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Taking Submissions: NonBinary Review #39

NonBinary Review

Deadline: February 1st, 2025 Payment: 1 cent per word for fiction, $10 per poem, $25 for interior art, $50 for cover art Theme: Mistaken Identity Note: Reprints Welcome NonBinary Review is currently open for submissions on the theme of MISTAKEN IDENTITY. How often have you waved to a friend across a room, only to realize the person you waved to isn't who you thought they were? These benign little episodes of mistaken identity can be laughed off, but there are so many times and so many ways mistaken identity can be humiliating, criminal, traumatic, life-altering, transforming. Whether you are the one who made the mistake or the one who is being mistaken for someone else, there are so many ways it can happen, and so many ways to respond. We want your weird, wonderful, bizarre, impossible stories of mistaken identity. We don't want "I accidentally met the love of my life because I mistook them for my friend" stories. More like "I accidentally stopped the Earth from being blown to bits because I mistook the alien invaders for mosquitos and sprayed them with bug spray." We want to be captivated by the unlikeliness of a story that probably could never really happen. IMPORTANT NOTICE Zoetic Press does not accept AI generated content. If our editors judge that your content is AI-generated, it will be declined. All submissions must have a clear relationship to our theme, and be double-spaced in 12pt Times New Roman or they will be rejected. NonBinary Review  pays 1¢ per word for prose with a limit of 3000 words. If your work was accepted for Issue #37: False Memories or Issue #38: Rituals, we're sorry, but we cannot accept your work at this time (see our general guidelines.) We have different teams evaluating poetry, prose, and art. If you submit to...

Taking Submissions: The Other Stories #107

The Other Stories

Deadline: February 1st, 2025 Payment: 15GBP Theme: The Workplace (Vol 107) THE WORKPLACE, 1st February 2025 Give us stories of the slow death — office politics, chaos from the cubicle, stories from the ant farm, the workshop, the assembly line, the burnout, the boss from hell. If you think you’ve got what it takes to terrify, scar and haunt our audience of 10,000 daily listeners, then we want your stories! If accepted, we'll get our fantastic narration team to lend their voices, our editor will sprinkle some magic pixie dust on the track, and you could have your story heard by thousands of listeners each week. WHEN WILL I HEAR IF MY STORY HAS BEEN ACCEPTED OR NOT? We carefully review every single submission that comes through our door. If you’ve submitted a story to us, please be patient. We WILL let you know if your submission has or hasn’t been successful. Having said that, if you haven’t heard anything up to twelve weeks after the deadline has passed, feel free to ping us an email to check in on it. Submission Guidelines • Stories must be 2,000 (10% tolerance +/-) • Save stories in a Word document - Times New Roman font, size 12 • Include a 1-2 sentence log line for your story at the end of the document • Ensure that your name and an email address are somewhere on the document • Stories must fit an upcoming theme • By submitting your story to us, you are confirming that you are the original creator of the story • We will consider entrants whose work has been entered and published elsewhere, however please ensure you state where and when your story has been used elsewhere on the document • You will be allowed to place one call-to-action...

Taking Submissions: The First Line – Spring 2025

The First Line P.O. Box 250382, Plano

Deadline: February 1st, 2025 Payment: $25.00 - $50.00 for fiction, $5.00 - $10.00 for poetry Theme: Story must begin with: Jayce recognized the man right away but couldn't remember his name. Spring: Jayce recognized the man right away but couldn't remember his name. Due date: February 1, 2025 We love that writers around the world are inspired by our first lines, and we know that not every story will be sent to us. However, we ask that you do not submit stories starting with our first lines to other journals (or post them online on public sites) until we've notified you as to our decision (usually four weeks after the deadline). When the entire premise of the publication revolves around one sentence, we don't want it to look as if we stole that sentence from another writer. If you have questions, feel free to drop us a line. Also, we understand that writers may add our first line to a story they are currently working on or have already completed, and that's cool. But please do not add our first line to a previously published story and submit it to us. We do not accept previously published stories, even if they have been repurposed for our first lines. And, just to be clear, we do not accept simultaneous submissions. One more thing while I've got you here: Writers compete against one another for magazine space, so, technically, every literary magazine is running a contest. There are, however, literary magazines that run traditional contests, where they charge entry fees and rank the winners. We do not - nor will we ever - charge a submission fee, nor do we rank our stories in order of importance. Occasionally, we run contests to help come up with new first lines, or we run fun,...

Taking Submissions: Last Girls Club Spring Issue 2025

Last Girls Club Duotrope

Submission Window: January 1st - February 1st, 2025 Payment: Short Story-2,500 words or less. $0.015 USD per word/$37.50 USD max, Poems-less than 200 words $10, Flash Fiction-less than a 1,000 words $0.015 USD per word/$15 USD max Theme: Lost at Sea The Last Girls Club Magazine is a quarterly feminist horror magazine that publishes international short stories and poems from the female gaze. It is an homage to the scary comics and zines of the late 20th century. This season's theme is Lost at Sea. Any time period, any location, any planet. Alone or with a crew. Does anyone survive? What lurks in the water? Remind us of that sinking feeling when we lose sight of land. No more than two fiction stories per author per submission period. Fiction is limited to 2,500 words or less. Authors are paid $0.015 USD per word upon acceptance ($37.50 USD max). Flash fiction is limited to under 1,000 words. Authors are paid $0.015 USD per word upon acceptance ($15 USD max). No more than three poems per poet. Poems are limited to 200 words or less for each poem. Poets are paid $10 USD upon acceptance. I prefer to use PayPal to pay authors, but will work with authors where PayPal is not available. Nonfiction columns will must be pitched to editor in chief before submission. Email your idea to [email protected] The Last Girls Club Magazine is a quarterly feminist horror magazine that publishes international short stories and poems from the female gaze. It is an homage to the scary comics and zines of the late 20th century. Please check on the website for the theme in detail. Submissions will be accepted from Jan 1-Feb 1, April 1-May 1, July 1-Aug 1, Oct 1-Nov 1. Final notifications will be Feb 15, May 15, Aug 15, Nov...