Cursed Dragon Ship Publishing January 2025 Open Novel WIndow
Cursed Dragon Ship Publishing 6046 FM 2920 Rd, #231, SpringSubmission Window: January 1st - 31st, 2025 Payment: Unlisted at this time, they're usually good about listing pay and as details are scant as this is a super early heads up, I'm sure more will come in time. It 'should' be competitive rates so this is just to keep in mind for when they open if you have a novel ready or almost ready to go. We'll update this post when we hear more. Theme: Speculative Fiction of 40-100k words. We are currently closed for submissions. However, we will open for one month next year to fill in the gaps in our 2026 schedule. So polish your manuscript and follow the directions below. We can’t wait to explore what you create during January of 2025. (If you send in a manuscript before January 1, 2025, it will be automatically rejected.) Manuscript Submission Guidelines – January 1-31, 2025 When we reopen for submissions in January 2025, we’re looking for complete, previously unpublished manuscripts in the speculative fiction genre that have series potential. Speculative fiction encompasses horror, fantasy, and science fiction—and all the niche categories under those large umbrellas. Requirements: Full-length novels between 40K and 100K. If it’s shorter or longer, please don’t send it to us No middle grade No picture books Spice is perfectly acceptable Must be formatted in standard manuscript format Email queries to [email protected] with a subject of “{Specific Genre} – {Author Name}” For instance, “Epic Fantasy – Brandon Sanderson” or “Space Opera – Kevin J. Anderson” query letter in the body of the email first three chapters attached as a .doc or .docx file synopsis attached January will be here quicker than we imagine. So get to those manuscripts. We can’t wait to work with you in the future! Via: Cursed Dragon Ship Publishing.
Taking Submissions: Story Unlikely’s Annual Short Story Contest – 2024
Story UnlikelyDeadline: January 31st, 2025 Prizes: $1,500 first place, $1,000 second place, $500 third place Theme: Contest guidelines below. READ CAREFULLY. Failure to do so may result in disqualification! Story Guidelines: Attention storytellers: we just want good stories! There are no restrictions on genre: fantasy, sci-fi, memoir, fiction/nonfiction, etc - we don't care as long as it's written and told with quality and care. The story itself cannot exceed 4,000 words (exept for paying MEMBERS, who get a bonus 1,000 words added!). There are no restrictions on age or location of participant, and no need to ask us for permission to participate in the contest - just follow the guidelines below. What do I win? A $1,500 $3,000 prize package will be divvied up like so: $1,500 first place, $1,000 second place, $500 third place. The winning story will be featured on Story Unlikely's website, will be strongly considered for our annual (print) sample magazine, and may be sent out as the bonus story for signing up, which means a lot of exposure to the winner. All three placing stories will be published in the monthly issue, and all three will be illustrated. Don't forget about the honorable mentions! That's right, you honorable little losers, you. Is that harsh? It's supposed to be a compliment. Anyway, we do NOT notify honorable mentions ahead of time, because we're lazy busy, so very, very lazy busy. Rather, we announce them in the monthly issue along with the winning story, which you need to sign up for in order to be eligible to enter. If your name appears on this list of honorables, you'll be prompted to contact us and we'll send you a fancy-schmancy certificate for proof that you, indeed, almost won a writing contest. But not quite. Plus, if there is a strong showing, some of the finalists may be considered for publication in our monthly...
Taking Submissions: Spring in the City
Ruadan BooksDeadline: January 31st, 2025 Payment: 10 cents per word Theme: Dark Speculative Fiction that takes place in a city Spring. Even in the shadows of skyscrappers, spring sees an awakening in the concrete jungle that we call "the city." Spring in the City: A Collection of Dark Speculative Fiction is an anthology that takes place in different cities around the world during the changable, unpredictable return of life from its cold slumber. Your story submission must conform to the guidelines, and feature the city—in fact, the title of each story will be the City of which you write. We are not looking for vampire/werewolf love trysts. We are looking for fantastical and horrific elements within the City itself. Because we all know—deep in our hearts—that even nightmares and fairies, monsters and ghosts, and terrors of the real and imagined call the City their home. If you are ready to submit, please scroll to the end of the page for submission Before submitting work, please read the following carefully. Submissions that do not follow the guidelines will automatically be rejected unread. How to Send Your Work: Submissions may be anonymous for specific open calls via our MOKSHA system. We do not accept submissions through postal services or email. Your manuscript must be in one of the following file forms: .doc, .docx, and .rtf The exception is when we request an author to submit a specific piece of work. Technical Difficulties: Contact Us if you have questions or encounter technical difficulties. How to Format Your Manuscript: Use 12-point type Use a serif font; the most common choice is Times Roman Double space your manuscript No extra space between paragraphs Only one space between sentences Indent each paragraph half an inch (PLEASE set a TAB using your writing application software. Help for this feature should be found in the application) Text should be flush left and ragged right, not justified Please...
