confirming that you are the original creator of the story • We will consider entrants whose work has been entered and published elsewhere, however please ensure you state where and when your story has been used elsewhere on the document • You will be allowed to place one call-to-action for your own work at the end of the episode. Be sure to include this at the end of your document, underneath the log line • Payment per accepted story is 15GBP • 2x entries per theme permitted When will I hear if my story has been accepted or not? We carefully review every single submission that comes through our door....
Taking Submissions: Electric Spec Spring Issue 2023
Electric SpecDeadline: January 15, 2023 Payment: $20 per story or artwork Theme: Electric Spec prefers science fiction, fantasy, and the macabre, but we're willing to push the limits of traditional forms of these genres. submissions at electricspec (dot) comPlease don't query us about your story submission. We don't have the manpower to answer such queries. An editor will email you back as soon as possible with the decision about your story. This can take a few days, or, up to three months. We make every effort to get back to authors in a timely manner but we get a lot of submissions so sometimes it's not possible. A note on our editorial policy: before publication we may work with the author to edit the story for length or readability. However, we always remain true to the spirit of the story and the author has final approval. Issues are published at the end of February, May, August, and November. We reserve the right to shift publication date slightly, as necessary. We have reading periods for each issue, though we never close to submissions. February closes January 15 May closes April 15 August closes July 15 November closes October 15 Please do not submit the same story more than once, and please submit only one story at a time. We consider any story between 250 and 7000 words with speculative fiction elements. We prefer science fiction, fantasy, and the macabre, but we're willing to push the limits of traditional forms of these genres. We do not consider poetry, stories with over-the-top sex or violence, serials, novels, fan fiction, or non-fiction. We don't accept multiple submissions; in other words, only submit one story at a time and wait for a response before submitting another. We accept simultaneous submissions as long as you let us know up...