Taking Submissions: Dark Hearts
Parsec InkDeadline: January 31st, 2025 Payment: Fiction: 3 cents per word, minimum ($5.50 minimum payout), Poetry: 25 cents per line. ($5.50 minimum payout) Theme: Speculative stories and poems about women who are anti-heroes Theme for 22nd anthology: Dark Hearts Dark Hearts is a women-centered theme for which anyone can submit stories. The anthology will feature speculative stories and poems about women who are anti-heroes. Send us your stories about shady ladies: women and female-presenting characters breaking the rules, defying social norms, and getting up to no good! Genre: We accept science fiction, fantasy, and horror, and enjoy intelligent blends of the three. Stories and poetry outside these main genres’ will not be considered. Editor loves: supportive female friendships. Women with a mastery of weapons or powers. Women in STEM or in disguise. Cyborgs. Hackers. Heists. Underdogs. Romance! Sex, violence and swearing are fine, but execute thoughtfully. We love creative interpretations of our themes, but require stories and poems to be a solid fit. Eligibility: All writers; including those who are known or related to the editorial staff, may submit to Triangulation. New as well as established authors are welcome to submit. AI Policy: Parsec Ink does not accept AI or AI-assisted stories, poems, or artwork. Submission Requirements Submissions Open: November 1st, 2024 Submissions Close: January 31st, 2025 Short Story Guidelines Word Count: We will consider fiction up to 5,000 words, but the sweet spot is 3,000. There is no minimum. Stories over 5000 words will be rejected unread. Reprints: no Multiple submissions: no Simultaneous submissions: yes No fanfic Poetry Guidelines Word Count: No max or min length, but our preference is for poems under 100 lines. Reprints: no Multiple submissions: yes, up to 5 pages of poetry Simultaneous submissions: yes No fanfic Manuscript Format We accept manuscripts in the following formats: .doc or .docx (MS...
Taking Submissions: Rescuing Curiosity, Surviving Humanity
WriteHiveSubmission Window: November 15th 2024 - January 31st, 2025 Payment: $45 and a contributors copy Theme: Science fiction, fantasy, or horror that focuses on the theme of "surviving humanity" Continuing with our thematic arc, our next anthology will focus on Surviving Humanity. In collaboration with Inked in Gray, we seek to publish powerful, authentic stories from members of our community. All profits from Surviving Humanity, as well as all previously published WriteHive anthologies go directly to WriteHive to help fund all our programming initiatives. This upcoming anthology will officially open November 15th, and we will be collecting submissions until January 31, 2025. We will be looking for stories that explore the theme of surviving the struggles and traumas of this world, giving a sense of hope, determination, and resilience. Submissions will not be accepted prior to November 15, 2024 or after January 31, 2025. Writing the Future We Need: Surviving Humanity ** ABSOLUTELY NO AI WRITTEN OR AI ASSISTED SUBMISSIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED. NO AI INVOLVEMENT WHATSOEVER PLEASE** Theme: Surviving Humanity Genre: Science fiction, fantasy, or horror only Market: Adult. No MG or YA There is no limitation to how you incorporate this theme into your work as long as the story falls within the Sci-Fi, Horror, or Fantasy genre. We encourage you to take the theme and show its manifestation beyond the physical, showing us something unique and engaging. Submission Period: November 15, 2024 to January 31, 2025 Submission Cost: Free Word Limit: Max of 8K words per piece, not including addition information below Payment: $45 per accepted piece plus one paperback contributor copy Rights: First edition exclusive anthology rights for the first six months of publication **Submissions and anthology communications will be managed by Dakota Rayne and WriteHive. Please submit your work at the link below, which will take you to the WriteHive Submission page. Publication details: The anthology will be...
Taking Submissions: manywor(l)ds December 2024/January 2025 Window
Manywor(l)dsSubmission Window: December 1st, 2024 - January 31st, 2025 Payment: $10 Theme: Stories of any genre by writers who identify with and as any of the following descriptors: trans, two-spirit, disabled, neurodivergent, Mad, queer, crip, nonbinary, genderqueer, intersex. We welcome submissions by those who identify with and as any of the following descriptors: trans, two-spirit, disabled, neurodivergent, Mad, queer, crip, nonbinary, genderqueer, intersex. This is a space for the words, works, and worlds of and by those whose bodyminds defy social expectations and invite new ways of thinking and knowing. We do not need to know the specifics of your identity/diagnosis/experience unless you want us to. We invite closeted and questioning people to share their work, as well as those whose experiences fall outside the confines of the language we used above. We welcome submissions from creators of all ages. We particularly encourage unpublished/emerging/young creators to submit. If you know an incarcerated/institutionalized creator who would like to submit, email us for information as to where to mail the submission, or clearly indicate in your message that you are submitting on their behalf. We publish on a quarterly schedule, with issues coming out on: February 15 May 15 August 15 November 15 We are open for all submissions EXCEPT during publication months. That is to say, we are open for submissions January, March, April, June, July, September, October, and December. Things to note This is a leftist magazine. We hate capitalism, “america,” cops, prisons, borders, neoliberalism, and all the rest. We don’t tolerate white supremacy, zionism, cisheterosexism, ableism, transmisogyny, xenophobia, fatphobia, intersexism, and anti-sex worker sentiment here. We reserve the right to reject and/or remove content from creators whose work does not align with our values. We do not tolerate AI-generated or -assisted submissions. Anyone found to be using AI will have their content immediately...
Taking Submissions: Noncorporeal III: Nightfall
Inkd PublishingDeadline: January 31st, 2025 Payment: Royalties and if in the US a contributors copy Theme: Spooky stories that aren't horror which contain at least one paranormal entity and ideally will include a scene at night or take place at night Submission Period: November 1, 2024 to January 31, 2025 We’re searching for the spooky stories. This is not horror, though there may be suspense and even a dash of horror. A spooky, haunting, incorporeal element is certainly expected. Humor and mystery beats are welcome. Incorporeal – At least one paranormal entity must be not composed of matter; having no material existence. Nightfall – Some stories selected will have a component of night to them, it is not required for submission Express yourself as the theme moves you. There is no restriction as to how you incorporate the theme into your story. However, we’ll be seriously impressed if you can work within Sci-Fi or Fantasy, but they might not be the bulk of the accepted submissions. We encourage you to weave the theme into an engaging story with well-developed characters and deep emotion. Suspense and thrillers are encouraged over horror for this anthology, but a great horror story may rise to the top. Stories that contain infanticide, rape, or gratuitous gore will not be accepted. Submission Period: November 1, 2024 to January 31, 2025 Submissions: No AI, 1 per author; no reprints, no simultaneous submissions; Submission Cost: Free Word Limit: 2,000 to 6,000 words Submission Guidelines: Anonymous submission with no author name in document; 12 pt Times or Arial; .Doc or .Docx; double-space; first line indent; no tabs used. Genres: Spooky Anticipated Pay: Royalty share of D2D sales Each story will receive a share, as will the editor, contributors, and publisher, from the sales on the D2D platform. This does not include: Kickstarter...
Dark Age Press January 2025 Window For Fantasy and Science Fiction Novels
Dark Age PressSubmission Window: January 1st - 31st, 2025 Payment: $500 to $2000, negotiated royalties, set number of contributor copies Themes: Fantasy, Science Fiction, or Literary Fiction The next Open Submissions begins on January 1, 2025. Who We Are Dark Age Press is a small, independent publisher. We presently focus on Sci-Fi, Fantasy, and Literary Fiction. We are not looking for picture books, children's books, or works focused on themes for Young Adult (YA), religious, or erotica. We are not a vanity press. Our mission: to support local, independent bookstores and pop-up bookstores, and, as such, we only sell to those bookstores. Our goal is to publish two works per year. Open Submissions We have open submission twice per year during the months of January and August. Simultaneous Submissions: Simultaneous submissions—submitting a work to more than one publisher at the same time—are permitted. We respectfully ask that you notify us promptly when you are accepted by another publisher. Multiple submissions: Multiple submissions—an author submitting more than one work per submission window—are accepted, but please limit the number to three works per submission window. We only accept completed novel-length works of at least 90,000 words that are unpublished, were not self-published, and not made freely available. Works generated with A.I. (artificial intelligence) tools are not accepted. Authors wishing to submit a work must send a PDF of the first three chapters to: [email protected], and mail a print version of the first three chapters to the address below. The email subject line should say: Attention Submissions - . Start the body of your email by telling us the genre of the work (Fantasy, Science Fiction, or Literary Fiction) and then give us a short paragraph of the synopsis. Authors wishing to have the printed work returned should include a self-addressed, stamped envelope (S.A.S.E.). Submitted works must be postmarked...
Taking Submissions: Cosmic Horror Monthly January 2025 Window
Cosmic Horror MonthlySubmission Window: January 1st - 31st, 2025 Payment: 3 cents per word Theme: Weird and cosmic fiction under 5,000 words What do we want? Weird and cosmic fiction under 5,000 words When do we want it? Twice a year: January 1-7 and July 1-7 How do we want it? Submitted via Publications | Moksha. This is a new submission tool we are using. Please do not submit fiction submissions by email. Other Stuff! Please submit your work only once, and please submit only one work per submission period. Please only resubmit works that have already been rejected if invited. We believe that the horror genre’s diversity is its greatest strength, and we wish that viewpoint to be reflected in our story content and submission queues. We are especially interested in hearing from those whose voices are underrepresented in the cosmic/weird. If comfortable, feel free to drop this information in your cover letter. We strongly favor stories that use contemporary narrative styles. Simultaneous submissions are allowed, but please withdraw immediately upon acceptance elsewhere. We pay 3 cents (USD) per word for original fiction. We do not take unsolicited reprints. What we don’t want We do not take any work that used AI in its creation, work that uses established genre tropes in a standard way, and queries. Work written in an antiquated, Lovecraftian style is a hard sell. Authors we love Mike Allen, Paula D. Ashe, Mona Awad, Laird Barron, Nadia Bulkin, Nicole Cushing, Brian Evenson, Gemma Files, John Langan, Thomas Ligotti, Premee Mohamed, Jon Padgett, Hailey Piper Via: Cosmic Horror Monthly.
Taking Submissions: Mysterion January 2025 Window
Mysterion OnlineSubmission Window: January 1st - 31st, 2025 Payment: 8 cents/word and 4 cents/word for reprints Theme: Speculative stories--science fiction, fantasy, horror--with Christian themes, characters, or cosmology Note: Reprints Welcome Open to fiction submissions each year during the months of January and July. Open to art submissions year-round. We are looking for speculative stories--science fiction, fantasy, horror--with Christian themes, characters, or cosmology, and for artwork for this site. Fiction Guidelines Technical details Stories can be up to 9000 words (thanks, Patreon supporters!). This is a hard limit--our submission system will enforce it. We pay 8 cents/word for original stories (or original translations of stories that have not previously appeared in English), and 4 cents/word for reprints (thanks again, Patreon!). Authors are paid once we've agreed on edits and signed a contract, prior to earliest publication (generally on our Patreon page). We are seeking 6 months' exclusive worldwide publication rights for original works (with exceptions for established Best of the Year anthologies), and non-exclusive worldwide print and electronic rights thereafter for both original works and reprints. We want to publish your story online in our webzine and keep it there indefinitely. We're also acquiring the right to offer ebook versions of the stories we publish, as Patreon rewards or for purchase; and to publish a print and ebook anthology of all the stories that appeared in the webzine over a given 1- or 2-year period. For original fiction, we want to be the only place publishing it for the first 6 months; after that, you're welcome to publish it anywhere else in any format you like. No multiple or simultaneous submissions. If multiple writers co-write a story, we consider each distinct group of writers a different submitter. In other words, if two people co-write a story, and they submit the co-written story, and each of them also submits...
Cursed Dragon Ship January 2025 Novel Submissions
Cursed Dragon Ship Publishing 6046 FM 2920 Rd, #231, SpringSubmission Window: January 1st - 31st, 2025 Payment: Royalties Theme: Science Fiction, Fantasy, or horror We are currently closed for submissions. However, we will open for one month next year to fill in the gaps in our 2026 schedule. So polish your manuscript and follow the directions below. We can’t wait to explore what you create during January of 2025. (If you send in a manuscript before January 1, 2025, it will be automatically rejected.) Manuscript Submission Guidelines – January 1-31, 2025 When we reopen for submissions in January 2025, we’re looking for complete, previously unpublished manuscripts in the speculative fiction genre that have series potential. Speculative fiction encompasses horror, fantasy, and science fiction—and all the niche categories under those large umbrellas. Requirements: Full-length novels between 40K and 100K. If it’s shorter or longer, please don’t send it to us No middle grade No picture books Spice is perfectly acceptable Must be formatted in standard manuscript format Email queries to [email protected] with a subject of “{Specific Genre} – {Author Name}” For instance, “Epic Fantasy – Brandon Sanderson” or “Space Opera – Kevin J. Anderson” query letter in the body of the email first three chapters attached as a .doc or .docx file synopsis attached January will be here quicker than we imagine. So get to those manuscripts. We can’t wait to work with you in the future! Via: Cursed Dragon Ship Publishing.
Taking Submissions: Phantom Worlds: The Cellar Door Issue #6
Dark Peninsula PressDeadline: January 31st, 2025 Payment: $50.00 and a contributors copy Theme: The Otherworld of Silent Hill. The Upside Down of Stranger Things. The Other Side in Fringe. Looking for horror stories that take place when alternate realities invade our own. Compiled & Edited by Aric Sundquist Short Story Submission Call: Dec 1, 2024 to Jan 31, 2025 EST (Open) The Cellar Door is a biannual anthology of dark fiction. Each issue will contain 8 to 12 stories based around a specific theme and will include a brand new story from a featured author. The majority of the anthology will be filled from open submissions. Title: Phantom Worlds: The Cellar Door Issue #6 Theme: The Otherworld of Silent Hill. The Upside Down of Stranger Things. The Other Side in Fringe. Looking for horror stories that take place when alternate realities invade our own. Type: Parallel universe, alternate reality, survival horror, post-apocalyptic, cosmic horror. Word Count: 2,000 - 8,000 words. Payment: $50.00 + digital & paperback copy. Featured Author: TBA Accepted Authors (so far): Scotty Milder, (more coming soon...) Cover Art: Mikio Murakami Rights: We are seeking first time rights for 1 year after publication. After that time all rights revert back to the author. The publication will appear in both print and digital formats. Reprints: None. Previously unpublished only. Multiple Submissions: None. Simultaneous Submissions: Yes, but state in your email that it is a simultaneous submission, and please email us immediately if the story is sold elsewhere. Also, be sure to follow the Manuscript Format guidelines below when submitting. File Format: Include your story as an attachment in MS Word, LibreOffice, or Rich Text Format. Manuscript Format: Use the Modern or Classic Shunn Format. Include a short bio in the body of your email. Your subject line should read, PW Submission: ("Title") by (Author's Name). For Example, PW Submission: "Mrs. Todd's Shortcut" by Stephen King. Attach the story as a...
Taking Submissions: Brink Literary Magazine January 2025 Window
Brink Literary MagazineSubmission Window: January 1st - 31st, 2025 Payment: Poem (per poem): $25, Work (less than 1500 words): $50, Art (1-3 Images) : $50, Art (4+ Images): $100, Work (more than 1501 words): $100 Theme: Hybrid fiction with the theme of Renewal Brink has two reading periods per year: January and July. January 1 - 31 we will open for submissions engaging the theme of Renewal. Through Submittable, we accept a variety of creative work from Nonfiction to Fiction, from Poetry to Translation. But our hearts beat strongest for hybrid work. We are interested in work that presses boundaries by using more than one medium to tell a story; work that looks and feels different on the page. Additionally, we look for submissions that engage the issue's theme and the notion of being on the brink. Please submit only unpublished pieces and notify us if your simultaneous submission is accepted elsewhere. Payment for each contributor is one copy of the issue in which their work appears as well as: $25 || Poem (per poem)$50 || Work (less than 1500 words)$50 || Art (1-3 Images)$100 || Art (4+ Images)$100 || Work (more than 1501 words) Submissions portal About Brink: Brink is an in-print literary journal dedicated to publishing hybrid, cross-genre work of emerging and established creatives who often reside outside traditional artistic disciplines. By providing space primed to instigate new ideas, Brink fosters dialogue and collaborative community across disciplines and cultural divides. At Brink, we actively work to engage, promote, and expand the reach of voices from diverse groups and communities. We seek out work from creatives of all races and ethnicities; genders and gender identifications, especially trans writers; and those in various stages of their career, from emerging to established and a wide range of ages. Hybrid writing often includes multiple mediums such as visual and written...
Taking Submissions: Short Story Substack January 2025 Window
Short Story SubstackSubmission Window: January 1st - 31st, 2025 Payment: $100 for the chosen story + 50% of subscription revenue Theme: Any genre, short story Mission = Revive the art of the short story, support artists, and produce something wonderful. Payout = Base Pay of $100 for the chosen story + 50% of subscription revenue to be sent by Paypal, Zelle, or check. Wait, you mean if this substack gets thousands of subscribers, the winner would get thousands of dollars? Yes! The New Yorker pays roughly $7,500 per story and I sincerely hope to go way past that. What does the timeline look like? Submit stories by the end of the month, winner to be announced on the 15th. There is ONE story that wins and receives the full payout. Where do I send submissions? [email protected] What are the rules for submitting? 1. No Fees 2. Send in Microsoft Word or Google Doc form 3. Any genre 4. 6- 10,000 words. Yes, just 6 words, like Hemingway's famous 6-word story "For Sale: Baby shoes, never worn." 5. Reprints are ok so long as you still have the rights to distribute. 6. Acknowledge Distribution Rights on this Substack - You can still sell your story elsewhere but we need to be able to save and publish it here. The goal is to create a library for subscribers. 7. Only the winner will be published and rights will only transfer for the winning story. What do I get for subscribing? One beautiful story every month. The complete library. The joy of supporting artists and doing something interesting. What if I can’t pay right now? That’s ok! If you publish a blurb about this site on your website, blog, or social media, I will send you one full story of your choosing. Best of all, it is...
Taking Submissions: Inner Worlds, January 2025 Window
Inner Worlds MagazineSubmission Window: January 1 - 14 Members of marginalised groups only., January 15 - 31 General submissions. Payment: £0.02 per word for each piece accepted, with a minimum £20 payment. £50 for artwork Theme: Science fiction, fantasy, or supernatural horror prose with a strong emotional or psychological focus. Note: Reprints Welcome What to submit Science fiction, fantasy, or supernatural horror prose with a strong emotional or psychological focus. We are mainly interested in fiction, but we're open to speculative memoir or creative non fiction, as long as it has speculative elements. Please see 'What We Like' below for some examples. Stories in English, between 500 and 2,500 words. Please send only one story at a time. Simultaneous submissions (when you send your story to more than one magazine at once) are welcome, please just let us know straight away by emailing us at if your story is accepted elsewhere and you need to withdraw it. Reprints are welcome, as long as they're not already available somewhere free to read online. When to submit Inner Worlds will publish four times a year, in February, May, August, and November, with four reading periods. The first two weeks of each reading period are reserved for members of marginalised groups, primarily BIPOC, members of the LGBTQ+ community, women and other marginalised genders, neurodivergent authors, Deaf and disabled authors, and authors with lived experience of mental health challenges or who identify as Mad. The second half of each reading period is for general submissions and is open to everyone. January 1 - 14 Members of marginalised groups only. January 15 - 31 General submissions. April 1 - 14 Members of marginalised groups only. April 15 - 30 General submissions. July 1 - 14 Members of marginalised groups only. July 15 - 31 General...
Taking Submissions: Carnival of Horror
Undertaker BooksSubmission Window: January 1st - 31st, 2025 Payment: $25 Theme: Horror in abandoned amusement parks, traveling carnivals, haunted attractions, chilling circuses and more! Amid the lights, games, and shows, in the shadows the bright lights don’t reach, are horrors of all kinds... We’re looking for stories of abandoned amusement parks, traveling carnivals, haunted attractions, chilling circuses and more! Get ready: the Carnival of Horror is coming to a horror bookshelf near you! Word Count: 750-3,000 Payment: $25 and a digital copy of the anthology. Call Open: January 1-31, 2025 Publication: April 2025 Simultaneous submissions are accepted. One submission per author. No reprints. No translations. Submit to: [email protected]. Please put CARNIVAL - - as the email subject. SUBMISSIONS MUST BE IN MODERN SHUNN FORMAT (info and templates here: For templates, switch the font from Courier to Times New Roman) Please attach your submissions to your email as a .doc or .docx file titled - Call will be posted on: Via:
Taking Submissions: Afterlives: Year’s Best Death Stories, 2024
Pyschopomp Psychopomp PO Box 36, WoodburyDeadline: January 31st, 2025 Payment: Contributor's Copy and 1 cent per word Theme: Death-related fiction that was published between January 1st 2024 through December 31st 2024 Afterlives: Year’s Best Death Stories, 2024 We want to read your death-related fiction! Psychopomp will be publishing Afterlives: The Year’s Best Death Stories 2024, curated by Sheree Renée Thomas. Please read the full guidelines before submitting so you can learn about: what we’re looking for how much we’re paying what rights we are buying and how to submit Submission link below the guidelines. What We’re Looking For: We’re looking for stories specifically that have been published on and between January 1st 2024 through December 31st 2024, with a word count between 1,000 words and 19,000 words (so: short stories and novelettes) that are about death. This could mean exploring what happens to us after we die, traveling to the Underworld, Death gods, Death personified, metaphors for death, grieving, funerals, graves, stories based on death myths from cultures across the world, death magic, ghosts, resurrection, and so on. We specifically are not interested in stories that are centered around: the traditional Christian afterlife/pearly gates zombies Note: in our experience publishing The Deadlands, we know that a lot of people interpret “stories about death” to mean slasher/true crime/gore-y horror. We are not opposed to horror as a genre, but it should be ABOUT death, not just MURDERING PEOPLE. Stories should be previously published online, in print, in audio, or via email subscriber list, by a magazine or press (that you don’t own). Stories published via your own Patreon, blog, or tumblr are not eligible. If the story will be printed before 12/31/24, but has not yet appeared, you may submit the work as soon as you have the final edited version. We will be accepting submissions through January 31, 2025. We DO...
Cursed Dragon Ship – January 2025 Window For Novel Submissions
Cursed Dragon Ship Publishing 6046 FM 2920 Rd, #231, SpringSubmission Window: January 1st - 31st, 2025 Payment: Royalties Theme: Unpublished speculative Fiction novels, ideally with series potential. We are currently closed for submissions. However, we will open for one month next year to fill in the gaps in our 2026 schedule. So polish your manuscript and follow the directions below. We can’t wait to explore what you create during January of 2025. (If you send in a manuscript before January 1, 2025, it will be automatically rejected.) Manuscript Submission Guidelines – January 1-31, 2025 When we reopen for submissions in January 2025, we’re looking for complete, previously unpublished manuscripts in the speculative fiction genre that have series potential. Speculative fiction encompasses horror, fantasy, and science fiction—and all the niche categories under those large umbrellas. Requirements: Full-length novels between 40K and 100K. If it’s shorter or longer, please don’t send it to us No middle grade No picture books Spice is perfectly acceptable Must be formatted in standard manuscript format Email queries to [email protected] with a subject of “{Specific Genre} – {Author Name}” For instance, “Epic Fantasy – Brandon Sanderson” or “Space Opera – Kevin J. Anderson” query letter in the body of the email first three chapters attached as a .doc or .docx file synopsis attached January will be here quicker than we imagine. So get to those manuscripts. We can’t wait to work with you in the future! Via: Cursed Dragon Ship.
Taking Submissions: Space Opera Stories
Residential AliensDeadline: January 31st, 2025 Payment: $50 per story and a contributor's copy Theme: Space Opera with one of the following 4 sub-themes: First Contact, Alien Invasion, Generation Ship, Colony World Here's a new project I'll be launching early next year, 2025. And I'd like to invite you to submit a story for consideration! Feel free to share the link to this page with others. New Sci-Fi Anthology Series 24 Space Opera Short Stories Wanted Sub Window Open: January 1-31, 2025 Genre: Space Opera Four Volumes of Six Stories Each Each Volume Will Feature a Specific Theme: First Contact Alien Invasion Generation Ship Colony World Deets: * Send 2 stories maximum (each story with a different theme) * Mainly wanting brand new stories; simultaneous submissions okay * Reprints considered, query first (basically, no longer widely available and older than 2020) * 6,000 to 8,000 words; use standard manuscript format, American quotation marks; American or British spelling okay More Info: * Launching via Kickstarter, Spring 2025 * Payment is $50 per story (upon successful Kickstarter campaign); additional one-time payment possible; plus contributor paperback and ebook copy * Eventually published on Amazon and beyond; ebook, audio, and paperbacks * Will have non-AI illustrated covers (artists and graphic designers, contact me!) * Author retains copyright - asking for 9 month exclusive use; no royalty share Send submissions to Lyndon Perry at tulefogpress @ gmail . com with last name and volume theme in subject line (e.g., Perry, First Contact) starting Jan 1, 2025. Space Opera Stories Edited by Lyndon Perry Published by Tule Fog Press Via Kickstarter, Spring 2025 Via: Residential Aliens.
Taking Submissions: Silk and Foxglove – A BIPOC Anthology
Hedone BooksDeadline: January 31st, 2025 Payment: $0.01 USD per word and a contributors copy Theme: Eco-horror Note: BIPOC authors only Z. K. Abraham (she/her) is a writer and psychiatrist. She has been published in Clarkesworld, The Rumpus, Fantasy Magazine, FIYAH Magazine, JMWW, and more. She will be a Royal Literary Fund Reading Round lector for 2024-2025. She is represented by Carleen Geisler at ArtHouse Literary Agency. Read Abraham's interview here! Eco-horror explores the idea of nature becoming the source of terror; in an article for MUBI, Danielle Burgos describes eco-horror as “nature becomes uncanny and maliciously turned against man.” In a Teen Vogue article “Ecosexuals are Queering Environmentalism,” musician Peaches describes Mother Earth as a lover. “Sex-ecologist” Annie Sprinkle amusingly reflects on how “all this wood here is very sensual.” Ecosexuality might include, “masturbating with water pressure, using eco-friendly lubricant, or literally having sex with a tree.” Nature as setting or character contains so much possibility for the sensual and horrifying. Nature is inherently physical and erotic; we are stripped down to our most grounded, raw selves in nature. We can experience the tactile and sensual when we touch plants, bark, earth, when we smell flowers, when we feel the shift in temperature or moisture in the air. However, nature contains decay as well as growth. Shadows move between distant trees, while legends and folktales come to life in forests and valleys and deserts. In nature’s beauty, there is a sense of power beyond our grasp, an awe-inspiring terror, as well as a delicate intimacy. With this anthology, we are looking for stories between 1500 to 4000 words (firm) that explore eco-horror with a sexy or erotic spin. Please note that for this call, we will only be considering submissions from BIPOC authors. Additionally, while a portion of the anthology will be from...
Taking Submissions: Heartlines Spec Spring 2025 Issue
Heartlines SpecDeadline: January 31st, 2025 Payment: $0.08 CAD per word for short fiction (500-3,500 words) and $60 CAD flat per poem Theme: Speculative fiction focused on long-term friendships and relationships. We're looking for short fiction and poetry focused on long-term relationships: platonic, romantic, or familial. We don't want the blaze of new love or the obsession of a new friend. We want pieces that show that comfort that develops when people know each other for years. Give us deep space, dusty frontiers, or dreamy fantasy. We want stories and poetry with strong, confident relationships amid all the sci-fi/fantasy. While we are primarily looking for stories with happy endings (yeah, yeah), we also want endings that are earned. If things get a little teary or gory, that's ok. We are especially interested in stories featuring queer platonic relationships, ace/aro love stories, and polycules. Payment Payment is $0.08 CAD per word for short fiction (500-3,500 words) and $60 CAD flat per poem. We are purchasing first publication rights, to revert back to the author after one year. Canadian Writers Since Heartlines Spec is primarily a Canadian magazine, we're looking to feature writers identifying as being from Canada/Turtle Island. This includes expats, refugees and displaced people living in Canada, new immigrants, and people who refuse/resist Canadian Identity. Heartlines welcomes submissions from writers of all identities. If you are comfortable, we encourage writers to indicate their intersections in their cover letter. Disclosure is not a requirement to submit, and we recognize that not all people are safe to disclose their identities. We are committed to addressing barriers and systemic discrimination faced by equity-deserving groups, which includes (but is not limited to): Racialized people People with disabilities LGBTQIA+ people Indigenous people Women Neurodivergent people Our goal for each issue is to publish at least 50% Canadian content. Submission...
Taking Submissions: Die Laughing Literary Magazine
Die Laughing Literary MagazineDeadline: January 31st, 2025 Payment: $10 for flash, $25 for shorts Theme: Stories that mix horror and humor We will be accepting submissions for Issues 3 and 4 via the submission form (linked at the bottom of the page), from January 15-31. Please don’t email submissions to us, but if you have questions you can email us: [email protected] with “Query” in the subject line. What we want: That sweet spot of horror comedy that is genuinely funny but also genuinely scary. Can be as goofy, gory, or smutty as you like! Work that punches up, not down. (“If the person on the gallows makes a grim joke, that’s gallows humor. If someone in the crowd makes a joke, that’s part of the execution.” – Alexandra Erin, Twitter.) Do not self reject! (Unless your story has one of the below unfunny things, in which case feel free to self reject.) For cover art submissions, see the Cover Submission Guidelines. What isn’t funny? Overall, bigotry (racism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, misogyny, antisemitism, fatphobia, etc, etc) has no place here. (Laughing AT bigots is fine, BEING bigoted is not – as Ria’s mom once said, making fun of fascists is a Mitzvah.) Sexual assault as a punchline or Holocaust jokes will have your story yeeted into the sun faster than you can say “you just don’t understand my comedic genius!” Mel Brooks says comedy is tragedy plus time, but we prefer to avoid specific and true tragedies when it comes to humorous horror. Related, please avoid sending stories that feature real people. When is Die Laughing accepting submissions? We will be accepting submissions for Issues 3 and 4 from January 15-31, 2025. Anticipated date of publication is April 2025 for Issue 3 and July 2025 for Issue 4. When submissions open again, the link will be at the bottom of the...